The progress

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Ryujin walked into Yeji's room and was greeted by a hug.

"I could get used to this" Ryujin smiled.

"So what got my mate all happy" Ryujin asked not letting go.

"Let me go and I'll tell you" Yeji said.

"I don't need to know then" Ryujin nuzzled her nose on Yeji's neck which gave the latter goosebumps.

"Ryujiiinn" Yeji whined.

Ryujin finally let go of Yeji, "So what is it?"

"I shared something with my therapist! It was such a big step. I shared what happened yesterday. How I felt. I shared about you. I shared about snacks and I even mentioned I have favorite snacks now. I even learned she's a human which I have questions for you about it" Yeji said quickly and was out of breath.

Ryujin laughed which sent shivers Yeji's body, "Calm down Yeddeong. You're not racing anyone. But I am so proud of you for making progress."

Yeji tilted her head, "Why'd you call me Yeddeong?"

"Because you're being cute right now and that's a cute nickname."

"About the human, why do you allow humans here? How did you meet her? What did she mean that you took care of her well?" Yeji asked.

Ryujin smirked, "Are you jealous?"

"No... okay maybe the last question has a hint of jealousy but I do wanna know the others."

"Her name is Isa. We met at a party. She found out I'm a werewolf because I drunk shifted" Ryujin laughed, "she has no family so she asked if she could join the pack. Technically she can't join the pack so I just offered her a job here. She's not just therapist. She's my secretary too but don't worry, everything you two talk about will remain confidential."

"Have you two kissed and more?" Yeji asked feeling her wolf go crazy with jealousy.

"No. Of course not. Strictly friends" Ryujin gave Yeji a warm smile.

Yeji nodded, "Nuzzle time?"

Ryujin laid on the bed and tap the space next to her, "Come on nuzzle buddy."

"You know what I also learned while in therapy?" Yeji asked while being nuzzled by Ryujin.


"That a mate's bond is very strong. It's like magnetic pull once you find your mate."

Ryujin stopped nuzzling her mate, "Were literally each other's halves. If we never find our mate, we will never feel complete. Your parents were right. I may not have looked for you now or anytime soon but eventually I would have and now that I found you, more so you found me, I will never let you go."

"Does being marked hurt?" Yeji asked.

"Not really I've heard. I've never been marked nor mark anyone."

"I'm sorry if I'm asking silly questions. I was never really taught werewolf mating process. I knew a little bit about marking because my old Alpha wanted to mark me" Yeji angrily said.

Ryujin growled and her eyes changed colors. Yeji noticed the change, "Does your eyes normally change when you growl or get angry? I know I made you mad with what I said but your eyes just changed color then back to your brown eyes" she shakily asked.

Ryujin looked at her confused, "What? My eyes changed? To what color?"

Yeji nodded, "Red. Like blood red."

"My eyes have never done that before. Maybe because my anger is different this time because someone else tried to mark my mate. Another reason added to find that Alpha."

"Can I ask more questions then please?" Yeji cutely asked.

"Of course Yeddeong."

"By the way, you didn't whimper when I growled?" Ryujin said unsure.

Yeji was about to say something but couldn't since she was surprised. "I don't know. I just feel safe with you now. I don't understand it either."

"Must be the mate's bond" Ryujin kissed Yeji's cheek.

Again, Yeji was surprised it didn't trigger her this time but she's happy about it.

"Stop distracting me. I want to ask my questions!" Yeji pouted.

Ryujin then patted her mate's head and giving her a nod to go ahead.

"What all happens after I let you mark me?"

"As you know, you will be officially a part of the pack again so you can be connected to this pack's mindlink. You and I would have a deeper bond. We would pretty much be irresistible to each other" Ryujin gave her mate a wink, "You might become more emotional, just a heads up. We would be able feel each other's emotions and read each other's thoughts. But we can build a wall in our head if we don't want the other to feel our emotions and thoughts. Same thing will happen for our wolves"

"So what would be the difference once we finish the mating process?"

Ryujin chuckled, "You make it sound so business like. Would having sex with me all business to you? No love or romance?" Ryujin joked.

Yeji forgot they have to do the deed to complete the mating process. Her face is now crimson red and grabbed a pillow to hide it.

Ryujin pulled the pillow away, "Yeddeong, why are you so cute? Anyways, there won't be much difference after we've mated. Aside for our bond would be stronger. Our souls would practically become one. The main difference is that once we're mated even if we have that wall up, we would be able to take it down without consent. Sometimes even if the wall is there, we would still be able to sense if the other is hurt."

"Wow so we literally can't keep secrets from each other. Thats good I don't have to worry about you hiding your womanizing other women and hiding it from me" Yeji said.

"Look at you making jokes" Ryujin smirked.

"It wasn't a joke but okay."

"Yeddeong, I told you my womanizing days are over" Ryujin tried acting cute.

"An Alpha acting like a baby. I never would have thought but I'm still bothered you had a womanizing days. How many women have you slept with? Are they human? Our kind? What?" Yeji sounding annoyed.

"You really are jealous. You're scary when you're jealous" Ryujin gulped.

"Answer me. How many?"

"I don't think you want to know" Ryujin whispered.

"Now" Yeji said in a cold manner.

"I don't know how many exactly and all humans except one."

Lucy is trying to gain control of Yeji's body to hit their mate but Yeji is able to hold her back because she knows she's the one asking the questions.

"You slept with another werewolf? Am I gonna hear one day that you have pups with someone else?" Yeji angrily said but with a sad tone.

"No I didn't sleep with another werewolf. A vampire actually" Ryujin mumbled hoping Yeji won't understand.

"A vampire!?" Yeji growled.

"But that's over now. I'm all yours. I haven't been with anyone since I became Alpha" Ryujin said trying to help the situation.

Ryujin is scared of jealous Yeji but she's really enjoying it as well.

"I love this" Ryujin suddenly say.

"Love what?"

"You being comfortable around me that you're showing your feelings like jealousy and annoyance. And you're not afraid of me. If anything I'm scared of you when you're jealous" Ryujin chuckled.

"It's all thanks to you. You just make me feel comfortable. I actually forgot who I am for a long time as an individual. I've become just a scared, beaten up, useless thing but being with you, I'm slowly becoming me again."

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