The taken

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It's been a week and Ryujin is still unconscious with a fever. Lucy still haven't sense Rex yet. No one knows what's going on.

Yeji is feeling extremely frustrated. She just wants answers. She decided to fully take on the role of Luna while Ryujin is not around. The pack needed a leader. Chaeryeong helps her along the way though. How things run and what jobs needs to get done.

Chaeryeong, Jisu, Yuna and Yeji are in Ryujin's office. Trying to find a way to help Ryujin. Everyone is feeling short-tempered and annoyed. They've contacted other packs and no one has ever experienced this.

"What happens if she doesn't wake up?" Yuna asked.

"Yuna, please don't say stuff like that" Yeji pleaded.

"We have to be prepared. The pack needs an Alpha. You're doing fine Yeji but a Luna is not enough to lead a pack" Yuna said.

"Why aren't I good enough!? Huh? Is it because I'm a mere Omega?! I'm not capable of leading a pack!" Yeji raised her voice.

"It has nothing to do with you being an Omega! A pack is led by an Alpha. It's how our world is and you know that!? How dare you play the Omega card on me!?" Yuna raised her voice as well.

"Come on you two. You're both just stressed. You both care about Ryujin and want her to wake up but fighting is not gonna solve anything" Jisu tried to calm everyone.

"Jisu is right. I know we're all on edge but fighting each other won't help-" Chaeryeong was cut off.

'We have guards down on the east side of the territory. Guards down. We have intruders. Omegas, take the pups to the safe house'

The four girls looked at each other with wide eyes and a panic look.

"Ryujin!" They all said.

They quickly made their way to the pack hospital only to find it a mess. Broken windows and doors. Yeji doesn't feel good seeing guards and doctors injured or dead. They made it to Ryujin's room and Yeji collapsed. Her mate is not in the room. Her fear of losing Ryujin resurfaced. She can't breath. The room is spinning. Where is her mate?

Yuna was already crying and throwing everything she sees while screaming for her sister's name. Chaeryeong kept her composure thinking of a plan to find Ryujin. Jisu is trying to stop Yeji from having a full on panic attack.

"How did they take her so easily?!" Yeji screamed crying.

'Look for your Alpha! Search every inch of this territory! And the perimeter around! Don't come back until you have news for me!' Yeji ordered.

Yeji approached Yuna, "We will find her Yuna okay? We will. We can't give up."

Chaeryeong and Jisu are both dumbfounded with what they're seeing. Yeji took charge. The girl who was in the brink of a panic attack suddenly changed.

'Yeji, we need to find Ryujin as soon as possible. Since she's unconscious and Rex is not around, we have no way of knowing if she's alive or not' Lucy said.

'I know. I will kill the person who took her' Yeji angrily said.

Yeji's eyes has turned red. She's filled with anger and she wants to know how this happened. She thinks that there might be a mole in the pack.

'Bring Minju to Alpha's office' Yeji ordered to anyone.

'Yes Luna' Soobin said.

Yeji is waiting in Ryujin's office. Chaeryeong entered the room.

"You think Minju has something to do with this?" The Beta asked.

"I'm not sure but I have to start somewhere" Yeji spat out.

"You know your eyes are really scary and I just took a glance at it. My wolf is whimpering. We can sense your anger. I'm sure the whole pack house can too."

"Good. They'll know not to betray me" Yeji just said.

'Luna, we can't find Minju anywhere.'

"Fuck!" Yeji cursed.

"We don't know if Minju has anything to do with this yet" Chaeryeong said.

"How can she not?! There's no way it's a coincidence" Yeji growled.

"Luna, please calm down a bit" Chaeryeong automatically submit due to the Luna's growl.

"This is all my fault! Ryujin asked if it was okay with me to have Minju join this pack or another one but I said here is fine" Yeji said frustrated.

"It's not your fault. You didn't know" Jisu now entered the room.

"Yes it is" Yeji pulled her hair.

"If you think it's your fault then it's Ryujin's fault as well. She's the one who agreed to have Minju join this pack" Jisu tried to reason out.

Yeji stopped arguing because she knew she couldn't win against Jisu.


Ryujin woke up feeling weak. She looked around and saw that she's in an unfamiliar place.

The door opened and Minju walked in.

"What's going on?" Ryujin could barely ask from weakness.

Minju handed her a glass of water. Ryujin took it but didn't drink it.

"Why are you doing this?" Ryujin asked another question.

"I had no choice. Alpha Yeonjun would have killed me if I didn't do what he said."

"We could have protected you" Ryujin said.

"He's too strong. He took over my pack and other packs. I'm sorry I don't think you could protect me from him" Minju said with a firm tone.

"How did you do it? How were you able to take me? And why me?" Ryujin hesitantly asked.

"The first plan was to join your pack. Not yours specifically. Just whoever finds me. I would ask about Yeji and see if they know. If not then Alpha Yeonjun would send someone to rescue me and we would keep doing that until we find Yeji."

"But you were so badly beaten up when I first saw you?" Ryujin questioned.

"Those were from the packs before you. No one likes a rogue since they're so unpredictable and can be dangerous."

"Why does Alpha Yeonjun want Yeji so bad?"  Ryujin asked afraid to know the answer.

"At first it was to kill her but I told him that she's gotten pretty strong under your care but now I think his plan is to mate with her" Minju shrugged.

Ryujin wanted to kill Minju just for saying that. She wanted to see Yeonjun and rip him apart but her wolf is nowhere to be found. Still, it didn't stop her blood from boiling. She thought she doesn't need her wolf to kill a werewolf.

"Why?" Ryujin asked with so much anger in her voice.

"If Yeji really is this 'Suprema'" Minju used air quotes, "Alpha Yeonjun has no way of beating her especially since she's gotten stronger so instead he will mate with her and then he can rule with her."

"Why did you take me?"

"The plan was to take Yeji and like I said she grew stronger. So I suggested to take you instead since you're so weak now without your wolf and Yeji would be lost without you which Alpha Yeonjun can use as her weakness and take her" Minju answered.

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