The prophecy

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Jaebeom looked at Ryujin in disbelief over the fact that she didn't get it after hinting very hard that she's the Ultima.

"Are you sure she's the Ultima?" Minju asked.

Jaebeom sighed and nodded, "It seems like it."

"How am I the Ultima? Is it because you know? My mate and I did the dirty?" Ryujin asked.

"If she's the Ultima, our kind is doomed" Minju said.

Ryujin flashed her red eyes at her and she cowered immediately.

"Woah, that was cool to see in person if you're not the in the receiving end of it" Jaebeom said.

"So can you explain this Ultima thing?" Ryujin asked.

"An Ultima is the highest of the ranks along side with the Suprema. Just like Alpha and Luna, they're equals. They are known for their red eyes, strength and can be dangerous. And with what happened to the humans you encountered with, if a human makes eye contact when the Ultima and Suprema have their red eyes then the human will either die or turn into a wolf. But it was said that the Suprema has another power but we don't know what it is."

"So does that mean that Yeonjun won't be able to become Ultima by mating with my mate?" Ryujin asked hating the idea of Yeonjun and her mate.

"Like I said earlier, Yeonjun seemed to know that there's a Suprema and Ultima but doesn't know the whole prophecy about it."

"Then what is it?" Ryujin asked curiously.

"The moon goddess will grant one wolf to be the Suprema and Ultima but they won't be known since they might get killed before they acquire their full strength."

"I'm so confused. It was random? The moon goddess just went 'ope you look like you might make a good Suprema' then called it good? Also am I Ultima because I mated with Yeji?" Ryujin asked.

"I don't know if it's random or not. Only the moon goddess knows but mating with your mate did not make you the Ultima. That's the part Yeonjun didn't know. You were always meant to be the Ultima. Your mate was meant to be Suprema. I don't know if it's a coincidence that you're mates or not but I guess not since the moon goddess is in charge of mates too" Jaebeom explained.

"Once the Suprema gains their strength, the Ultima will awaken" he softly said.

"This is so interesting" Jaebeom said, "a prophecy is actually true."

"I can't believe I'm the Ultima" Ryujin whispered.

"I mean it kind of makes sense now. When we heard you have a male wolf, we just thought the moon goddess made a mistake. But she didn't. You and Rex are the Ultima. It was supposed to be that way. We don't know why the two of you were chosen but this is a big responsibility. You would be in charge of our whole kind. The moon goddess must think you two are capable" Jaebeom smiled.

"Why does it matter if my wolf is a male or a female?" Ryujin asked.

"The moon goddess probably plans this to last forever. The whole having one leader for all wolves to answer to. Two female cannot reproduce and adoption wouldn't give your pups your powers."

"So we're expected to provide the new Ultima but what about the Suprema?" Ryujin is now extremely curious.

"I'm assuming that the moon goddess will take care of that. Whoever the future Ultima's mate is will become the Suprema."

"This is all happening so fast. One minute I'm fighting pack members trying to take my Alpha title, then finding a rogue who's my mate, then finding out about my red eyes then her red eyes, then Yeonjun trying to become the Ultima by taking my mate,then turns out she's the Suprema and now I'm Ultima" she exclaimed in one breath.

"So Alpha Yeonjun is fighting a losing battle?" Minju asked Jaebeom.

"Yes, he would never be the Ultima even if he succeeded with his plan."

"But how did Yeji's powers awaken? Was there like a switch? Or was it just it was time?" Minju asked another question.

"It was said that the Suprema's powers will show up based on their inner strength. Yeonjun must have known this thus abusing her. Her self worth and confidence must have been down. Knowing Ryujin and being a sweet Alpha that she is, after they met, Yeji's confidence must have improved. Hence showing she is the Suprema and awakening the Ultima" he explained.

"But why didn't her wolf disappear like mine?" Ryujin asked.

"Because only her powers were hidden. Where with you, your whole being was asleep. As she aged with her wolf, her wolf slowly grew as Suprema as well but being in a harsh environment, they failed to feel it. As to you, it all came at once which Rex had to protect you from."

"How come you're not bothered with this whole Ultima thing? You would lose your Alpha status? You won't be the leader anymore." Minju stated.

"I know Ryujin. I've watched her grow up to become the fine woman she is now. I'm confident she will make the right decisions as Ultima. I also know she won't get rid of packs and make us one whole pack so there would still be Alphas and Ryujin would just oversee all of us" Jaebeom confidently said while smiling at Ryujin.

"How did you know?" Ryujin asked surprised.

"Because I can see you already thinking. I know you will do your best" He said smiling.

"Thank you for everything Alpha Jaebeom but we have to go back to my pack but I don't want to bring Minju with me. She might betray me again once we're there and sees Yeonjun. Can you keep an eye on her and I'll take her back when everything has settled?" Ryujin stood up.

"Of course. No problem at all" Jaebeom stood as well.

Ryujin left and shifted back to her wolf and started running.

'Yeji, I'm coming back. Yeonjun is gonna attack. Make sure the guards are ready. Also I love you and I miss you' Ryujin sent a message to her mate.

'Oh my god! You're alive! Where are you?' Yeji asked.

'Just visited an old friend. I'll be there. Yeonjun is going after you so I need you to hid until I get there. I have news for you.'

'Why didn't I sense you if you're alive?' Yeji asked.

'I blocked you because I needed to visit someone before I go back home. If you knew I was alive you would have told me to go back right away' Ryujin explained.

'Shin Ryujin! Wait until you get back! I'm gonna hit you so hard!'

Ryujin laughed, 'Yes baby hit me hard.'

'You're disgusting but I miss you too and I love you too.'

'Make sure you have the guards ready okay?'

'I will. Be safe!'


A few more chapters and this story is over 😭

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