The Suprema

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Ryujin and Yeji are in the office talking to Mrs. Shin whether she found any information about the red eyes. Unfortunately, no luck on such information. Except for one. The Alpha of all Alphas prophecy. She need to dig more information about it since that's all she could really share.

'Alpha, Elder Hyunjin is here to see you' Chaeryeong said.

'Bring him to my office.'

'Yes Alpha.'

The vampire entered the office with a smile on his face.

"Elder Hyunjin. Nice to see you again. Still looking good I see. You don't look a day over a century" Ryujin greeted.

Hyunjin faked a laugh, "never heard that one before."

Ryujin chuckled, "So what do we owe the pleasure of you visiting us?"

"A couple of things. I heard about your mate from Yuri so I wanted to congratulate you. And I heard this same mate of yours is being searched for by another pack."

"How did you know about the second part?" Ryujin asked.

"An Alpha showed up asking for help to look for her" he said. "Yeonjun? I believe was his name?" Hyunjin tried to remember.

Yeji finally spoke but hiding behind Ryujin, "Did he say what he wanted from me?"

Hyunjin looked at her, "Oh my, where are my manners? I'm Grand Elder Hyunjin. I'm one of the three elders in the vampire world. You must be Yeji?"

Yeji nodded.

"To answer your question. Yes he did. I don't think he told me the whole story but it has something to do with you being a Suprema, is what he called it."

"A Suprema?" Ryujin and Yeji said at the same time.

"Yes. I guess this Suprema will unite the werewolves."

"T–they t‐hink its me?" Yeji stuttered.

"Yes, I did ask how he knew and he said because he saw your red eyes."

"How?" The wolfcat asked confused.

"Have you ever felt anger when he visited your old pack and he was hurting you?" Ryujin suddenly asked.

"Yes. Who wouldn't? I was just too scared to fight back."

"That must be how. He must have angered you on purpose to confirm his suspicions. He probably saw your eyes." Ryujin explained.

"But if Suprema's reason for existing is to unite the packs, why does he want to kill me?" Yeji asked Hyunjin.

"I'm not sure why. He never said. I believe probably because he won't be top dog anymore, no pun intended."

Ryujin laughed and Yeji glared at her.

Hyunjin continued, "He seems like the type to not submit to anyone. So if there's someone who's higher rank than him, he won't accept it."

"I'm sorry but little pee pee ego much?" Ryujin blurted out.

"Ryujin! We're having a serious conversation!" Yeji flashed her red eyes.

Ryujin gave her a peace sign and smiled.

"Do you know more about this red eyes thing?" Yeji asked another question to Hyunjin.

"When Jisu saw my red eyes, she was so scared. But now I just did it to Ryujin and no effect?"

"Maybe because she's your mate? Or Ryujin is just too hard headed?" Hyunjin joked and looked at Ryujin.

"Elder, no joking on serious matters" Ryujin continued to joke.

"My mate is a jokester, great" Yeji said sarcastically.

"When you guys are done being dodo heads, can I ask another question?" Yeji said.

"Did she just call an Elder a dodo head?" Ryujin asked no one.

"Go ahead" replied Hyunjin ignoring Ryujin. 

"So this has nothing to do with Alpha of all Alphas prophecy?"

"I'm not sure. What I told you is just what I heard. I don't know if this Suprema thing is real or not. I just know that you do hold great power and because of that your life is in danger" Hyunjin said.

Ryujin suddenly cut in, "Does that mean that I might have the most powerful mate?!"

Hyunjin nodded, "possibly."

"Nice! That's hot" Ryujin fist bump herself.

Yeji smacked her, "What is wrong with you!?"

"Nothing!" Ryujin replied.

Ryujin then walked towards the Elder and offered her hand for a handshake.

"Thank you for taking the time out of your eternal life to tell us about this" Ryujin said with a smirked.

"Anytime big dog" he looked at Yeji "and nice meeting you Yeji."

Hyunjin let go of Ryujin's hand, "Oh and Heejin says hi by the way."

Before Ryujin could react, the vampire Elder was gone.

She felt someone burning her with their glare. She turned around to see an angry wolfcat with her killer red eyes.

"Oh no. Not again" she whispered.

"Who's Heejin?" Yeji angrily said.

"Remember that vampire that I dated?" Ryujin slowly said.

"Why would she say hi? Are you still talking to her?" Yeji now approaching the frantic Alpha.

"No! Hyunjin did that on purpose to get me in trouble!" Ryujin defended.

Yeji's eyes finally went back to normal and Ryujin could finally breathe.

"You're really scary when you're jealous. You have a different aura. When you're just mad it doesn't affect me but when you're jealous, that's a different story" Ryujin said.

"Do you think I really am the Suprema?" Yeji suddenly asked.

"I mean it's a good possibility. It explains your red eyes and your sudden strength."

"But it doesn't really explain you though. Why you have red eyes" Yeji sighed

"Maybe because we're mates. They didn't want me to be left out."

"Ryujin! Will you please be serious!?" Yeji said.

"Okay okay but I am serious. Maybe because I'm your mate. That's why I have it. I was raised as a fighter, so even if I suddenly have an outburst of strength, it won't be noticeable."

"You're not bothered that I might be more powerful than you?" Yeji asked without making eye contact.

"Why would it bother me? I love you and thats who you are, if you are a Suprema then I'm a lucky wolf."

"Because you've always been at the top. You were already set to be an Alpha the moment you were born and now you're an Alpha and it might be taken away."

"I was just an Alpha before. Yes I was focused on that. But now I'm also your mate. Suprema or not. It doesn't change the fact that I belong to you. That's more important to me than being Alpha. You being more powerful than me doesn't bother me as long as you let me stay by your side" Ryujin smiled.

"Such a sweet talker" Yeji teased.

"Yes so do I get kisses for that?" Ryujin wiggled her brows.

"You've become so clingy huh?" Yeji chuckled.

"My mate might be a Suprema. That's hot so yes I'm clingy. I'll cling to you forever baby" Ryujin winked.


Might keep or delete this chapter. Not sure.

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