The ash pack

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"Come follow me to my office" Ryujin commanded Yeonjun.

The two Alphas made their way to Ryujin's office.

"Have a seat" Ryujin said. 

Yeonjun listened and sat in front of Ryujin.

"Ryujin, Alpha of The Oasis Nightstalker, my name is Yeonjun, Alpha of The Ash Pack. I have come to you to seek for help" Yeonjun introduced himself.

"What type of help do you need from us?" Ryujin asked.

"First, may I say that you're a gorgeous woman. If you weren't an Alpha, I would have love for you to be my Luna. Sec—"

"Get to the point. Don't try to flatter me. Even if I'm not Alpha, you're not my interest" Ryujin said using her monotone voice.

Yeonjun panicked, "I'm sorry Alpha Ryujin. I seek your help on two matters, Alpha. One, my pack is currently at war with another pack and we need assistance with warriors and supplies. Second, my Luna was taken from me and I begged of you to help me find her."

Ryujin furrowed her eyebrows unhappy, "You have a Luna and you dare hit on me? As for the war you're fighting, I'm afraid I can't be in any of assistance. I will not sacrifice my men to die from someone's else fight. As for your Luna, I'm not sure how I can help with that."

Yeonjun disappointed and angry, "Alpha, without your help, my pack could be abolished. And for my Luna, your family has connections. They can contact other packs in a short amount of time to look for my Luna."

"I can talk to my men to see how they feel about joining your war but I will not force them but I will not help you with your Luna. I'm sorry. You may go."

"You probably haven't found your Luna" Yeonjun said not leaving, "You don't know how it feels like to be away from them."

Their conversation was disrupted by a knock on the door.

Ryujin stood up, "I have found my Luna. But you're saying your Luna was taken and here you are looking calm as ever" she slowly makes her way the door, "If my Luna is ever taken, I would be going crazy right now. Begging anyone to help me find them. I would have a hard time controlling my wolf because they too would have gone insane" finally reaching the door with her hand on the doorknob, back facing Yeonjun, "We can't control what we feel when we're away from our mates so I'm sorry that I can't trust you."

Before Ryujin could open the door, Yeonjun spoke, "She's not my mate that's why. We just fell in love and chose each other."

Ryujin chuckled, "Even so, I would still be frantic that someone I love was taken. How can you claim you love your Luna when it doesn't seem like her absence affects you."

Yeonjun clenched his teeth wanting to attack the female alpha.

"We're done here Alpha Yeonjun. Feel free to stay and enjoy the party" Ryujin said before walking out.

Outside the door, her mother was waiting for her looking angry. "Shin Ryujin, how can you leave the party to do business!?" She said.

"I'm sorry Mother but I thought the business  was urgent."

"Fine fine, now go back downstairs. Maybe you'll find your mate" she excitedly said.

"Mother, if my mate is here, I should be able to smell her scent" Ryujin said as she said sniffed the air and smelling Yeji's intoxicating scent.

"You never know! Just go!" Her mother scolded.

Before they could head back down to the party, Ryujin's office door opened to see Yeonjun walking out.

The male alpha stopped surprised to see two people outside the door.

"Alpha Yeonjun" Ryujin's mother said.

The female alpha then snapped her head towards her mother shocked that she knew the guy.

"Ahh Mrs. Shin. How are you?" Yeonjun happily greeted which made Ryujin's skin crawl.

"Uhm sorry to interrupt but how the hell do you two know each other?" Ryujin asked as calmly as possible.

"Ryujin! Language! But Yeonjun's dad is your dad's friend. Back in the days, we used to hang out a lot."

"We're sorry my parents and I weren't able to pay their respects when your husband passed. They were out of town" Yeonjun bowed.

"It's okay dear. We understand. His passing was so unexpected. Our Ryujin here is a lot like him though so it helps ease the pain. I feel like I would have died if it weren't for my daughters" she smiled while looking at Ryujin.

"I didn't mean to overhear your conversation earlier but I thought you said something about Ryujin might find her mate at the party but I thought she already found her mate?" Yeonjun asked changing the topic.

Ryujin froze in her spot. If her mother finds out she lied about her mate, she would be six feet underground by morning.

"Yes we should go back to the party" Ryujin tried pulling her mother.

"Ahh yes, we're still looking for her mate" the mother said.

Yeonjun then faced Ryujin with a smirk on his face, "I thought you said you have found your Luna when we're talking business earlier?"

Ryujin's mother looked at her, anger is evident on her face. Ryujin can't face the latter knowing she will see the deathly glare that she's always been afraid of since childhood.

Ryujin scratched her nape, "I have found my mate, mother."

She was mad at her daughter for lying to her. "Yeonjun, can you excuse us please? I have matters to discuss with my daughter" she said before dragging the female alpha back into the office.

'Soobin, please stand guard in front of my office door to make sure no one is snooping around. And have guards patrol every floor in this house especially where Yeji is" Ryujin instructed quickly before entering the office.

She doesn't trust the Yeonjun fella. Since the moment they've met, her gut was telling her that he's untrustworthy.

"So when we're you going to tell me that you have found your mate?!" Ryujin was disrupted from her thoughts.

"Mother, I was going to tell you soon. Now is just not the right time. She's not doing well and meeting you might overwhelm her" Ryujin said with her head down.

"Maybe I could help. I want to meet her Ryujin" Seriousness was all that was heard. 

"But mother..."

"Since it's night and she's probably resting, take me to meet her tomorrow and that's final young lady!"

"Yes mother."

It doesn't matter that Ryujin is an Alpha. She will always fear her mother.

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