The guilt

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Ryujin is back in her room resting. Her arm should heal in less than a weak. It wasn't a big break but still. Perks of being a werewolf. Healing powers.

Ryujin is still trying to process how Yeji became so powerful and her eyes. It just didn't flash red, it stayed red. What does it all mean?

'Yeji, how come you haven't visited me? I'm in my room. I miss you' Ryujin mindlinked to her mate.

She sighed when she got no answer.

She knows Yeji is sad for hurting her. She wants to tell Yeji it's okay but she doesn't know if she's even receiving her mindlink.

She heard someone knock on the door.

"Yeji?" She said in a hopeful voice but only to be disappointed when she saw Yuna enter instead.

"Nope. Yuna. You got the letter 'Y' part correct though" her sister said.

"How are you feeling?" Yuna asked.

"I'm good. I've dealt with worse injuries. Oh you know? Like that silver bullet. That shit burns" Ryujin tried to joke.

"Have you seen Yeji? She hasn't stopped by or even reply to me" Ryujin pouted.

"She's with Jisu and Chaeryeong in her room. I think she's feeling really guilty so she's having a hard time facing you. I mean I'm not guilty of anything but I still have a hard time trying to face your ugly ass face" Yuna joked.

"We're sisters. If I'm ugly then you're ugly" Ryujin fired back.

"Nah. You're the reason why the Shin family beauty rating went down. Maybe it's the moon goddess' way to humble us" Yuna teased trying to hold her laugh.

"Did you just come here to make fun of me?" Ryujin pouted again.

"No I actually came in to check up on you but you were sulking like a baby" Yuna teased again.

"You should just leave" Ryujin rolled her eyes and Yuna laughed.

"It's just funny that the mighty Alpha is acting like a baby because their mate won't visit them" Yuna still laughing.

"Let's see how you like it if Jisu doesn't see you for a day!" Ryujin said annoyed.

Yuna left and Ryujin is lonely again.

Ryujin fell asleep feeling sad while waiting for Yeji.

She woke up when she felt someone lay down next to her.

"Yeji?" Ryujin opened her eyes and groaned.

"Yes" Yeji laid down on her side facing her mate.

Ryujin turned to her side too.

"How come you're just seeing me now?" Ryujin asked sadly.

"Because I was too ashamed to face you but I felt how sad you were so I decided to make myself to come here. I'm so sorry. For hurting you and for not visiting you sooner" Yeji said in a sad voice.

"Hey it's okay. You're here now. I told Yuna this injury is nothing compare to what I've had before. Don't feel guilty" Ryujin moved closer to Yeji.

"I don't know what happened. I lost control when I felt so jealous. It's my first time having feelings for someone so this is my first time to experience serious jealousy."

"It's okay Yeddeong. I'm okay. We're okay."

"You know just when I feel like I'm getting better, something new comes up. Now I'm scared i'll hurt you again if I lose control" Yeji feeling worried.

"I learned my lesson. Next time you have your red eyes, I'll make sure not touch you" Ryujin smiled.

"How can I make it up to you?" Yeji asked.

"Hmmm" Ryujing started rubbing her chin, "I think kisses would help" she pouted.

Yeji couldn't help but laugh at her mate's cuteness and gave the girl kisses.

"See now this is better. You by my side I feel like I'm healed already."

"I still feel guilty though. What's happening to me? Why do I have the red eyes now? I don't want to hurt anyone I care about again. Especially now that I have people I care about and people that cares about me" Yeji loudly exhaled.

"We will figure it out though okay?" Ryujin said.

Yeji nodded, "Can you nuzzle me? It helps me calm down."

Ryujin showed the biggest smile on her face, "I thought you'd never ask. I've been waiting. You know how I much enjoy your scent. I love it."

Yeju blushed.

Ryujin moved closer and held onto Yeji's face while nuzzling Yeji.

Yeji was releasing soft growls and they were like music to Ryujin's ears.

"Can I sleep here tonight?" Yeji asked.

"Of course. You can stay here anytime. You don't have to ask. In fact, I would rather us stay in the same bedroom all the time but I'm waiting until you're comfortable."

"Thank you for that" Yeji accidentally moaned.

"You shouldn't do that" Ryujin laughed, "I might not be able to control my urges."

"I'm sorry I keep making you wait with the whole mating thing."

"Yeji, stop apologizing. You're not doing anything wrong."

"I'm just afraid I will do something wrong that will trigger you and you'll hurt me. I know I'm a hypocrite since I hurt you but I can't help but feel this way" Yeji sounding defeated.

"Yeji you suffer from a serious trauma from your past. I understand you're scared. I promise I will do my best to control my anger around you. You're not a hypocrite. You're someone who's hurt and are trying to figure out how to move past the pain. And like you said, you lost control. I don't blame you for what happened."

"And stop worrying about mating with me. I can wait. When the time comes when you feel you're ready, I'll be ready. I'll be ready anytime anywhere" Ryujin joked.

Yeji shook her head, "but I am sorry for not trusting you when you said that you didn't invite that Yuri girl."

"It's okay. Oddly enough, even when you threw me across the room. I was extremely turned on by you" Ryujin smirked.

Yeji smacked her back, "What's wrong with you?!"

"Nothing. I'm perfectly normal. Not my fault I got a sexy mate."

Yeji blushed feeling her face get hot.

"But refer to Yuri as Miss Yuri. The elders might get mad at us since she is a high rank in the vampire world."

"Why are you talking to vampires though? Aren't they our sworn enemies?" Yeji asked.

"Alpha San always reminded us that vampires are enemies and to never trust them" Yeji then explained.

"We haven't fought vampires in years. My dad was the same way but when I became Alpha, I decided to become allies with them. Of course it wasn't easy but I made sure it would happen."

"Why though?"

"Because the fight between the two kinds happened in the past. Most of us don't even remember what the fight was about. Vampires has left us alone and we've left them alone. If anything, our enemies now are our own kind. Packs all over the world fighting each other trying to take over other packs. I don't believe in that" Ryujin said.

"Then why do you train warriors?"

"In case we get attacked. I will not initiate a war. The first I felt like I wanted to was when you told me about your pack. I hated that they hurt you. But I prefer peace but not everyone feels the same so we have to be prepared."

Yeji was speechless. This is the first time she's really talked to her mate about Alpha matters and she couldn't believe how mature Ryujin sounds.

"You're amazing" Yeji said.

Ryujin smiled, "Thanks" Then gave Yeji a kiss.

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