The rogue

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Ryujin sat in her office still looking into the red eyes thing while Yeji is in therapy especially after her recent panic attack. She made sure to block Yeji's thoughts because she didn't want to invade her mate's privacy.

'Ryujin. Ryujin. Ryujin. Ryujin' Rex annoyed her human.

'What Rex?'

'When are you going to mate with Yeji? When can I mate with Lucy?' Rex excitedly asked.

'I'm hoping Yeji will want to mate soon because I'm going crazy. Her scent drives me insane and now that I've marked her I want her even more. As for us mating in our wolf form, probably won't be until she's ready to carry out pups.'

Rex whined, 'That's not fair!'

'What are you complaining about? You feel the pleasure too. It doesn't matter if we're human form or wolf form' Ryujin said annoyed.

'I know but still. I'd like it better if I was in control' Rex chuckled.

'Just be happy you're actually talking to Lucy now.'

'I am. I am being a good boy' Rex says happily.

'How can you go from a needy wolf to a childlike wolf in a second?' Ryujin laughed.

'Because I think we're crazy.'

'Are you bugging me right now because you can't talk to Lucy?'

Rex sighed, 'Yes I'm putting up with your boringness because my Lucy is currently occupied.'

'Bye Rex' Ryujin simply said then started ignoring her wolf.

'Alpha, I'm outside your office. Can I come in? I have urgent information to tell you' Chaeryeong said.

'Come in.'

Chaeryeong entered Ryujin's office with an unsettled look on her face.

"What's wrong Ryeong?" Ryujin asked.

"A rogue has been spotted in our territory. Guards are after them as we speak."

"You couldn't share this information with me through mindlink because?"

Chaeryeong shrugged, "I was bored so I came to bug you."

"Shouldn't you be helping with the rogue?" Ryujin furrowed her eyebrows.

"If they can't handle one rogue then they need more training" Chaeryeong said not bothered at all.

"Again, didn't I make you in charge of training the guards?" Ryujin now squinted her eyes.

"Then it's your fault for making that decision" Chaeryeong now smiled at her Alpha.

"Why are you so annoying!?" Ryujin huffed.

"Because we like annoying each other."

'Alpha and Beta Chaeryeong, we captured the rogue. She's locked up in the cells' the guard says.

'Another female rogue?' Ryujin asked.

'Yes Alpha' the guard replied.

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