The amnesia

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Yeji and Jisu hurriedly made their way to the pack hospital. Chaeryeong was waiting for them in front of Ryujin's door.

Yeji was about to enter but Chaeryeong stopped her. "Just a heads up, the doctor said there's a chance that she might not remember us."

Yeji and Jisu looked at each other about to cry but they decided to stay strong for Ryujin. She needs them right now.

Yeji doesn't understand what happened to her. It's like caring about Ryujin is second nature for her. It's a familiar feeling like she's always been like this to the girl. Then she remembered, Ryujin is her mate. Of course it would be natural to care about her.

The three walked into the room to see Ryujin in her human form looking around the room confused. She saw the three girls approaching her.

Jisu spoke first, "Ryujin."

"Do you remember us?" Yeji asked.

Ryujin shook her head and apologized.

"I'm Jisu. Your bestfriend." Jisu heard Chaeryeong cough behind her but ignored it.

She continued to speak, "And this is Yeji. Your mate."

Ryujin creased her eyebrows, "Mate? What's a mate? Like girlfriend?"

"Yes. Something like that but us werewolves have mates instead" Jisu explained.

Ryujin panicked, "We-werewolves are real?!"

Yeji is now on the verge of tears. She just found her mate and now she doesn't remember anything. Does this mean she has to leave the pack? If the Alpha doesn't remember who she is then she has no right to stay here.

"Yes werewolves are real and you're one of us. In fact, you're even our Alpha, our leader" Jisu explained.

Ryujin squinted her eyes then started laughing which confused Yeji and Jisu. Chaeryeong was behind them laughing as well.

"How the hell can Ryujin get amnesia when she didn't get a head trauma. She was shot. Did you forget?" Chaeryeong continued to laugh.

"Yah! You two are assholes! What the fuck is wrong with you!? I was so scared and worried!" Jisu slapped both Ryujin and Chaeryeong.

Ryujin looked at Yeji and saw that she was having a panic attack. The black haired Alpha immediately jumped off the hospital bed not minding the pain she's feeling and held Yeji. She caressed the latter's back and telling her everything is okay.

Yeji had calmed down a bit and backed away from Ryujin with her head down.

"Hey, why aren't you looking at me again? I'm sorry I shouldn't have played jokes on you" Ryujin tried to approach Yeji again.

"She's still afraid of you I think. You have to remember she suffered a lot from her last pack and the Alpha caused most of the damage" Jisu informed Ryujin.

"Yeji, can you please look at me?"

Yeji shook her head, "An Omega cannot look at anyone with a higher rank in the eyes or they will be severely punished."

"Yeji, you're not with your old pack anymore. You're here, with me. Your mate" Ryujin said as softly as possible.

"You're my mate, my equal so that means you can look at me in the eyes or even glare at me if you want" Ryujin tried to joke.

'You suck at this' Rex disrupted Ryujin.

Ryujin rolled her eyes then tried speaking to Yeji again.

"Can I borrow your hand?" Ryujin asked Yeji.

Yeji hesitantly gave her hand to Ryujin. The Alpha then put her mate's hand against her chest, "Do you feel that?" Ryujin asked.

Yeji nodded. "It's beating for you Yeji. I understand it might not be easy for you to look at us in our eyes but I hope that you will try."

Yeji quickly pulled her hand away and tucked it in her pocket.

"I will try, Alpha" Yeji said.

Ryujin hated it. Yeji calling her Alpha. It's not right.

"Please do not call me Alpha. It makes me uncomfortable" Ryujin instructed and Yeji said she will try her best.

"Okay now thats settled, let's get back to the important matter at hand and that is you two tricking us that you have amnesia!" Jisu said still angry.

"I'm sorry! I couldn't pass up the opportunity. You should have seen your face. You're a true friend" Ryujin laughed.

"So Chaeryeong, what did I miss? How's the pack while I was gone?" Ryujin suddenly went back to her leader mode.

"With everything that happened to you, Alpha. More people actually respect you now and support you as their Alpha. Turns out Mark had a big role on why the pack members hate the idea of you being Alpha. Then seeing him fight unfairly by using silver to kill you caused majority of the pack to realize they never really hated you." Chaeryeong explained.

"Does this mean Alpha–I mean Ryujin's life is still in danger because people will still challenge her?" Yeji suddenly asked.

"She is an Alpha. Even if all our pack members support her, her life will always be in danger. As her mate, yours will be in danger as well" Jisu answered.

"Why would my life be in danger?" Yeji asked feeling scared.

"Jisu!" Ryujin growled, "You shouldn't have said that!"

"I'm sorry Alpha" Jisu whimpered.

"Can someone please answer me? Why would my life be in danger?" Yeji asked again.

Ryujin sighed, "Since you're my mate, we're connected. We have an eternal bond. We only get one mate for our whole lives. It's very rare for the moon goddess to give second chance mates. But to answer your question, an enemy can use you to kill me. By killing you, I can literally die from a broken heart."

"Am I in danger then?" Yeji still feeling scared.

Ryujin glared at Jisu before answering, "No, of course not. You will be the Luna of this pack. You will be protected at all cost. Chaeryeong here is one of our best fighters and we have others who will help protect you okay? So don't be scared. Jisu wasn't thinking when she spoke earlier."

After comforting her mate, Ryujin decided to lay back down to rest her body.

'Alpha, your sister has arrived and she's looking for you' Soobin mindlinked.

'Don't tell her where I'm at. She'll just get worried. Tell her to rest for today and I will speak to her tomorrow.'

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