The Rex 2.0

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Ryujin was left alone in a panic. She needs to escape and get back to Yeji. There was no way in hell she would let Yeonjun take her mate. She was struggling to get herself free when she felt sharp needles of pain running through her body. She screamed in agony and felt like her body was on fire.

Minju came in to see what was happening. Ryujin was sweating and screaming. Her bones were cracking, popping out through her skin and back in to place.

Ryujin stopped screaming and her bones stopped moving. She was looking down and panting.

Minju walked closer to her, "Are you okay? What happened?"

Ryujin looked up and Minju stopped right away. A devilish red eyes was staring right through her. She looked down and saw Ryujin's canines clearly visible.

"Release me now!" The Alpha growled.

Minju wasn't able to think. Her body just reacted and untied Ryujin.

Ryujin stood up, cracked her neck and stretched her whole body. She looked at Minju who's now on her knees with her head touching the floor.

"Where's Yeonjun?" Ryujin asked.

"I don't know Alpha" Minju shakily answered.

"What do you mean you don't know?!" Ryujin roared.

Minju whimpered but stayed in the same position, "He never told me where he stays. This place is just one of the territories he's taken from other packs. We're in my old territory. Where The Light Warriors once resided."

'I'm back! I leave for one minute and you're already in trouble?' Rex tried to lighten up the mood.

'What the fuck Rex!? Where were you? How can you just disappear like that without telling me!?' Ryujin said angry.

'Don't you feel something different?' Rex changed the topic.

'Don't change the subject! I wanna know why you left!" Ryujin still not calming down.

'I'm not trying to change the subject! I was trying to set the mood before I explain. Jeez. Angry much?' Rex said.

'Then explain!' Ryujin said impatiently.

'Calm down first' Rex said.

'Rex!' Ryujin now frustrated

'Okay okay. No need to get your panties tied in a bunch'

'I swear to the moon goddess, Rex if you don't start talking I will not let you mate with Lucy!'

'Fine! Answer me first though, don't you feel something different?' Rex asked.

'Yea? I felt like you were reborn? I don't know if that's the right word but you feel stronger?' Ryujin answered.

'I kind of was. You know how wolves don't show up right when you're born. We wait until you're grown up a bit? Because human bodies at a young age won't be able to handle our power. They could die especially on their first attempt of shifting' Rex explained.

'I know Rex. Why are you explaining that when I already know?' Ryujin questioned.

'You really are dumb. I'm glad you didn't change while I was gone' Rex said sarcastically.

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