The sister

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"Yuna!" Ryujin entered her sister's room trying to hide the fact that her body is still wounded.

"Big sis!" Yuna jumped into Ryujin's arms.

Ryujin bit her lower lip to stop herself from screaming in pain.

"Yuna! You're squeezing too hard!" Ryujin managed to choke out.

"Wow,  I didn't realize our Alpha has gotten weak that she can't handle a hug from her sister" Yuna laughed.

"You're just freakishly strong and big. Not my fault gigantor" Ryujin teased.

"So what's this I hear that you found your mate? When can I meet her? This is huge! I thought you'd die alone and angry" Yuna made an angry face to mock her sister.

"Later but you need to tone down your cheery attitude and tendency to be annoying" Ryujin smirked.

"You're just jelly because you're an angry grump" Yuna crossed her arms and pouted.

"Yea yea but seriously tone it down. She's very timid. Her old pack hurt her a lot so she doesn't really trust anyone."

"What pack did she come from?" Yuna asked.

Ryujin shrugged her shoulders, "I haven't asked yet. I don't know if she would tell me right now anyways."

"How are you calm? They hurt your mate."

"Who says I'm calm? I wanna rip them to shreds. I just don't show it because my mate might get scared of me more. I want her to let me in, not scare her away" Ryujin sighed.

Yuna had a devious smile, "Of course you want her to let you in."

Ryujin understanding the double meaning smacked her sister, "Just because your coming of age is approaching, doesn't mean you can be perverted!"

"I didn't say anything! You're the one who thought of it in a dirty way!"

The two sisters spent some time catching up with each other and planning Yuna's coming of age party.

'Alpha, Miss Yeji is having a panic attack. Please come to her room right away.' Soobin, the guard in charge of watching Yeji said.

'I'm on my way.'

Ryujin ran to Yeji's room as fast as she could and Yuna followed wondering what's happening.

The sisters entered Yeji's room. Ryujin looking around to find Yeji sitting in the corner crying.

Ryujin approached her and was about put her hand on the crying girl's shoulder but she stopped when the girl flinched.

"Please! Don't hurt me! Please!" Yeji cried hugging her body.

"Yeji. Hey, I'm not gonna hurt you. I just wanna help. What's wrong? Did something trigger you?" Ryujin asked calmly.

"Please! Stay away!" Yeji cried some more.

"Okay okay. Now please calm down" Ryujin backed away.

'Jisu, come to Yeji's room now!' Ryujin ordered.

'Yes Alpha. On the way.'

As soon as Jisu arrived, Ryujin went to her right away, "I don't know what to do. She won't let me near her."

"Maybe you were being too aggressive?" Jisu asked.

"I tried to approach her as calm and soft as I could" Ryujin said frustrated.

"Okay. Let me help" Jisu said before approaching Yeji.

Jisu was able to hug Yeji and calm her down. Seeing this hurt Ryujin.

'This is sad. That should be us holding her' Rex whimpered.

'We will get there, hopefully' Ryujin sadly said.

'I wish you can mark her already so Lucy and I can talk to each other and she can be a member of our pack.'

'By the way, you said before you can sense her wolf's feeling. How? And how was Lucy able to sense that you're a male wolf?' Ryujin asked.

'I actually don't know. I just felt connected to her already. I know normally we have to at least mark her before that happens but maybe the moon goddess made it this way? Since it's already rare for a male wolf to be in a female human body.'

Ryujin just hummed and looked at Yeji and Jisu hugging.

"Wow. I didn't realize it was this serious" Yuna stood next to Ryujin.

Ryujin just nodded not feeling like talking.

"She will trust you soon enough" Yuna said in an attempt to cheer up her sister.

"I really want to know what pack she came from" Ryujin said full of anger.

Yeji has now fully calmed down and Jisu left to tend to her daily chores.

Yeji is now sitting on the bed, still not looking at anyone.

Yuna approached Yeji, "Hi. I'm Yuna. That stupid Alpha's sister" she said pointing at Ryujin.

"Yeji. An Om—"

"My mate" Ryujin finished Yeji's sentence.

Yuna glared at her sister for being rude.

"Don't be afraid okay? We won't hurt you. My sister may look tough and mean but she's kind. She won't hurt you" Yuna trying to help her sister get brownie points.

"She's going to kick us out soon. I know it. I know I said I wanted to try out this mate thing but I don't think I can live every day being in fear of the possibility of being rejected because she would change her mind."

Ryujin now slowly approached Yeji, "Why would I reject you again? I came back to you. Didn't I? When I accepted you, I meant it. I want you to be my mate. I want to mark you and finish the mating process so we can be as one. I want to see you with our pups one day."

Yuna pulled back her sister, "Woah calm down there doggy, she won't even let look at you and you're talking about her having pups."

Yeji laughed a bit and that surprised the sisters.

"Ha! I'm a better Shin than you! I got her to laugh" Yuna suddenly exclaimed.

"Of course you'd make her laugh, clowns are good at that" Ryujin fired back.

Yeji laughed again. This made Ryujin and Rex happy hearing their mate laugh.

"Did you eat already today?" Ryujin asked Yeji.

Yeji shook her head, "No. My stomach actually hurts."

"What?! Why didn't you tell me?!" Ryujin suddenly approached Yeji in a quick manner.

Yeji covered her face and flinched.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. But why didn't you say your stomach hurt to anyone? Do you need to see the pack doctor? Is it a poop issue" Ryujin frantically asked not knowing how to care for a mate.

'You're an embarrassment' Rex said.

'I'm trying! Shut up!'

"No. I just ate more than I'm used to yesterday. I normally eat once a week if I'm lucky" Yeji answered.

Ryujin accidentally released a growl.

Yeji whimpered and covered herself with a pillow, "I'm sorry."

Ryujin realized what she did, "Don't apologize. I'm sorry. I just get mad thinking about how they treated you."

Yeji remained silent then Yuna slowly sat next to her, "Do you want to help plan my party?"

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