The last push

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Yeonjun walked away from Ryujin leaving her to suffer from the silver. He made her way to Yeji. He smiled seeing the girl cry and looking weak.

"Ryujin!" Yeji screamed. She's trying to shift but she's too overwhelmed and scared to focus.

Yeonjun punched her in the stomach and laughed. "See? Your mate can't protect you. She's useless."

He grabbed her on the neck and forced his lips on hers. Her eyes widened once she realized what he did. She put up her shield and Yeonjun was pushed back.

"Stop using that!" He yelled.

"Don't come near me!" Yeji cried.

Ryujin slowly felt herself drifting away. Her heart slowly beating. She heard Yeji scream her name but her body wasn't able to move. She just feels the burning where the knife went in. She grabbed the handle of the knife.

A sudden burst of energy flowed through her body. She pulled out the knife and let out one big scream. She let Rex take over this time.

'It's show time bitch!' Rex excitedly said.

Rex released a low growl to get Yeonjun's attention.

Yeonjun looked back stunned not believing that the big black wolf is Ryujin. He stumbled backwards and kept moving until his back hit a wall.

"How?" He stammered out.

'Why aren't you showing your red eyes?' Ryujin asked Rex.

'You had your fun so now it's my turn.'

Yeonjun was expecting the wolf to kill him but nothing happened. Rex just sat there and looked at the human.

Yeonjun mindlink someone to come and help him. A few moments later a gray wolf barged into the door. Rex turned to see what the noise was. Yeonjun took this opportunity to shift into his wolf form.

Yeonjun was expecting for Rex to look afraid but he wasn't. He thought the black wolf was being overly confident.

The two wolves attacked at the same time. Rex is doing everything to counter their attacks.

'Yeji, love, I need you to shift okay? We need you to overcome your fear from this man. He can't hurt you. He needs to see how brave and strong you are. Show him you're a badass Suprema' Ryujin mindlinked to Yeji

'I can't Ryujin. I'm scared' Yeji softly said.

'Baby, listen to me. Rex is not planning to control them. He wants to beat them fair and square. So we need you okay? We need you and Lucy. You can do this. I believe in you. You're strong and deep down you know' Ryujin said.

'What if he hurts me?' Yeji asked.

'We won't let him okay? You'll go after the other wolf. We will take care of Yeonjun. You remember everything you learned in training?'

'Yes I do' Yeji answered.

'Good. Now you got this okay? Go kick some ass so I can see your ass later!'

'Ryujin! Now is not the time!' Yeji scolded.

'No no. After this, I mate with Lucy!' Rex said.

'Yes boss' Ryujin replied.

Yeji took a deep breath. Trying to collect herself and calm her nerves.

'Are you ready?' Yeji asked Lucy.


Yeji started shifting with her bones cracking but it stopped. She took another deep breath and thought of everything Ryujin said. How she believes in her. She's strong. She's brave.

She started shifting again and this time it was successful.

The three wolves that was fighting stopped because they felt Lucy's strong aura.

'Yeji, I didn't know your wolf is white?' Ryujin said.

'Were not?' Yeji said confused.

'Pretty sure I know what the color white looks like' Ryujin said.

Lucy looked at her paw and Yeji saw it through the wolf's eyes. They are white.

The wolves continued their fight. Lucy with the gray wolf and Rex with Yeonjun's wolf. Lucy is holding up well with the gray wolf. He struggled against her. Every pounce he made, she was able to dodge and scratch him in the process.

Rex and Yeonjun's wolf are neck and neck. Rex is having too much fun making Yeonjun believe he has a chance of winning.

A yelp was let out Lucy and the gray wolf. Rex was worried his mate got hurt but was proud to see the gray wolf down as Lucy stands over him breathing heavily.

'Way to go Yeji! I knew you could do it!' Ryujin cheered for Yeji and Lucy.

This was enough time for Yeonjun to scratch Rex's face. Rex whimpered from the sudden pain but quickly tackled Yeonjun. Throwing him across the room hitting the wall. Rex ran after him and pushed his head down with his paw. Rex bites his neck and Yeonjun let's out a cry. He kicks Rex with his back legs but it wasn't strong enough to push Rex away.

Rex growled and bites his neck again. This time biting off a chunk of flesh. Yeonjun released another loud cry before turning into his human form.

He's laying on the ground shaking, bleeding and naked. He's holding onto his neck to stop the bleeding. For the first time, there was fear in his eyes.

Rex backed off and turn back into his human form as well.

Ryujin sat next to Yeonjun not minding that she's naked too. She looked at him in the eyes with a smile, "I love what I'm seeing right now. That fear you're feeling. I want you remember that before you die."

She went closer to him, "Remember thats the feeling you made Yeji feel for the longest time!"

She grabbed his hair to lift his head up, "Oh before I forget I thought you should know. You don't become the Ultima by mating with the Suprema. Just like the Suprema, the moon goddess decides."

She flashes her red eyes at him, "Surprise bitch, I'm the Ultima."

"How?" He manages to say.

"I guess I'm more worthy than you. The moon goddess wouldn't blessed someone like you this kind of responsibility. Good bye Yeonjun. Don't have a peaceful death" she said before letting his head fall to the ground.


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