The visitor

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The next day, Chaeryeong, Yuna and Jisu went to the visit the couple and the pups.

As soon as they entered the room, Ryujin jumped up "We're getting married!" She shouted ignoring the fact that the pups are asleep.

"We were actually here to see the pups" Yuna said slowly not sure whether to say congratulations to being engaged or being parents.

"Why are you getting married? Thats so pointless" Chaeryeong said.

"Because we want to Lee Chaeryeong. We can do what we want" Ryujin said with so much sass.

"When do you want to get married then? Where? You have to invite all the wolves since you know you two are the leaders of all. Are you gonna invite the vampires as well? You kinda have to because of my mate but what about Wooyoung? And Heejin?" Chaeryeong asked continuously.

"What the hell? Bubble popper. We were so excited and you pop our bubble of excitement just like that" Ryujin rolled her eyes.

"Do we have to do that? Can't we just do like a court wedding?" Yeji asked feeling overwhelmed now.

"If you're gonna have a wedding then we have to do it right" Jisu said.

"Hello? Weren't we here to see the pups? Who cares about those two? We're here for cuteness. Not whatever they are" Yuna reminding everyone that there's pups in the room.

"Oh yea. What's the names? Our future leaders. So exciting" Jisu asked.

"Jungsu, Junhan and Yejin" Yeji said.

"Good thing the pups look like you Yeji. They don't look weird like Ryujin over here" Jisu said.

"Are you forgetting that your mate and I came from the same womb so if I'm weird looking then your mate is weird looking too" Ryujin argued.

"Then she can be weird looking. I'm not taking back what I said" Jisu stuck out her tongue.

"Hey!" Yuna pouted.

Jisu kissed her right away to make her feel better and the other girls laughed. Again forgetting the pups are asleep.

"We have to remember to be quiet now" Jisu chuckled.

"Can I hold them?" Yuna asked.

Ryujin and Yeji both nodded. Ryujin held Yeji's hand and gave it a kiss. Yeji smiled looking at her mate. She still can't believe this is her life.

"Are you two ready to have your pups running around the pack house in a few months" Jisu asked.

"Nope" Ryujin answered confidently.

Yeji smacked her right away, "You better be ready because you won't be able to touch me for years if I find out one of my pups get hurt under your care."

"Years!?" Ryujin's eyes widened.

Ryujin stood up and saluted her mate, "I will make sure no pups will be harmed under my watch boss."

"You're a doofus" Chaeryeong said laughing.

"Now back to the wedding" Jisu said while holding Yejin in her arms.

"We need to plan it right away" Chaeryeong said.

"We need to keep it low key. Remember, we still haven't found the culprit of who shot me and Soobin" Ryujin reminded them.

"Maybe find them first before doing the wedding?" Yuna suggested.

"I agree. Besides you will be busy during the first few months with your pups" Chaeryeong agreed.

"Weren't you the one that said we need to plan it right away?" Yeji asked.

"Yes but I forgot that pups grow fast until they become toddlers. They will literally be toddlers running around in a few months" Chaeryeong answered.

"I can't believe my sister is gonna be raising her own pups. I have a feeling they're gonna be chaotic" Yuna said.

"If they're anything like Ryujin then yes, I remember your mom saying she got a lot of headache because of Ryujin" Chaeryeong laughed.

'Alpha, you have a visitor. A woman with the name Jihyo' Soobin said.

Yeji was informed in that link so she glared at Ryujin right away.

"She's the witch" Ryujin answered right away.

"Why is she here?" Yeji asked still glaring.

"I don't know. I'll go check it out. I'll be back okay?" Ryujin tried to give Yeji a kiss but Yeji pushed her away.

Ryujin sighed before leaving. When she got to her office, Jihyo was already there.

"Is everything okay High Priestess? Did I do something and you're here to punish me now?" Ryujin rambled on.

Jihyo laughed, "You didn't do anything. I just wanted to see if you were okay."

"Why wouldn't I be okay?" Ryujin asked confused.

"It seems that you have a lot of enemies."

"What? What enemies do I have? I don't know any enemies?"

"Then how come two men came to me asking for help to kill you?" Jihyo asked.

"What!?" Ryujin accidentally yelled.

She calmed down after realizing she just raised her voice at the High Priestess, "I really don't know any enemies."

"A vampire came to see me asking if I could put curse on you. A long time ago, another werewolf actually came to see me and asked for the same thing. At the time you and I haven't met but he didn't give me a good enough reason to curse you. But the vampire requested the same thing after I have already met you and I'm trying to understand why because from what I saw you don't seem like someone with bad intentions" Jihyo said.

"Do you know their names by any chance?" Ryujin asked.

"I don't remember the werewolf one since it was a long time ago but I didn't like him. After I denied his request, he still kept lurking around the coven. For the vampire, I believe his name is Wooyoung? Do you know him?"

"Yea. Just some horny vampire after my mate" Ryujin goes closer to Jihyo, "I think he's another one of those guys with small pee pee personality. We had a werewolf we had to fight that had the same issue."

"Small pee pee?" Jihyo asked confused.

"You know? Small manhood? Baby eggplant?"

Jihyo blushed once she figured out what Ryujin was talking about, "Oh my" she touches her face.

"Back to business" Jihyo said, "I wanted to inform you too. I forgot about it when you visited but one of my witches is actually missing. She used to talk to that one werewolf before but she suddenly disappeared one day. She's a new witch so we were shocked to see her gone."

"Thank you so much for coming all the way here to share those information with. And thank you so much for not putting a curse on me. I'm a proud parent now actually. So thank you. If there is anything us wolves can do help your coven please don't hesitate to let me know. Thank you" Ryujin bowed.

"It was a pleasure to meet you Ryujin. I'm glad I didn't put a curse on you as well. But we are looking for the young witch so if you do happen to see her, please let me know" Jihyo hands Ryujin her business card.

The two bid their goodbyes and Ryujin sat in her chair for a moment. She couldn't people that she was almost cursed.

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