The wait

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Yeji is sitting in her hospital bed waiting for Ryujin to come back. She was feeling happy that Ryujin also agreed to give their relationship a chance.

She was communicating with Lucy and the topic of mating was brought up. Yeji touched her face and she can feel her cheeks heating up.

'I can't wait to be marked by our mate' Lucy said.

'I'm scared. We don't know them that well yet. What if they treat us like our Alpha did.'

'Will you stop calling him our Alpha! We're not a part of that pack anymore. Once we mate, we will be a part of this pack' Lucy sounding annoyed.

'Besides, Ryujin seems like a nice person. Even though she hates rogues, when she found out we were her mate, she got you out of the cells and brought you in a comfortable room' Lucy added.

'That was probably because of Rex. Not her. She rejected us remember?' Yeji feeling sad.

'Excuse me. She rejected you. Rex wanted me but that's not the point. The point is she came back around and chose to be with you again.'

'Yeah, because she thought I was gone for good' Yeji sighed.

'It doesn't matter. She wants you now and you want her and I definitely want Rex' Lucy felt giddy.

'How did I end up with a horny wolf?' Yeji chuckled.

Their conversation was disrupted when Jisu entered the room to give her food.

Jisu bowed, "Alpha instructed me to care for you and make sure you're well fed while she's gone."

She thanked Jisu and was informed that the latter will be back later.

Yeji is getting bored. She didn't think it was gonna be this long to wait for Ryujin.

'Yeji. Something is wrong' Lucy said.

'What's do you mean?'

'Rex, I can sense he feels troubled. Can't quite pinpoint it since were not mated. What I feel is limited.'

'What if they're in trouble? Maybe that's the reason they haven't come back.'

'That's a good possibility. What do we do?' Lucy said full of worries.

'We can go look for them' Yeji suggested.

Yeji left her bed. She opened the door and was met by Jisu.

"Did you need anything?" Jisu asked.

"Uhh. We just wanted to look for Ryu—i mean Alpha Ryujin" Yeji stuttered.

Jisu laughed, "You don't have to call her Alpha. But she's not around right now. What did you need? Maybe I can help?"

"We- I just wanted to talk to her. You know get to know each other more" Yeji lied.

Yeji was about to turn around and close the door but then she remembered she's extremely bored, "Jisu, do you mind accompanying me until Ryujin comes back?"

Jisu nodded and followed Yeji into the room.

Jisu sat down in one of the chairs in the room. The air was uncomfortable. There was an awkward tension between them. Jisu is looking around the room avoiding eye contact while Yeji does the same.

"Do you really not know where Ryujin is?" Yeji finally asked.

Jisu remained silent. She was feeling torn. Should she lie or tell the truth. In the end she decided to tell the truth because Yeji is her future Luna.

"I will tell you the truth if you promise to protect me from Alpha Ryujin" Jisu said.

"I will try but I am kind of still scared of her."

"Alpha Ryujin was challenged for her title" Jisu said.

Lucy panicked and Yeji was frozen. Both thinking what if they lose their mate. They heard that the pain of losing your mate through death is worse than losing your mate through rejection.

"Don't worry, Ryujin always wins" Jisu trying to cheer up the obviously worried girl.

"Can we go and watch her?" Yeji asked.

"I don't think that's a good idea. Me telling you the truth about where she is can cause me a beating but me taking you to the arena might cause me my life" Jisu denied the request.

"You know I'm very happy you came along" Jisu suddenly said.

Yeji looked at her confused.

Jisu chuckled, "She had no plans of looking for you, her mate. She's so focus on proving herself as a worthy Alpha. Slowly but surely though, she's succeeding. But how does it feel? Finding your mate?"

The thought of Ryujin not wanting to find her obviously made Yeji feel down. If she didn't run away from her pack, she would probably still be there getting hit by her Alpha and everyone else.

"Have you found your mate?" Yeji asked.

Jisu simply shook her head clearly sad.

"Well I don't think I'm the right person to answer that if you're looking for a flowers and rainbow answer" Yeji laughed.

"I was afraid of her when we first met then after finding out I'm her mate she ran away so yea it didn't feel good. Afterwards, she officially rejected me so it was worse. Although there's always that feeling of natural attraction. When she did nuzzle my neck, I was lost in the sensation I was feeling" Yeji explained.

"I'm jealous. I hope to find my mate soon. Are you ready to become Luna?"

Yeji somehow keeps forgetting that she's going to be Luna since Ryujin is Alpha.

"Uhh not really? What does a Luna do? My last pack didn't have a Luna yet." Yeji asked.

"Ehh that's up to you. Luna's job is to cater to their strengths. Most Luna's I've known takes care of the pack house and the pack. You will be like our mother figure. You can also assist Alpha with her duties." Jisu explained.

Yeji continued to ask questions about the pack until Lucy started crying saying something feels wrong.

Yeji looked at Jisu and saw she was about to cry as well. "What's going on? You know something. Is it Ryujin?" Yeji asked in a panic.

Jisu nodded, "She wanted me to tell you that she loves you. I'm trying to communicate with her again but I'm not getting anything back."

Yeji is now crying, "No. No. This can't be. Ask Chaeryeong! She has to be okay. Ask her. Now!"

Yeji's outburst startled Jisu but followed her command.

'Chae, what happened?' Jisu asked.

'Alpha was shot with a silver bullet. We're on the way to the hospital now. Don't tell Yeji.'

'Uhh too late. Oops. Signing off. Buh bye' Jisu said.

"So?" Yeji asked waiting for an update.

"She was shot. She's on the way here now."

Not long after, they heard loud noises outside. The assumption that it's probably Ryujin and the doctors trying to save her.

Yeji feels lost and helpless. She wants to help with her mate but knows she can't do anything. She can only hope she would pull through.

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