The dumbass vs. the asshat

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Yeonjun kept punching even though he knew he wasn't hitting Yeji. When someone suddenly tackled him away from Yeji. She saw the familiar figure and she knew it was her mate. Her heart skipped a beat, she missed her mate so much.

He was on his back and Ryujin is sitting on top of him punching his face. "How. Small. Is. Your. Pee. Pee. To. Attack. Some. One. Who. Is. Clearly. Vul. Ne. Ra. Ble!" She punched with every word and almost every syllable.

Yeonjun was spitting out blood. He grabbed the knife in his pocket and stabbed Ryujin in the stomach. She screamed in pain and Yeonjun took this chance to push her off him.

"You claim to be this strong Alpha but you keep using weapons when your opponent is empty handed" Ryujin panted out.

"How did you get here?" Yeonjun asked. "Did Minju help you out?"

"Aren't you happy to see me? I thought you said you wanted to have fun with me?" Ryujin mocked.

Yeonjun goes to stab her again and Ryujin caught the blade of the knife with her hands, she winced in pain when she felt the cut in her hand.

'Dumbass, did you really just use your hand to stop a knife?' Rex said.

'Shut up.'

'Why aren't you letting me out? We could easily beat him!' Rex roared.

'I want to kill him with my bare hands!'

Ryujin felt a punched on her face. "With a weapon or my hands, you will die tonight" Yeonjun said.

Yeji was still frozen on the floor unable to process anything. She wants to help but her body seems to be failing her. Yuna was about to attack but Ryujin ordered her to not intervene through their mindlink.

Ryujin saw that Yeonjun was trying to shift so she grabbed his arm, twisted it to his back and kicked him. Yeonjun stumbled forward and fell on his face.

"No shifting" Ryujin simply said.

'When did you start to have an ego? This will end up being your demise!' Rex is now angry.

'I will not let him die easily! I want him to feel the pain Yeji felt when he abused her! I want him to suffer! I want to look into his eyes and see fear!' Ryujin said.

Yeonjun sat on the ground "What? Afraid you won't be able to beat me unless we're in human form?" He smirked.

"Nah, showing you my wolf might make you piss your pants and we are in my house so I don't want your scent to linger around here" Ryujin teased.

"I will kill you!" Yeonjun jumped up and charged at Ryujin with his knife.

Ryujin was able to dodge it but still got a cut on her arm. He was about to stab her again but Ryujin grabbed his arm holding the knife and twisted it again until he drops it. She kicked it away far from him. He kept wriggling his body trying to get away from her grip.

Ryujin leaned her face to his ear while still twisting his arm, "What kind of an Alpha fights so unfairly? You know you just keep proving my small pee pee theory about you."

Yeonjun headbutt Ryujin causing the girl to release his arm. They both stood in front of each other trying to catch their breath. "You and I are not much different Ryujin. We both just want to prove that we're worthy of our title" he said.

"What title might that be?" Ryujin tilted her head and gave him a quizzical look.

"You, to be a deserving Alpha. Me, as Ultima."

Ryujin tried to hold in her laughter, "And how are you gonna do that? You just saw that Yeji, the Suprema, has a power that can protect herself" she turned to her mate, "which is so cool by the way" she said to Yeji while giving her two thumbs up and a wink.

Yeji was shocked to say the least. How was her mate still able to flirt with her when she's in the middle of a fight.

Ryujin continued what she was saying, "You wouldn't be able to touch her at all Yeonjun. Your plan? To mark her and mate with her? Wouldn't happen. Even if she didn't have that power, I'd kill you first before you can do anything with her!"

They continued their fight, both covered with their own blood and each other's blood. Neither one of them are willing to give up. Ryujin noticed that Yeonjun is starting to lose energy and his punches aren't as strong anymore.

She internally smiled seeing his badly beaten face. Ryujin punched him in the face one more time until he collapsed on the floor spitting out more blood.

She kneeled on one knee and grabbed the back of his head to make him look at her.

"How can you expect yourself to be the Ultima when you can barely beat me?" Ryujin taunting Yeonjun.

Yeonjun smirked, "Do you really think I would fight fair this whole time?"

Ryujin looked at him confused when she felt a sudden pain un her stomach. She let go of Yeonjun and looked down to see had stabbed her again.

"Fuck!" She cursed, "Where did this come from?" She lands on her butt while holding onto the knife. It felt more painful than the other knife he used. She can't seem to find the energy to try to pull out the knife.

"Saved the best for last. That isn't just any regular knife. The blade is made with silver"  he laughed.

"Ryujin! Don't die! Please!" Yeji yelled. She's starting to hate herself now. She couldn't believe she couldn't help Ryujin. She's supposed to be the Suprema, yet she couldn't even move her body. She was too scared of Yeonjun. Just seeing him made her feel phantom pain from her wounds that he caused her back then.

Yeonjun slapped Ryujin one more time, "You would never beat me. I was nice enough to let you live but now you'll die because of me."

'I told you dumbass! Your ego got in the way!' Rex said.

Ryujin slowly closed her eyes feeling her drift away.

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