The jealousy

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It's been a week since Minju shared some news about her pack and Yeonjun looking for Yeji. She's adjusting to the pack well. They've already did the ritual to officially welcome her.

In the meantime, Ryujin have not let Yeji leave her side. She wants to make sure that she can see Yeji at all times.

Yeji also hasn't told Ryujin about the eye changing incident that happened with Jisu. Unfortunately for her, she forgot that Ryujin can read her thoughts. Ryujin didn't bring it up though because she thinks Yeji is just afraid to say anything. But because of this, she really focused on finding answers regarding this.

With no luck on her research, Ryujin decided to ask her mom about it.

'Mother, can you please come to my office? I have some things to ask you" Ryujin mindlinked her mother.

'I'll be there in a few."

While Ryujin waited, she just admired her mate's focused look. Yeji is currently trying to find answers about the red eyes thing and she looked too adorable for Ryujin to handle.

Ryujin's mother knocked on the door then entered the office. She sat on the chair in front of Ryujin's desk.

"What did you need dear?" Her mother asked.

"Have you heard of werewolves that can change eye colors?"

"No. I don't think that exist" Mrs. Shin said confused.

"Mother, what I'm about to tell you is confidential. Yeji saw my eyes changed colors. It changed to the color red to be exact. Same thing has happened to Yeji."

Yeji snapped her neck to Ryujin's direction, "How did you know?"

"You forgot we can reach other's thoughts Yeddeong" Ryujin chuckled.

"What were you two doing when your eyes changed?" Mrs. Shin asked.

"I was angry when Yeji was telling me about her past. I'm not sure about Yeji."

"I was angry when I was talking about Ryujin's exes" Yeji said.

"So both were caused by anger" Mrs. Shin hummed.

"I guess so but I've been doing research. Looking at old books. Rereading our history but I see nothing" Ryujin being frustrated.

"Interesting, I'm not sure either. Let me ask around and I'll get back with you" Her mother calmly said.

"Also Mother, don't tell other packs about Yeji while you ask around. Some packs are after her and they can't find out she's with us or they might start a war."

Mrs. Shin smiled and nodded before she left.

'Alpha, Miss Yuri has arrived upon your request' a guard said.

'What? I didn't request for her to come.'

Yeji heard it and she was not happy. How can her mate just invite another woman while she's in danger. Her blood is boiling and staring at her mate is making it worse.

Ryujin senses Yeji's anger made her winced.

"Yeji, I didn't ask her to come here. I swear" Ryujin said panicking.

"She wouldn't have come here if no one asked her to, would she?" Yeji said with a bitter tone.

Yeji slowly walked towards Ryujin and Ryujin has never seen her this angry so she started backing away from her mate.

"Have you forgotten that I'm a jealous person Ryujin?" She slowly said.

"Yeji, I didn't ask her to come!" Ryujin tried to convince her mate.

Yeji's eyes flashed red and Ryujin saw it causing the hair on her neck to stick up. Ryujin's back is now against a wall with Yeji still approaching her.

Yeji is now standing in front of her.

"How can I believe you? You've had so many girls in the past. Maybe you wanted more since I can't fully give myself to you!" Yeji spat out with her eyes staying red now.

Ryujin grabbed Yeji's hand but before she could say anything, her mate twisted her arm and threw her across the room. There was a loud noise when Ryujin's body hit the wall.

Yuna and some guards entered the room to see what the commotion was. Yuna ran to her sister, "What happened? How did this happen?"

Yeji is back to herself now. Her eyes back to their normal brown color as she stared at her hands in disbelief. She just hurt her mate. She threw her mate but how? How was she strong enough?

She saw Ryujin groaning in pain.

Yuna tried to help her sister to get up by grabbing her arm.

"Yuna, don't. I think it's broken" she stopped her sister.

After hearing that, Yeji started crying and ran out of the room.

'Jisu and Ryeong, Yeji just left the office. Follow her please. Keep an eye on her. She might be crying.'

'Yes Alpha' the two replied.

Yuna took Ryujin to the pack hospital. The doctor took some x-rays and gave her pain meds. They put a temporary cast for her broken arm.

"What happened? Did Yeji do this to you?" Yuna asked her sister.

Ryujin nodded thinking about what happened.

"I've never seen her like that. The scared Yeji was nowhere in sight. Her eyes were blood red and she was so powerful. She flung me across the room! How did she do that?" Ryujin trying to make sense of everything.


Meanwhile Yeji ran back to her room, she jumped on her bed and buried her face on her pillow to muffle out her cries.

Jisu and Chaeryeong entered her room without knocking.

"What happened?" Jisu asked.

"I don't know! I just felt so jealous and I lost control! I hurt my mate! I think I broke her arm and I threw her!" Yeji cried.

"No offense Yeji but how? You're not as strong as Ryujin" Chaeryeong said.

"I don't know either. I snapped then when I came back to my senses, Yuna was there trying to help her" Yeji said hating herself.

"Why did you get so jealous?" Jisu finally asked.

"Some Yuri girl came and wanted to talk to her. All my insecurities came up and she kept saying that she didn't invite the girl but why would she come if she didn't."

Chaeryeong coughed, "Umm that's might be my fault."

"What did you do?" Jisu asked.

"I'm sorry Yeji. I'm the one who requested Miss Yuri to come here. She's my mate but she rejected me so I asked Ryujin to help but she wouldn't have come unless Ryujin requested her because she will think it's business related" Chaeryeong said.

"Oh my god. I just hurt Ryujin over nothing!" Yeji exclaimed feeling even more guilty.

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