The heat

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Yeji woke up feeling more tired than ever. The pain in her heart didn't lessen since last night.

She decided that she needs to leave. She doesn't want to see Ryujin ever again.

'You can't do that' Lucy said

'And why not?' Yeji asked feeling angry.

'Because it will be harder to live now. We've met our mate. We will never feel complete or happy' Lucy tried to explain.

'We won't be complete or be happy staying here either' Yeji said for the last time before shutting out her wolf.

Yeji was waiting for Ryujin to talk to her again but she didn't. Chaeryeong and Jisu are the ones checking up on her.

Ryujin didn't want Yeji to be her mate but they're still technically mates and she just can't help but care for Yeji.

Yeji laid in bed thinking of how she can escape. She can't just go out because she's afraid of the pack members doing something to her.

Yeji decided she will climb down the window that night when everyone is asleep. Yeji just laid in bed waiting for night to come. She was lost in her thoughts. She kept thinking about the rejection over and over again.

Lucy hasn't talked to her since she shut her off. She's mad at Yeji for running away.

Night time has come and it's time for Yeji to run away again. She climbed down the window surprisingly with ease.

She looked around to make sure there's no one around before she ran off into the woods.

She knows it's dangerous to be out there in the dark but did she care? Maybe a little but it's too late to turn back now.

She kept walking to where her feet would take her to. Not really paying attention where she's going. Maybe she's lost, she thought. But then how can she be lost when she never had a destination to begin with.

She's been walking for hours now, it wouldn't be so bad if her wolf kept her company but Lucy is still quiet.

Yeji continued her travels but something didn't feel right. She felt like she's being watched. She pretended like nothing is happening so she kept walking.

Then to her right, she heard something move. A man lurking in the shadows revealed himself with a smirk on his face.

"I could smell you from miles away pretty lady" the man said then licked his lips.

"What? What do you mean?" Yeji asked confused.

Lucy suddenly came back.

'Shit. Yeji, were in heat'

With those words, Yeji's heart sunk. She's cursing herself in her head. How could she forget her heat cycle. She has nothing with her that could help her ease her pain. It won't be long until her body will feel like it's on fire and everything will hurt.

Panic was clearly shown on her face and the man saw it.

"Don't worry. I'm not here to hurt you. I'm here help to you with your heat" the man laughed.

Yeji is now scared. Is this how she's gonna lose her virginity? She's not strong enough to fight. She's not fast enough to run. All she could do is wish that someone can help her.

Lucy is growling inside but knows there's trapped.

Yeji screamed. The pain in her stomach has started. Her body temperature is rising. She fell to the ground holding herself. Continuously crying for help. Screaming in agony wishing she would just die.

The man approached her still with a smirk plastered on his face. He grabbed her left arm with his right hand then slapped her face with his left hand. Yeji could only whimper. There was blood on the corner of her lips from the slap.

He brought his face closer to hers then whispered, "I'm gonna have some fun with you." Then licked the blood that was on her lips.

Yeji felt disgusted. She hated being touched by this man. She begged him to let her go. She begged and cried for him not to continue. The more Yeji tried to fight, the tighter the man's grip became.

Yeji closed her eyes wishing she was back home. Ever since she left, all she's felt was regret for leaving. Yeji was sobbing hard when the man ripped her shirt off exposing her bra. Yeji heard his evil laugh and cried some more.

Yeji was in so much pain, she was close to passing out. While trying to stay conscious, she heard some call her name. She doesn't know who since her hearing and vision is all a blur.

Before she passed out, she heard a loud thud and she couldn't feel the weight of the man or his grip on her anymore. Her last thought was, is she dead?

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