The hybrid

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Ryujin and Yeji are in the office trying to come up with a plan on how to find Jungsu. They can't believe that someone would involve someone so young.

'Moms. Please help me. I'm scared. It's dark' They hear someone say through their link.

Yeji turned to Ryujin, "Did you hear that? Was that Jungsu?!"

"It can't be. He's wolf is still asleep until he's older. It must be the witch!" Ryujin said.

"What if it is him? We have to save him! I can't lose my pup!" Yeji cried.

Ryujin hugged her, "We won't lose him. We will find him."

'Moms. Help me' they hear again.

'Jungsu? Is that you? Where are you? Who took you?' Yeji asked.

'I don't know. Some woman I saw in the woods. I tried to run but I couldn't move my legs' He says.

'Are you hurt? I saw blood earlier' Ryujin joined.

'I bit her but she was still too strong for me' he says.

'Do you know where you are? What do you see? Where is the woman?' Ryujin asks.

'I don't where she is. I'm lock in a room. I don't know what's going on. How am I talking to you? Then I keep hearing a voice in my head telling me to calm down' he says.

'What's the voice saying?' Ryujin asks.

'He said his name Roy and that he will help protect me' Jungsu started to cry.

'Jungsu, listen to Roy okay? Trust him' Ryujin said.

"Is that his wolf? Why is his wolf out already?" Yeji asked.

"I don't know. Jungsu must be really scared so he came out early. Or it could also be since he's our pup" Ryujin said.

'Rex, can you try talking to Roy? Maybe he knows where they are?' Ryujin said.

'Yes. We better find that witch. I wi rip her head off and make a stew out of it then not eat it because gross' Rex said.

Ryujin suddenly remembered the High Priestess. She dug out her business card and called.

"Ryujin why are you calling so late?" Jihyo asked.

"Do you think you can come here or I could go there? Do you have a picture of this missing witch?"

"Why? Did something happen?" Jihyo asked.

"Yes. Can you come or do I need to go over? A witch took one of my pups" Ryujin said getting impatient.

"I can probably get there faster. I'll be right there" Jihyo said.

"Thank you" Ryujin hung up right after.

'The witch knew how to block Roy so he didn't know where they were being taken' Rex informed.

"Damn it" Ryujin said.

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