The Ultima

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Ryujin and Minju arrived at their location. A wolf stopped them before they can enter the territory. Ryujin was confused because they didn't recognize her so she went behind a tree and shifted back to her human form. She peeked behind the tree to show her face and the wolf nodded his head.

Ryujin shifted back to her wolf form. Her and Minju followed the other wolf to the pack house. When they arrived, someone was already waiting for them with clothes in their hands.

The person placed the clothes behind a bush and the two female wolves followed to shift back into their human forms and get dressed.

"Hey Junhan, where's your dad?" Ryujin asked.

"He's waiting for you in his office. Who's the pretty lady with you Alpha? Your mate?" Junhan asked.

Ryujin quickly shakes her head, "Uh no. She's someone I need to take back with me so my mate can punish her."

Before they go in the pack house, Ryujin stopped and asked the wolf that they followed, who's now in human form, "Why didn't you recognize me? Back at the end of your territory?"

"You looked different. I didn't remember you being that big and your energy felt different" he simply said.

'So we did get bigger' Ryujin said to Rex.

'I guess, good boy Rex is now big boy Rex' he laughs.

Junhan and Ryujin made small talk on their way to the Alpha's office while Minju just quietly followed.

"Here we are" Junhan said and knocked on the door. "Come in" a voice on the other said.

Ryujin opened the door and thanked Junhan before entering with Minju.

"Alpha Jaebeom, thank you for meeting with me in such short notice" Ryujin said.

"No problem Alpha. What brought you here though?" He asked.

Ryujin sat down in front of Jaebeom and told Minju to sit on the seat next to her.

"Alpha, I need your help with something. You're the only one I know who knows a lot about prophecies. You've heard of the Suprema?" Ryujin asked.

Jaebeom looked at her, "Why do you ask?"

"My mate might be the Suprema and she's in danger because another Alpha wants to take her so he can lead the wolves with her" Ryujin answered.

"If this Alpha knows about the Suprema prophecy then he must know about the Ultima as well but it seemed he doesn't know the whole prophecy" Jaebeom thought out loud.

"The Ultima? What's that?" Ryujin asked confused.

"The Suprema is a higher rank than a Luna which makes the Ultima a higher rank than an Alpha. The Alpha you're talking about is trying to be the Ultima if your mate really is the Suprema then he wants to mate with her to become the Ultima" Jaebeom explained.

"But those ranks don't exist" Minju joined the conversation.

"No they do not but it doesn't mean that they never will. The moon goddess is very mysterious. We never know her plans and why she does things. Some say she just likes controlling us and some say she has plans for everyone if we just put our trust in her" Jaebeom said.

"If the prophecy is true about the Suprema then the prophecy about the Ultima is true then that means there really is an Alpha of all Alphas" Jaebeom stood up and walked towards his bookshelf.

"So the Ultima is the Alpha of all Alphas?" Ryujin asked struggling to grasp things.

'Yes dumbass. If the Suprema is the Luna for all Lunas then the same would be for the Ultimas. It's frustrating being in here and you're out there' Rex huffed.

'Shut up. You act like you know everything!' Ryujin argued back.

'I know more than you dingus!"

"Ryujin, when you're done talking to your wolf, let's get back to business okay?" Alpha Jaebeom interrupted her conversation with Rex.

"Sorry Alpha Jaebeom" Ryujin apologized.

"But I guess in one way or another it's true. Ultima is the Alpha to all Alphas" he answered.

"Does that mean Alpha Ryujin is the Ultima?" Minju asked.

"Not necessarily. Just because their mates, it doesn't mean she's the Ultima" he said.

"But she has the red eyes too? And when she commands something, wolves automatically submits to her. Also, she just killed a human by looking at them and she turned one into a wolf by looking at them too!" Minju said with a raised voice.

Jaebeom's eyes widened, "What?"

Ryujin shrugged, "I thought since Yeji was my mate, it was normal we shared the same powers so I didn't think much of it."

"You didn't notice anything different about yourself when you first noticed your red eyes?" Jaebeom questioned her.

"Not really. I guess I didn't question why other wolves would easily bow down to me. My wolf did disappear after mating but I didn't really have time to question that since I got sick right away then I woke up being held hostage by Yeonjun and—"

"Yeonjun?" He asked.

"Oh yea. He's the Alpha thats trying to be Ultima I guess. He's also the one who found out Yeji is the Suprema. Him and other Alphas abused her and verbally degraded her" Ryujin released a low growl.

"When did you first notice your red eyes?" Jaebeom asked.

"I don't remember. I guess around the time Yeji first came. I was angry when it happened" Ryujin said trying to remember.

"And your wolf disappeared? And did you feel something when he came back? And humans died when they looked in your eyes?" He asked more questions.

"I felt my wolf become stronger. And earlier, literally just after I arrived here, I found out that he actually grew. As for the humans, one died and one turned into a wolf" Ryujin answered.

"Do you have any idea why you possess these powers?" Jaebeom trying to help Ryujin find the answer on her own.

"Because I'm mates with Yeji?" Ryujin said unsure.

'Dumbass' Rex said.

Jaebeom sighed, "Ryujin it means you're the Ultima."

"Whaaaat? How?" Ryujin said shocked.

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