The treaty

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Yeji woke up with Ryujin nuzzling her neck. "What are you going?" she asked with a hoarse voice.

"I woke up but I didn't want to wake you up then I got bored and I saw your neck exposed so it became nuzzle time" Ryujin answered like it an obvious answer.

Ryujin goes down to Yeji's stomach, "Good morning my little pups. Don't give mommy a hard time during this pregnancy okay? I'll see you in a few months" Ryujin kissed her stomach before going back to nuzzling Yeji.

"You keep saying pups with an 's' why?" Yeji asked.

"Because there's more than one?" Ryujin answered confused.

"How you do you know?" Yeji asked a bit scared.

"You can just feel it."

"Also why is everyone avoiding me? Do you know?" Yeji asked remembering how everyone has been treating her.

"They probably already smelled you were carrying pups and I gave them an order to not go near you whenever you are in that situation where you're carrying pups" Ryujin said still nuzzling her mate.

'That just makes it better. You knew she would get pregnant but couldn't figure out that the smell was coming from our pups. Fan-fucking-tastic. Parent of the year here everyone" Rex scoffed.

Ryujin ignores Rex. "Why would you do that?" Yeji asked.

"I didn't want to risk you and the pups getting hurt."

"Can you at least please allow Jisu, Chaeryeong and Yuna to come near me? I was so bored when you were gone. I still need company" Yeji whined.

"Yes my Suprema. Your wish is my command" Ryujin kissed her neck before sitting up.

"What are you doing today?" Yeji asked.

"Well you told me to go home yesterday so I couldn't finish my business so I asked the Elders to come here instead so I have a meeting with them in a little bit" Ryujin answered.

Yeji nodded then pulled Ryujin back down to nuzzle her.

"Yeddeong I have to go get ready. We can nuzzle all you want later. Do you wanna join the meeting?" Ryujin asked.

"Okay. I guess I should get used to being involved" Yeji said.

"You don't have to if you don't want to Yeji. What do you want to do? If you want to focus only to our pack then do that if you want something else do that. No one is forcing you to do anything okay?" Ryujib pushed Yeji away so she can look into her eyes.

"I want to just focus on our pack. Raise our pups and just be with you. I'll still attend the meeting though. Just in case your ex shows up with them" Yeji said while glaring at Ryujin.

Ryujin laughed, "You're so cute when you're this kind of jealous. Not when you're angry jealous."

"Then don't get me angry. Simple" Yeji said leaving the bed to get dressed.


The vampires are waiting for Ryujin in her office. Ryujin entered the room to see give vampires sitting. The three Elders and two she's never met before.

"Elders! I'm sorry I'm late. You know me I'm either late or early" Ryujin laughed as she sits down.

"Of course. Once we saw you weren't in here, we knew you were gonna be late" Elder Hyunjin said.

"My mate will be joining us in a little bit so I hope you don't mind waiting a little bit longer until we start this meeting" Ryujin sounding professional.

"Why are you so formal all of a sudden" Elder Chan chuckled.

"I see two unfamiliar faces. I didn't want to make a fool of myself yet" Ryujin explained while smiling.

The vampires laughed when Yeji entered. She bowed and apologized for being late and sat next to Ryujin.

Ryujin noticed one of the unfamiliar vampires eyeing her mate. She was about to say something when Elder Chan spoke.

"Ultima, this is Minho and Wooyoung" Chan pointed at the two vampire. Wooyoung, Ryujing thought. She needs to keep an eye on him

"Umm why are they here?" Ryujin asked bothered by Wooyoung's presence.

"They're pretty much our secretaries. Elder Hyunjin here is becoming lazy" Chan joked.

The Elders and werewolves went back to business. Discussing their treaty and making sure they're still on the same page.

"I would like to add something to the treaty but I want it to be between us and the Elders only please" Ryujin suggested.

The Elders agreed and ordered the two to leave the office.

Ryujin took a deep breath, "Elders, we have been an alliance ever since I became an Alpha. You know my intentions, my loyalty, my trust towards the vampires."

Yeji looked at Ryujin wondering where she was going with this.

"Is there something wrong Ultima?" Hyunjin asked.

"I would like to add to the treaty that the Elders can grant me to kill a vampire if ever a vampire shows malice towards any werewolves and vice versa."

Chan, Hyunjin, and Felix looked at Ryujin like she's crazy and confused why she's mentioning this.

"You know I wouldn't ask this just to kill vampires. I have no reason to start a war with your kind but I would also like to protect my kind still. Your new secretary was eyeing my mate and I do not like one bit. Being Ultima and Suprema means nothing to the vampire world, they don't respect us just for being high ranks. I saw his intentions in his eyes. I would like permission if ever he crosses the line, that I can take action to protect my mate."

Ryujin paused to see if they have anything to say then continued, "You know me Elders. Have trust in me. If ever I fail to follow the treaty then you can kill me yourselves."

"Ryujin" Yeji said. Ryujin looked at her.

'Trust me' She said to Yeji through mindlink.

Chan released a sigh, "We will agree to it. We know you wouldn't suggest this unless you felt it was needed. I apologize for Wooyoung's actions. If ever he does cross the line, please let us know first so we can deal with it. If it's something urgent, try to just injure him until we can get to him. Then we can discuss whether he can die in your hands."

Ryujin stood up and bowed to the Elders, "Thank you so much for understanding. Thank you for having trust in me that my intentions were to not harm your kind but only to protect my kind. As always, it's a pleasure doing business with you."

The three Elders get up and bowed to Ryujin and Yeji before leaving.

"Ryujin, why would you offer your life like that?" Yeji said unhappy.

"It was to show them that I'm not doing it just so I can kill vampires. They know I have  a lot to live for now. They sense the pups in your stomach. I didn't like how that vampire looked at you. Only I can look at you like that."

Yeji rolled her eyes and gave her mate a kiss, "I love you Ryujin."

"I love you too."

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