The news

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After Minju announced that she was in the same pack as Yeji, Ryujin took the girl to her office.

Ryujin sat on her seat with arms crossed behind her desk staring at the girl in front of her.

"Why are you looking for Yeji?" Ryujin asked.

"First, is she okay?" Minju asked instead of answering.

"Answer me damn it!" Ryujin growled.

Minju looked down, "I was looking for her to warn her about what happened to our pack."

"Who are you? Yeji never mentioned anyone she was close with from her old pack" Ryujin said looking angry.

"We're not really closed or even friends but I always felt bad for her. I saw her run away that night she escaped. I was actually beaten everyday for not stopping her."

"What's the name of your Alpha?" Ryujin asked with anticipation.

"Alpha San" Minju said with a sad tone.

Ryujin growled finally knowing the name of the Alpha she wants to kill.

"Chaeryeong, get the guards ready to attack Alpha San's pack" Ryujin ordered.

"There's no one for you to kill" Minju suddenly said causing Chaeryeong to stop.

"What do you mean?" Chaeryeong asked.

Minju was about to answer when Jisu barged into the office with Yeji following her.

Minju turned around and saw Yeji.

"Yeji! You're alive!" Minju stood up to approach her but Chaeryeong blocked her.

"Minju? What are you doing here?" Yeji shakily asked.

"I wanted to warn you. You're in danger!" Minju frantically said.

"What? Your Alpha is coming for me?" Yeji is now definitely feeling scared.

"My Alpha? You mean our Alpha?" Minju said then she noticed the mark on Yeji's neck.

"Oh never mind. You found your mate?" Minju asked.

"Yea, she's behind you" Yeji said.

"The Alpha is your mate!?" Minju sat back down from the shock.

Ryujin released a growl-bark to get everyone's attention.

"Can we go back to business now please?" Ryujin said annoyed.

Ryujin sat back down and called Yeji to sit on her lap. Jisu and Chaeryeong stood behind where Minju was sitting.

"Now what do you mean by there's no one to kill?" Ryujin asked.

"Alpha San is dead. Majority of our pack members are dead. I barely escaped."

Yeji froze so Ryujin rubbed her back to try to calm her down.

"What happened to your pack?" Ryujin asked.

"Another pack attacked us. They were looking for Yeji" Minju said looking down.

"W–why would they look for me?" Yeji stuttered.

"I'm not sure. I just know that the Alpha was looking for you. Him and Alpha San are friends. He visited all the time and you even served him when he stayed at the pack house."

Minju paused, "The night you escaped, he was looking for you. Him and Alpha San got into a fight for losing you. He then came back about a week later and I heard him say that he's been visiting other packs to look for you but he didn't find you so he assumed that Alpha San was hiding you."

Minju took a deep breath now, "Then a couple of days ago, he attacked us. He killed Alpha San. Killed anyone who refused to join his pack" she looked at Yeji, "You're in danger Yeji. He won't stop until he finds you."

Yeji is crying and shaking. Her face is buried in Ryujin's neck while Ryujin rubs her back.

"What's the name of that Alpha?" Ryujin asked.

"Alpha Yeonjun."

After hearing the name, Yeji cried harder. She started breathing heavy and her eyes shut tight and clinging onto Ryujin like her life depended on it.

"Yeddeong, you know him?" Ryujin calmly asked.

She felt Yeji nod on her neck.

"He was one of the Alpha's that would hurt me the most" Yeji spoke while her lips were still against Ryujin's skin.

This drove Ryujin crazy but she knows now is not the time.

Ryujin hugged Yeji tighter, "Chaeryeong, send guards to scout Yeonjun's territory and find information on why he wants Yeji."

"Alpha Yeonjun is not the only Alpha looking for Yeji" Minju said before Chaeryeong could respond.

"Okay, find out what they want from Yeji."

"Yes Alpha" Chaeryong said before leaving.

"Is there anything else we should know about?" Ryujin looked at Minju.

"I can't remember anything right now but I will let you know if I do." Minju said.

"Why are you helping me?" Yeji suddenly asked.

"Because I feel guilty for not helping you when they would hurt you. I was afraid too. Then you ran away and they started beating me. I couldn't even fathom how you managed to deal with that for years. I wanted to do one good thing before I die and I thought maybe helping you could be my good thing."

"What do you want in return?" Ryujin asked with suspicion.

"At first I didn't want anything in return but I have no where else to go. I don't want to become a rogue wolf. I'd like to join your pack."

Ryujin looked at Yeji, "It's up to you if you want her to join or not. I want you to be comfortable. If you're not comfortable with her joining our pack then I can send her somewhere else."

Yeji gave Ryujin a small smile and gave her a kiss on the lips not minding Minju is in front of them, "I'm fine with it. She did help us and traveled blindly in hopes of finding me."

"Okay" Ryujin then looked at Jisu, "Jisu can you please show Minju where she would be staying from now on. Announced it to the pack as well that we have a new member. "

Jisu nodded then guided Minju out to her room.

Ryujin asked Yeji to sit with her on the couch thats in the office.

"Yeji, I'm gonna tell you something but don't panic okay?"

Yeji hesitantly nodded.

"Yeonjun was here during Yuna's party. He was asking for help. He said he needed help to find his Luna and I think thats you. Did he ever show interest in you when he stayed at the pack house?" Ryujin asked.

"No. He would just hurt me and do things to make me angry."

"We need to find out why he's looking for you. Until we do, don't leave my side. You'll join me wherever I go. Is that okay?"

Yeji smiled and nodded.

Alpha and Her MateWhere stories live. Discover now