The mother

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Ryujin woke up early today to warn Yeji about her mother wanting to meet her.

"Yeji, it's going to be okay. Jisu will be there as well okay? My mother won't hurt you. I won't let anyone hurt you" She tried to reassure her.

"I'm not ready."

"I wasn't ready either. I wanted to give you more time to get used to being here but the lady who brought me into this life can easily take me out so I had no choice."

"What if she doesn't like me? What if she thinks I'm not good enough for you? Especially how I've been treating you. No mother wants someone broken for their child!" Yeji panicked.

Ryujin moved closer to Yeji's bed, "Can I sit next to you?" Yeji nodded so Ryujin sat down next to her, "Can I hold your hand?" She asked which Yeji agreed.

Ryujin is trying to contain her excitement and Rex is practically ready to mate just because of the hand holding.

The two are not used to the sensation their body experiences every time they touch. The pleasurable electrifying feeling they get. Ryujin never wants to let go of the what she's holding. Yeji somehow feeling safe with Ryujin's touch.

"My mother, although sometimes can be scary looking, is actually very nice. It doesn't matter if you think you're not good enough for me. I don't think that at all. We're mates. We're made for each other. She will respect that.  She's the type to think that everything happens for a reason. She will think that the moon goddess brought us together for a reason. Trust me, she will love you because for the longest time she didn't even think I'll find my mate" Ryujin chuckled still holding her hand.

"But" Ryujin continued, "Yesterday, before I had to go. You said you've met other alphas before and you were about to continue. What were you gonna say?"

Ryujin felt Yeji squeezed her hand.

Yeji took a deep breath, "My Alpha would invite other alpha's to our pack house to discuss business or something. While they're there, I'm in charge of taking care of them. Some were nice but majority were not."

Ryujin clenched her teeth, "What did they do to you?"

Yeji sighed, "Nothing sexually thank the moon goddess but they will just talk badly about me to my face. Sometimes they'll lock me up in a cage thats way too small. Or if they're not happy with me at any given time, my Alpha encouraged them to hit me."

Ryujin without thinking pulled Yeji into a hug. She couldn't believe what her mate had to go through.

Yeji froze initially at the sudden contact but that electrifying feeling intensified and she subconsciously pressed her body tighter against Ryujin.

This made the Alpha smile to the point her dimples on her cheek showed.

"Can you share with me what was your old pack called?" Ryujin asked.

Yeji shook her head.

"Why?" Ryujin asked confused.

"I know you're thinking of hurting my old Alpha. It's not that I don't think you can't take him. I just don't think he's worth your time" Yeji said.

Ryujin pulled Yeji away from her by pushing her shoulders. Ryujin kept her hands on her shoulders and looked deep into her brown eyes, "Not worth my time? He made your life a living hell. You're suffering even though you're not there anymore because of the things he's done. If anything, I should be spending all my time trying to kill him."

The gesture made Yeji smile, "I appreciate that. But I also don't want him to know where I'm at and with you showing up to attack him is kind of a dead give away that I'm staying with you."

Ryujin sighed, "I will let this go for now but this isn't over. I will not let him get away with everything he's done to you."

Yeji nodded then went back into Ryujin's arms.

Yeji was surprised with her action but she can't help it. Her need to be with Ryujin is slowly overpowering her fear of being hurt by the Alpha. She saw the efforts the Alpha was doing for her and it made her heart feel things she's never felt before.

"I like this" Ryujin spoke, "We should do this more often."

"Don't push it" Yeji rolled her eyes.

Yeji closed her eyes while snuggled up to Ryujin. Soon, they both fell asleep holding each other.

Jisu walked in the room thinking she must be in a different reality because last she checked, Yeji doesn't allow Ryujin to hold her.

She quietly walked towards them to see it up close still not believing it but Ryujin suddenly opened her eyes like a dead person in a horror movie which made Jisu jump. 

"What are you doing?" Ryujin asked.

"I just wanted to make sure what I was seeing is real" Jisu laughed.

"Be quiet. Don't wake her up. I wanna hold her for as long as I can."

"Your mom is coming in a few minutes. That's why I'm here. You should wake her up so she's not asleep when your mom arrives."

Ryujin woke up Yeji as careful as possible

"That was the best nap ever" Yeji said while she stretched her arms.

"I'm glad. Feel free to sleep in my room anytime" Ryujin winked.

Jisu smacked her on the head.

Ryujin rubbed her head and glared at Jisu, "I'm still your Alpha!"

"Yes Alpha" she sarcastically replied.

"Knock knock" Ryujin's mother stood outside the door.

Ryujin and Yeji stood up, "Mother. Hello."

"Wow. What a beautiful mate my daughter has" Mrs. Shin approached Yeji.

Yeji suddenly hid behind Ryujin.

"Mother, she doesn't like people approaching her."

"Oh! I'm sorry."

"It's okay Mrs. Shin. It's not your fault. It's my issues" Yeji said.

"Have you brought her to see a therapist?" Mrs. Shin asked her daughter.

"Mother she's not comfortable with other people. I don't think that's the a good idea."

"I can give it a try but I'd like Jisu to be with me" Yeji said.

"Why not me?" Ryujin pouted.

"Because if you're there hearing the things that I've been through. I know you will get angry then I will get scared and thats not progress is it?"

"Wow, what a smart lady! Exactly what Ryujin needs for a mate" Mrs. Shin happily said.

"I'm sorry I never caught your name?" She looked at Yeji.

"Uhm, Hwang Yeji" She uttered.

Ryujin's mother smile faltered and she looked at Yeji with teary eyes.

"Is it you?" The mother asked.

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