The marking

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Another successful therapy session for Yeji has passed. She's doing a lot better. She can leave her room more often now. She still gets panic attacks if something triggers but not every small thing triggers her now which she's extremely happy about.

Only a few of the pack members actually knows who she is. Most of them just thinks that she's Jisu's friend.

Today, is a special day though. Ryujin will finally introduce Yeji as her mate, their future Luna. The thought still freaks out Yeji but there's nothing she can do. Her mate is an Alpha and she doesn't want to leave her. It's either leave her or become Luna, there's no in between.

"Yeji, are you sure you're ready for this? We can wait longer" Ryujin said to her mate.

"Yes I'm sure. I think I should start stepping up a bit. I'm improving. I still have a long way to go but I am improving so I want to do this for you."

"Yeji. I told you I don't want you to do things for me. I want to make you're comfortable and ready. Don't worry about me" Ryujin sighed.

"We're partners. Just like how you want to do things for me. I want to do things for you. End of story."

"Yes boss" Ryujin smiled, "Have you always been this bossy? I like it."

"Honestly, I don't know. I've been learning so many new things about myself since I've been here. Sometimes I even surprise myself" Yeji laughed.

Ryujin loves hearing Yeji laugh. It makes her heart jump out of her chest.

"Okay, are you ready then?" Ryujin asked.

Ryujin has called a pack meeting earlier. They're all gathered outside waiting for their Alpha. Ryujin walked out with Yeji and proceeded to the stage.

"Hello everyone. Thank you for coming to this pack meeting, not like you had a choice" Ryujin joked.

The pack was confused and did an awkward laugh. Ryujin has never joked with them. She was always serious and straight to the business. They're not sure if they should laugh or not.

"I'm sure most of have seen this beautiful woman in the pack house. Some of you knows who she is. Some of you don't which is fine" she paused and looked around, "This right here is my mate, your Luna, Hwang Yeji."

The pack gasped.

"Wasn't she the rogue wolf that was found?" Someone was brave enough to ask.

"Yes. She was. I know you're all confused since you know how I feel about rogues but I've learned not all rogues are bad. She had a good reason why she ran from her pack. It's not my story to tell. Maybe when she's ready she will be able to share with you but do not ask her! Got it?" Ryujin said with so much authority in her voice.

"Yes Alpha" the whole pack said.

"A couple of rules, do not approach her from behind or anywhere where you would startle her, always keep an eye on her, make sure she's always safe, do not yell or growl at her, show respect. She is your Luna so help adjust to pack well. You may disperse."

The pack left Ryujin and Yeji alone.

"How are you feeling?" Ryujin asked.

"I'm okay. You were right next to me the whole time. I am scared though. I don't want to rely on you all the time. I want to be independent as well. If I'm gonna be Luna I want to be a leader of my own. You know?"

Ryujin smiled and nodded, "Don't worry. You will get there."

"How do you know?"

"Because I see how hard you're working for it. I see how hard you're working to move on from your past. I see how much you care about this pack already by wanting to be a good Luna for them. I know you won't give up until you've proven yourself."

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