The second chance

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Ryujin slept next to Yeji waiting for her to wake up. A movement from the girl in bed woke her up so she raised her head to find Yeji staring at her confused.

"How did I get here?" She asked.

"I brought you here. You had me so worried. Why would you leave like that?" Ryujin accidentally growled.

Yeji whimpered at the sudden aggression. Ryujin apologized.

"Now will you please tell me, why you would leave at night by yourself?" Ryujin asked calmly now.

Yeji with her head down, "How can I stay here when my mate rejected me?"

Guilt was written all over Ryujin's face, "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have rejected you. I was too blinded by my hatred to rogue wolves. Even after you explained to me why you left, I didn't fully believe you. But then you disappeared, and I thought my whole world was gonna crumble down."

Yeji didn't say anything. She just stared at her. She thought, how can they be together when they don't trust each other. Both of them hold grudges for what the other is. One is a rogue wolf and one is an Alpha leader.

"We can't control our hearts for being broken when you rejected me since were mates. We're literally bound to each other but I don't know if we can be together or if I even want that" Yeji said which made Lucy wish she can smack her human.

Rex did not like what they said so he's going crazy, Ryujin felt a twinge in her heart and thought is Yeji the one rejecting her now.

Yeji continued, "You couldn't accept me or still can't accept me because I'm a rogue but I fear you because you're an Alpha."

Ryujin was taken aback, "Yeji, I'm not like your old Alpha. I won't hurt you. I promise."

"You already did" Yeji accidentally said.

Ryujin looked at her confused waiting for the other to explain.

"He only hurt me from the outside and us wolves heal pretty quick so it was fine but hurt me from the inside which is somehow more painful even if it's intangible."

Ryujin was lost for words. She couldn't believe how she treated her mate. She saw how scared Yeji was. How did she think she was a threat.

The Alpha tried to hold her tears, "Will you at least stay here even if you don't want us to be together? I want to know at least you're safe."

Ryujin turned to walk away with her head down. "I didn't say I didn't want to try" Yeji whispered loud enough for the other to hear.

Ryujin turned around to see Yeji looking at her hands feeling shy. She walked closer to the wolfcat.

"Do you mean it?" Ryujin asked.

Yeji nodded, "It hurts too much to be away from you."

Ryujin was about to hug Yeji but the latter flinched at her movement. Upon noticing this, the Alpha stopped herself and just smiled at her wolfcat.

"Now that were somewhat okay. What is that in your nose?" Yeji curiously asked.

"In case you forgot. You're still in heat. This" pointing at her nose thats covered with tissue and tape, "is so I can't smell you that well which helps me control myself since I didn't want to leave your side."

"Why am not in pain or heating up? Did you touch me without my permission?!"

"No! Of course not! The doctors gave you something to help with your heat. I guess they give to our female wolves here to help them" Ryujin frantically waved her hands hoping to clear up the misunderstanding.

They both laughed and stared into each other's eyes for what seemed like eternity but Yeji remembered something.

"You never answered how you became the pack leader. I know you're the only heir but I'm sure male wolves from your pack has tried to strip you away of your title as leader. How were you able to beat male wolves considering female wolves are smaller and weaker" Yeji said hoping to get an answer this time.

Ryujin remembered that she referred to her wolf as a 'she' before. She tilted her head to the side looking at Yeji confused.

"Did your wolf not inform you?" Ryujin asked.

"Inform me what?" Yeji asked back.

"That my wolf is a male?" Ryujin said waiting for a reaction from the other.

"WHAT?!" was the only thing Yeji could say.

Meanwhile, inside her, Lucy is having the time of her life laughing her ass off.

Ryujin grabbed a chair and placed it next to Yeji's bed. She sat down looking at her beautiful mate deep in thought. She's assuming she's scolding her wolf for not telling her about Rex.

Ryujin disrupted Yeji, "To answer your question. My wolf is still smaller than other male wolves but were still an Alpha so we have the strength. And since I'm smaller I am faster and a bit more agile I'm able to win my fights."

"Everyone in your pack accepts you as a leader?" Yeji asked.

Ryujin shook her, "More accepts me now than when I first became their Alpha."

"What happened to the guy in the woods?" Yeji suddenly remembered.

"He's locked up and I will deal with him later. Right now I want to be here with you" Ryujin said.

"Who was he?"

"He's a member of this pack. Well not for long at least. Not after what he did to you." Ryujin gritted her teeth.

Yeji sensed her anger so she decided to change the topic, "So this whole us being mates thing. Is it okay if we take it slow?"

"Of course. I'd like that as well. But I still would like to announce to the pack that you're my mate so they know you're off limits" Ryujin said nervously.

"That's fine" Yeji gave Ryujin a reassuring smile.

The two talked some more to get to know each other. Yeji talked about her not so good life with her old pack. Ryujin talked about her struggles as a female Alpha. Both feeling bad for one another. But they both can't deny the feeling of completion in their hearts now that they accepted each other as mates.

'Alpha, Mark is looking for you and he is very angry. Please come to your office' Chaeryeong begged.

'I'll be right there. Thank you."

Ryujin smiled at Yeji again, "I have to go and take care of some stuff. I'll be back okay?"

Yeji nodded and waved goodbye.

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