The visit

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Ryujin didn't think about the possibility of witches until Jisu mentioned it. But to make sure, she decided to visit the coven.

When she arrived at the gate, she was greeted by a woman, she's assuming is a witch. Ryujin is not familiar with witches. She's never had to deal with them before. The two kinds mainly kept it to themselves.

"Who are you and why are you here?" The female questioned Ryujin.

"Uh hi. I would like to talk to the person in charge of the coven" Ryujin requested.

"Do you have an appointment with the High Priestess?"

"No. I didn't know how to? You can't exactly search it on the internet you know? It's not like I'm gonna find Witch's Coven business hours" Ryujin tried to joke the woman in front of her was not amused.

'That was a good one. I'll give that one to you. I thought that was funny' Rex laughed.

Ryujin ignored her wolf to not make the same mistake she did with Yeji, telling her to shut up.

The woman rolled her eyes not amused, "I'll go check if she can see you."

Ryujin smiled, "Thank you."

Ryujin waited with her hands in her pocket, whistling while looking around. Big place, modern look, you wouldn't think witches live here.

The woman came back and opened the gate to let Ryujin in.

"Follow me" the woman instructed. Ryujin nodded and followed until they made it up the stairs and saw a big double doors.

"High Priestess, your visitor is here" The woman announced and right after the doors opened.

Ryujin watched it amazed.

"You may enter" the woman said startling Ryujin since she was so focused on the doors.

Ryujin walked to see a woman sitting behind a huge desk.

"Have a seat" the woman behind the desk said.

Ryujin pulls up the chair still looking around.

"Is this your first time seeing a coven?"

Ryujin looked at her, "Uh yes. That noticeable huh?" Ryujin laughed.

"I'm High Priestess Jihyo, the leader of the coven. You wanted to see me?"

"Yes. I'm Ryujin, Ultima, leader of the werewolves. There has been some attacks in our territory so I'm just going around to make sure we don't have any bad blood with anyone I'm not aware of and honestly, I wouldn't want to go against witches. Your kind is really scary with your spells" she whispered the last part but loud so Jihyo can still hear it.

Jihyo laughed, "You're not a normal leader huh? Any Alpha or Elders would not admit their fears like that."

"Why lie?" Ryujin shrugged, "I would never want to go against the witches. I wouldn't go against any kind. I prefer a peaceful life."

"But you're here to see if maybe of my witches are after you?" Jihyo questioned.

"Yes. I apologize if you find offense to that but I believe you would do the same thing if you were in my shoes" Ryujin answered.

"I understand but I have not heard of anyone in this coven having anything against your kind" Jihyo calmly said.

"Do you mind giving a tour of the house? The culprit that shot me has a distinct scent. I would like to double check" Ryujin asked.

Jihyo chuckles, "I don't know how you do it but I can't seem to say no to you. Let's take a tour then" she stood up and walked to the door

Ryujin stood up right away and saluted, "Yes boss!"

Jihyo led the way and Ryujin followed sniffing the air.

"You really are something else. You don't seem like the physical, domineering, egotistical, possessive Alpha in the pack. Does your pack even respect you?" Jihyo asked.

"It took some time. Mainly my vagina was their problem. Most of them especially men couldn't accept the fact that a female will lead them. But overtime, my great looks and charming personality won them over" Ryujin winked.

'Yes because you can't win them over with your intelligence because you have none' Rex butted in.

'What do you have against me Rex' Ryujin asked.

'It's my entertainment. Being stuck to you doesn't have a lot of perks so I'm creating my own perks. Number 1 is annoying you' he laughed.

"Wow, you're even brazen enough to wink at a witch" Jihyo shook her head while smiling.

"Do you smell what you're looking for?" Jihyo asked.

"It doesn't seem like it's here but there's familiarity. There's a scent here that seems familiar but it's not the scent I'm looking for" Ryujin said.

"That's unfortunate I guess. Is there anything else I can help you with?" Jihyo said subtly hinting it's time for Ryujin to go.

"I hope I didn't offend you so please don't put a curse on me when I leave" Ryujin said really fast.

Jihyo laughed, "You're adorable. I won't curse you. Please see your way out and hope we never cross paths again."

"Yes ma'am" Ryujin bowed then headed for the exit.

Once Ryujin was out of the house, she could finally breathe. She had to control herself to make sure she didn't say the wrong thing and offend anyone.

'No luck with the witches' she linked with her mate.

'Did they hurt you?' Yeji asked.

'No. But I was scared shitless. The glare of the High Priestess made me want to piss my pants but kept my calm and showed her my charm' Ryujin proudly announced.

'That better not mean that you flirted with her!'

'I don't flirt. I persuade' Ryujin defended.

Yeji didn't answer which made Ryujin nervous so she ran back to the pack house to make sure she's not in the dog house again.

While she was running, she sensed someone was trailing her. She looked around but she can't see anyone.

'Yeddeong, don't be mad at me okay? I think someone is following me so I have to make detours to see if I'm right. Make sure the guards are alert. I love you' Ryujin said.

'Yah! Don't say you love me like that! Like I'm not gonna see you again! You better be home later Ryujin, I mean it!' Yeji replied.

Ryujin didn't bother replying and proceeded to run.

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