The dumbassery

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Chaeryeong barged into Ryujin's office after learning Yeji took off.

Ryujin ran to Yeji's room right away to make sure she's gone. She's in a panic now and she doesn't even know why. She doesn't want to care for the girl but her wolf and her heart won't let her.

She grabbed the pillow Yeji used and smelled it to see if her scent is still strong. This will determine how long ago did she leave.

'This is another one of your dumbass moves! How could you reject and expect her to stay! If anything happens to our mate I will never forgive you' Rex growled.

'Rex, calm down. We have a bigger problem' Ryujin said defeated.

'What's bigger than her being out there alone!?'

'When I smelled her pillow, did you not notice that her scent was a bit different?' Ryujin asked.

Rex realized what Ryujin was trying to say. Their mate is going into heat soon. They need to find her right away before anyone else catches her scent.

Rex tried to take control of Ryujin and this time he succeeded. They jumped out the window and shifted in midair.

Rex is running as fast as he can sniffing the air to hopefully catch Yeji's scent. They sent a mindlink to Chaeryeong instructing her what to do and let them know if they find Yeji.

While Rex was busy running, Ryujin was in his head blaming herself. She thought her heart hurt when she rejected her mate only to find that losing her without having the chance to hold her was worse.

She promised herself if they find Yeji, she will try her best to be with her and protect her.

'Ryujin, I can smell her. She's nearby. Bad news, she's already in heat. I can smell it' Rex said.

Ryujin told Rex to hurry. Rex stopped running when she heard someone crying for help. He looked around trying to figure out which direction the cries are coming from. When he figured it out, he ran full speed in that direction.

They knew they were heading the right way because her cries was getting closer. Rex saw two figures ahead and what he saw made his blood boil. One of their own is has their mate pinned down.

Ryujin tried to get control of her body. She wanted to kill this man with her human hands and not in her wolf form. For a moment, Ryujin gained control and was able to call for Yeji but Rex's rage was too strong and able to pushed Ryujin back.

Rex sprinted towards them and was about to attack. The man saw him and stood up to shift into his wolf form. The two wolves are not staring at each other, walking in circles growling at each other.

'How dare you not bow down to your Alpha!' Rex snarled.

'You're not my Alpha. You will never be my Alpha. You made this pack into a laughing stock' man replied.

'Haechan! Bow down! Now!'

'I will never bow down to a female Alpha!' He said in a tone of disgust.

'Now leave before I kill you for disrupting my fun' Haechan commanded.

'What makes you think I would leave you with my mate?' Rex questioned.

This information surprised Haechan. He didn't know Ryujin has found her mate.

'You're lying. She's not marked! You probably just smelled her heat and followed us here'

'How can I mark her when I just found her yesterday' Rex said being a smartass.

Haechan was about to attack Rex when Chaeryeong and the guards arrived. 

Rex let Ryujin go back into their human form. She ran to Yeji and put the wolfcat's head on her lap. She put her hand on Yeji's face lightly tapping it to wake her up but she's not moving.

Tears were falling from Ryujin's face and she's begging the moon goddess to not take Yeji from her.

"Alpha, we need to take her to the pack hospital" Chaeryeong said

Ryujin nodded and carried Yeji bridal style.

"Alpha, please wear the clothes I brought first" the red head reminded her.

Ryujin put down Yeji and grabbed the clothes. Once she was done, she picked up Yeji again and took her to the pack hospital.

At the hospital, the doctor was checking everything to make sure Yeji wasn't suffering from anything. She still hasn't woken up yet and this caused Ryujin and Rex to worry.

It's been a few hours and Yeji hasn't woken up yet. Ryujin hasn't left her side either. She was admiring her beauty and wishes she would wake up soon so she can get lost in her eyes.

Someone knocked on the door and Ryujin let them in without checking who it is. She's so out of it that she didn't even feel Jisu tap her shoulder.

"Alpha, you need to eat" Jisu said.

"How can I eat when my mate is unconscious?" Ryujin sadly said.

"You do know that this wouldn't have happened if you didn't reject her right?" Jisu said angering Ryujin.

"I know it's my fault okay?!" Ryujin stood up to face Jisu.

Ryujin took a deep breath because she doesn't like being angry at her friends.

"Where's Haechan?" Ryujin asked changing the topic.

"He's in the cells" Jisu informed her.

"Good. He can rot there."

"Uhmm" Ryujin started to say something, "Aside for mating, is there any way to help Yeji ease her pain when she's in heat?"

Jisu laughed, "I forgot that even though you're a girl you don't go through heat cycles like we do because of Rex."

"But ask the doctor for some of the pills he created for us single female wolfies to help with our heat" Jisu advices.

Ryujin thanked her friend. Jisu then asked what is she gonna do with Yeji.

"I want to give us a chance. Not being close to her is literally killing Rex and I."

"That's good. It's about time you give us a Luna" Jisu joked.

"But I don't know. I can't get over the fact that she's a rogue. Even though she left her pack for valid reasons" Ryujin sighed.

"Ryu, stop hating on all rogues. You killed the rogues that killed your father. They're gone. Don't let your happiness slip because you're too stubborn to let go and move on" Jisu patted her friend's back before leaving.

Ryujin was alone in the room with Yeji again. She looked at Yeji's face and decided to hell with it. She wants to be with Yeji. She hopes that she didn't completely burn that bridge and Yeji would give her another chance.

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