The voice

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'Ultima, you need to come to the pack hospital. Something strange happened to one of the guards' Chaeryeong reported.

Ryujin jumped out of bed to leave but Yeji stopped her. "What happened?" Her mate asked.

"I'm not sure I have to see. If something is wrong, I'll link you and take the pups to the safe house okay?" Ryujin instructed. 

Yeji nodded, "Just be careful okay?"

Ryujin patted her head then left. The closer she got to the hospital, the louder she can hear someone scream in pain.

She entered the room and sees Chaeryeong with a panicked look and doctors in action trying to help the man in pain.

"What happened?" Ryujin asked.

"I don't know. Soobin just contacted me saying that this guard got hurt in the same area you and Soobin were shot."

"Where is Soobin now?" Ryujin asked.

"He left to create a search team to find the bastard that did this and to also order more guards to guard your mate and the pups" Chaeryeong answered.

Ryujin looked at the guard screaming in pain and saw that his arm is bubbling. "What's wrong with him?" Asked Ryujin to the doctors.

"We don't know, Ultima. His skin seems to be bubbling like he has some serious burn but we don't know what caused it."

"Another weird thing is, it seems to keep going. No matter how much pain medicine we give him, it's not working. He's also not healing but there's no traces of silver or wolfsbane on him" he continued.

After the doctor finished talking, the guard stopped screaming. The doctor checked his pulse right away. Ryujin and Chaeryeong stood there not knowing what's going on.

"He's dead" the doctor said.

"What?!" Ryujin and Chaeryeong said simultaneously.

"Chaeryeong, come with me. We're helping with the search. I want to kill whoever is attacking us like this" Ryujin clenched her jaw.

Chaeryeong didn't bother arguing because she saw the anger in Ryujin's eyes. They quickly left the pack hospital and shifted to their wolf. They ran and searched everywhere around the territory and even outside their territory.

Ryujin suddenly stopped sniffing the air. Chaeryeong does the same thing but can't smell anything. Ryujin started to run again so Chaeryeong just followed.

Again Ryujin stopped, shifted to her human and looked around.

"What are you doing?" Chaeryeong asked after shifting too.

"That smell. It's here" She growled.

"Are you scared?" Ryujin heard a voice.

"Did you hear that?" Ryujin asked.

"Hear what? I don't smell or hear anything."

Ryujin heard a laughter, "I wish I could kill you right now but then my fun would end."

"Who the hell are you?!" Ryujin yelled.

"Wouldn't you like to know" The voice said.

"I do. That's why I asked who are you? Were you trying to be intimidating by saying that because to me, you just lost some cool points" Ryujin said.

"Who are you talking to?" Chaeryeong asked.

"The voice. I think they tried to intimidate but it backfired and made themselves look stupid."

"You know I can kill you in a second right? So don't make me mad" the voice said.

"But you said your fun will end" Ryujin creased her brows.

"Why are you so annoying!?" The voice yelled.

Ryujin suddenly felt pain in her chest causing her to fall on her knees while she clutched her chest.

"You think this is a joke now? I can hurt you even from afar. I can talk to you without anyone else hearing our conversation. I can make you seem crazy and you'll lose the respect of your pack. You never should have been leader of the werewolves. Don't worry, I won't kill you. I want you to suffer how I've been suffering. I'm after your mate then you'll know how it feels to lose the love of your life" The voice said then Ryujin's pain went away along with the smell.

Ryujin laid on the ground trying to catch her breath and Chaeryeong looking down at her, worried.

"What the hell just happened?" Chaeryeong asked.

"Whoever is attacking us is out for revenge. They're after me but they want to use Yeji to hurt me" Ryujin said still panting.

'Ryujin, are you okay? I felt your pain. What happened?' Yeji asked through their link.

'Someone is after me. But they're after you to hurt me. So when you're feeling better, we need to get back to training' Ryujin said.

"Can you shift? I don't know how I feel about you riding me naked" Chaeryeong asked.

"I would make a joke right now but I'm still trying to recover" Ryujin chuckled.

"How come I don't smell and hear anything?"

"I think they do it on purpose. They mentioned making me seem like I'm crazy" Ryujin explained.

"It was working but then I saw your look when you were in pain then all of a sudden you're okay? Do you think it's a witch? Maybe that's why the High Priestess went to visit you? To distract you?" Chaeryeong asked.

"I don't know. The scent doesn't smell like a witch. But seems to have powers like a witch?" Ryujin tried to make sense of everything.

"We should go see the pack doctor to make sure you're okay" Chaeryeong helped her Ultima get up.

Ryujin was still able to shift and walked back to the pack hospital. The doctor checked her out and things seems to be okay. After that was done, she made her way back to Yeji.

Yeji immediately go to her and scanned her body from top to bottom, "Are you hurt anywhere?"

"I'm okay. We're dealing with someone with witch like powers so strength and speed won't be enough to beat them. I don't know how but they made me feel sharp pain in my chest. That's why you sensed my pain" Ryujin explained.

"Will our pups be safe?" Yeji asked worriedly.

"They're after you to hurt me. I don't think they're after the pups. They should be safe but we will still be cautious. I really would like to get some sleep now though" Ryujin weakly said.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Yeji asked trying to help Ryujin get into bed.

Ryujin just nodded and laid in bed falling asleep right away.

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