The woman

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'Ultima, we found Wooyoung unconscious in the woods. Where would you like us to take him?' Soobin linked.

'Take him to my office but make sure he's awake before you bring to me.'

Ryujin slammed her desk and clenched her jaw. "What's wrong?" Yeji asked.

"Stupid Wooyoung is here. Probably trying to win you over again."

Yeji stood up and went behind Ryujin to give her shoulder a massage, "Don't let him stress you out. He's not worth it. I can take him."

"I know. It's just annoying. He's annoying" Ryujin exhaled.

Yeji leaned down and kissed Ryujin's neck while still rubbing her shoulder. Ryujin titled her head to the side and groaned.

"That's hot" Yeji whispered in her ear.

Yeji moved her hands from Ryujin's shoulder down to her chest when someone knocked on the door.

Ryujin's eyes flashed red, feeling extremely angry. "Come in" she growled.

The door opened, "I'm sorry, Ultima but Wooyoung is awake" Soobin said as he pushed the vampire into the office.

"Why are you in my territory Wooyoung?" Ryujin asked still angry and frustrated while Yeji still standing behind her.

"I like to lurk around. I think one of your wolves knocked me out or something" Wooyoung rubbed his head.

"If one of my wolves knocked you out, you would know. But why are you lurking around?"

"Don't worry. I'm not here because of Yeji. I've given up on her when she hurt me. I don't want a woman who's stronger than me" he said.

"Then tell me why you're here? You're testing my patience" Ryujin growled.

"That day when I followed you. I felt a strange presence. It was such a strange day for me. Vampire hunters suddenly showing up, I found out Heejin was there as well, Yeji hurt me. Strange day. So I decided to lurk around here to see if that's strange presence is there" Wooyoung stopped talking.

Ryujin waited, "And? Is it?"

"Sometimes. Whatever it is, it's not crossing your territory."

"How often are you lurking around?" Ryujin creased her brows.

"Almost everyday" he whispered.

"What!?" Yeji exclaimed.

"At first, I did it to watch Yeji but now I do it because I want to find out what that thing is. I'm pretty sure whatever it was is the reason why I was attacked by the vampire hunters that day" he explained.

"You haven't sensed anything?" He asked Ryujin.

"I can smell a weird scent but no one else does" Ryujin said.

"I smell it too" Yeji chimed in.

Ryujin stood up and faced Yeji, "You do? Why didn't you tell me?"

"At first I thought maybe it was just because of my pregnancy but now I'm telling you that I smell it too" Yeji said.

Ryujin sighed, "You should have told me sooner especially when I keep thinking about it."

"I'm sorry. Can you forgive me?" Yeji leaned in to give Ryujin a kiss.

Ryujin grabbed Yeji's waist and pulled her closer while Yeji runs her hands through the short girl's hair.

Wooyoung faked a cough, "I'm still here."

Yeji pushed Ryujin away feeling embarrassed while the latter just laughed.

"The strange presence you felt, is it something you've felt before?" Ryujin asked Wooyoung.

"No. That's why I'm lurking around hoping I can find whatever it was."

"I did hear it talk to me once" Wooyoung adds.

"What did it say?" Yeji asked being curious.

"To join forces to kill Ryujin. It must have known I wanted Yeji."

"Why didn't you join?" Ryujin now the one to ask.

"Because I know about the treaty. I'm not about to die because of a girl" he scoffed.

"Shame. I wanted to kill you" Ryujin seriously said.

"Can I leave now? I'm still disturbed with what I witness with you two kissing earlier" Wooyoung said.

"Not yet. We're going to where you were lurking before you got knocked out" Ryujin said walking towards the door.

Wooyoung and Ryujin left to go to the woods. Ryujin noticed it's not the same area where all the past incidents happened.

"Do you feel it?" Ryujin asked.

Wooyoung nodded, "Do you smell it?"

Ryujin nodded too.

"What do we have here?" Someone said.

"Do you hear that?" Ryujin turned to Wooyoung.

"I'm not deaf. I can hear when someone speaks out loud" Wooyoung said.

"Are you two working together now?" The voice said.

"Who are you? Where are you? Why can't we see you?" Wooyoung asked.

"You'll know all in due time. Unfortunately, I'm not ready or strong enough to go against the wolves. As to why, you can't see me? It's a spell I use to hide myself from your eyes. Neat huh?"

"Witch" Wooyoung and Ryujin both whispered.

"What do you have against wolves?" Ryujin asked.

"I have nothing against werewolves. I have something against you, Ryujin or is it Ultima?" The voice said now revealing its true sound. A woman.

"What did I do? I don't remember making any witches angry?"

"I'm sure you remember Yeonjun?" The woman said.

Ryujin froze not expecting to hear that name again. "What does he have anything to do with this?"

"You killed him! You killed the man that I love!"

"Eh!?" Ryujin responded.

"Wow there's so much drama in the werewolf community. Making our vampire life boring" Wooyoung butted in.

Ryujin glared at him and he shut up right away.

"You and Yeonjun? Are you the missing witch the High Priestess was talking about?" Ryujin asked.

"She doesn't deserve the title of the High Priestess! If she agreed to help Yeonjun when he asked for her help, he would still be alive!"

"Why are you so angry? I'm trying to have a normal conversation with you."

"Are you always like this? This is a serious situation with someone angry at you and wants you dead and you make remarks like that?" Wooyoung whispered to Ryujin.

Ryujin shrugged ignoring him, "You're telling me you love Yeonjun but did he love you? I just have a hard time believing he loved anyone aside from himself."

"We had our lives planned out. Once he killed you, we would rule the werewolves together" the mysterious woman said.

"How? He wouldn't have been able to kill Yeji even if he succeeded on killing me. His plan was to mate with Yeji and rule the werewolves with her" Ryujin explained trying to remember her conversation with the dead wolf.

"You're lying! He loved me! I made a promise to help him but he never came back and I found out he's dead! I will make you suffer Ryujin. Mark my words. You will know how I feel. Losing your love one" The woman said.

Before the woman left, she showed herself to Ryujin.

She stood deeper in the woods, outside Ryujin's territory.

"Remember this face. It's the face that will end you" She said before walking off.

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