The weird smell

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For the past week, Ryujin has been gone taking care of pack stuff. She invited Yeji if she wants to join but the latter declined wanting to get acclimated first with being Luna to their own pack before becoming Suprema of all werewolves.

For the first time, Yeji feels happy and content with her life. Knowing Yeonjun and her old Alpha are gone helped made her feel at ease.

'Lucy, you've been quiet? Usually you would have annoyed me by now?' Yeji said to her wolf.

'I just thought I'd give you a break today' Lucy simply answered.

"Suprema, your lunch is ready" Jisu said as she walked through the door holding tray of food.

"Thanks Jisu. Care to join me for lunch?" Yeji asked.

"I would love to but I'm actually really busy but let me know if you need anything" Jisu said then bowed before leaving.

"Why is everyone avoiding me?" Yeji said to herself.

'Ryu, when are you coming back? I miss you' Yeji mindlinked to Ryujin.

'Later today. I'll stop to see the Grand Elders first before heading home' Ryujin said.

'What? So you can your ex?' Yeji jealously said.

'Baby, why are you jealous all of a sudden? And no I'm gonna talk to Hyunjin. Remember him? The guy that wanted me dead by bringing up my ex to you?'

'Just come home please. Visit them another time. I need my nuzzle time' Yeji pleaded.

'Fine. You win. How can I say no to my nuzzle buddy.'

Yeji smiled in victory. She never thought that she would have a mate who would love her and care about her. She remembers the times everyone would tell her that she would be rejected by her mate because no one wants an Omega for a mate and now she's actually one of the most powerful wolf in the world.

She questioned why she's being sentimental all of a sudden and extra needy. More importantly why is everyone avoiding her or seem really nervous around her. She thought maybe because she's powerful now.

A few hours later Yeji was woken up from her nap when she heard loud noises downstairs. She got up to check out what's causing the ruckus. She found her mate angry and throwing stuff everywhere.

"What is that smell!? Someone tell me!? Who have you invited into this pack house without my permission!" Ryujin shouted at everyone in the room.

No one was making eye contact at the angry Alpha. Yeji is confused why her mate is so angry and what smell was she talking about.

"No one is really gonna answer me!" Ryujin shouted again.

"Ultima, please calm down. No one has visited the pack house per your order. Try smelling again and pay attention to the scent please" Chaeryeong begged.

Yeji is more confused now because it seemed that Chaeryeong knows the smell Ryujin was talking about.

Ryujin took another big whiff but it just made her more angry.

'Ryujin you can't be this dumb right?' Rex said annoyed with his human.

'What are you talking about?' Ryujin asked.

'Oh my. You really are that dumb. Please someone save me. I need a new human. We might die from her stupidity' Rex sarcastically said.

'Just tell me whats going on!'

'The scent your smelling is our pups you dumbass! Gosh I want to strangle you!' Rex finally let out.

'What? What pups?' Ryujin now confused.

'Please give me control of your arms. Give me the pleasure of slapping you and strangling you. Please. I can't handle your stupidity at times. Did you forget Lucy and I mated?' Rex explained.

'So you're saying Yeji is carrying our pups?' Ryujin asked to make sure.

Rex sighed, 'I thought it was clear in my explanation but apparently dumbasses can't comprehend. Yes she's carrying our pups so instead of yelling at everyone, go find her!'

Ryujin ran upstairs ignoring and was surprised to see Yeji standing at the top of the staircase.

"Yeddeong!" Ryujin lifted her mate and spun her around.

"Ryujin! Put me down!" Yeji said and Ryujin obeyed.

"What's going on? Why were you so mad about a smell?" Yeji asked.

"I thought they brought someone here. I didn't want any visitors if I wasn't here because I'm afraid they might do something to you. I know you're stronger now but I'm still not comfortable leaving you alone" Ryujin said.

"Okay? So what was the smell then?" Yeji frowned.

"It's you" Ryujin answered.

"Excuse me!? What are you implying!?" Yeji raised her voice.

"Let's talk in the room. I'm afraid you might push me down the stairs" Ryujin joked. Yeji didn't laugh but still went to the bedroom they now shared.

Ryujin closed the door and Yeji stood in front of her with arms crossed waiting for an explanation.

"How do you feel?" Ryujin asked.

"Don't change the topic. Were you implying I stink?" Yeji asked in her scary tone.

"You don't stink Yeddeong but don't you feel different?" Ryujin asked.

"I guess I'm a bit tired lately. I'm always hungry so it's making me gain a bit of weight" Yeji said trying to think of what else she's been feeling.

"The smell is our pups Yeddeong. You're carrying our pups" Ryujin smiled.

"W–what?" Yeji stuttered surprised.

"You're pregnant Yeddeong."

Yeji sat on the bed and started crying. Ryujin sat next to her and wrapped her arms around the crying girl's shoulder.

"Aren't you happy?" Ryujin whispered.

"I am. These are happy tears."

Ryujin felt relieved hearing that. She was afraid Yeji didn't want pups.

"We're really gonna be a family" Yeji cried.

"We've always been a family Yeddeong. The moment we found each other. We were already a family" Ryujin said while rubbing Yeji's arm.

"Don't say shit like that. It's gonna make me cry" Yeji cried harder.

Ryujin laughed, "Okay. I won't say stuff like that."

Yeji cried for quite some time while Ryujin held her. She never thought she would become a mother. A lot of things are happening to her that she could only dream of in the past but now they've become her reality.


I know I said this story was ending a while ago and it's been like 9 chapters since I announced that. I'm sorry I lied. I didn't expect it to be longer lol 😆 😅

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