The story

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Ryujin and Yeji are sitting in Mrs. Shin's room.

"Mother, Yeji would like to hear what happened to her" Ryujin said while caressing Yeji's hand.

Yeji's whole body was trembling.

"Your father and I are close friends with the Hwangs. You two were very close when you were pups. The moment you two met, you became inseparable. We had a feeling that you two would be mates or at least we were hoping."

She paused to drink some water, "When you two were five, the Hwangs went with your father one time to another pack to discuss business so you two were left under my care. We went out for a fun day while they were gone then we got into a car accident. We weren't near our territory so we were taken to a nearby hospital. Ryujin and myself weren't hurt that much. Yeji wasn't as lucky. The car was hit on the passenger, the side you were in, and you were bleeding everywhere" she looked at Yeji.

Mrs. Shin took a deep breath on the verge of tears, "After Yeji was taken in, they said we could go in her room but she was no where to be found. The whole pack searched for years after that but she was never found until now."

"But mother, why would someone take her?" She then turned to Yeji, "Yeji, you have to tell us the name of your old pack please."

Yeji remained silent as tears fall down on her face.

Mrs. Shin spoke to her daughter, "Don't push her right now. She just found out something big. Let her process it first."

"It doesn't make sense why they would take her though and why don't I remember her?"

Mrs. Shin sighed, "When she first disappeared, we thought we were going to lose you too. You cried nonstop, wouldn't eat, you just kept saying your heart hurt. We didn't know how to help you. The only person who can help ease your pain even for a little bit was Yuna. So she made it her mission to be with you at all times so you weren't sad anymore. And I guess overtime you focused on taking care of Yuna and you erased the pain from your heart."

"As for Yeji being taken, we think they took her to hurt us. They might have thought she's our biological daughter since she spent a lot of time with us."

"But why would they try to hurt you?" Ryujin asked.

"There's a prophecy that the moon goddess blessed a wolf to be an Alpha of all Alphas. This Alpha is known to be strongest of all Alphas and most powerful. One growl can make anyone cower and your dad was the strongest wolf they've seen."

"But he was killed by a rogue" Ryujin whispered but her mother heard.

"Ryujin! Clearly the prophecy isn't true" Mrs. Shin stated.

"But why didn't they just kill me? They treated me like one of them until my parents were labeled as traitors" Yeji questioned.

"I don't know why but I'm glad they didn't kill you. I'm happy you're back. Your biological parents are overjoyed. They want to meet you too but if you're not comfortable then they would understand" Mrs. Shin gave Yeji a warm smile.

"When you're ready though, tell us the name of your pack" Mrs. Shin said.

Hearing this made Yeji more anxious after finding out everything. The pack she knew was her home actually took her from real home. But who were the people who raised her and gave her love as parents. Everything is running through her head but none of it making sense.

"What if I tell you and they find me and take me again?" Yeji quietly asked.

Ryujin held Yeji, "I won't allow that. I will protect you. This pack will protect you. I'm not some kid anymore. I'm an Alpha. I won't let anything happen to you."

Yeji cried feeling happy and sad. Happy because her mate is slowly helping her feel safe. Sad because she felt like her whole life was a lie. Her pack was a lie, her parents was a lie.

"I'm confused about something else. Why didn't they change her name? I'm sure keeping it would make it easier to find her. And I'm sure you visited all the packs back then how come you didn't find her?" Ryujin asked.

"We did visit all the packs but they hid her well so I don't know. And for her nam—"

Yeji answered before Mrs. Shin could, "I don't think they could change it because I would have questioned it because I woke up and I saw the band on my wrist that had my name."

"Ryujin, can we go back to my room now? I think I've heard enough. I'm tired" Yeji asked.

Ryujin just nodded and guided her back to her room.

Yeji laid on the bed feeling exhausted.

"I'll check on you later okay? Get some rest" Ryujin kissed her forehead.

Ryujin was about to walk away but stopped when she felt someone hold her wrist. She turned around to see Yeji now sitting up and looking down.

"Could you stay and lay down with me?" Yeji shyly asked.

"Are you sure?" She questioned Yeji.

Yeji nodded still looking down. Ryujin smiled and laid down next to her and engulfed the shy wolf cat into her arms.

Yeji rested her head on Ryujin's chest crying. The latter rubbed her back and mumbling its okay.

"Ryujin. I'm so scared. I'm so scared that I'm so broken instead of being mad after knowing I was taken by that pack, I'm scared of what they will do to me now that I know the truth. Now I'm scared that they will hurt you too because of me. Thinking about it makes me feel the pain again all over my body. All the bruises, the cuts, the burns. I can still feel it linger. I'm afraid to go to sleep because of my nightmares. How can I be your Luna when I'm so weak?" Yeji sobbed and body shaking.

Ryujin hugged her mate tightly. Not because of anger but because of guilt. Her mate had to endure so much and she wasn't there to protect her. She even forgot about her.

"Don't worry about being Luna right now okay? You're not weak Yeji. If anything you're the strongest person I know. You've suffered so much and here you are still standing. You're so brave. You ran from everything you knew even though you didn't know what was waiting for you outside of your pack. I'm here now so you won't go through anything alone ever again. We can find help. I can't promise you that you'll forget the pain but we will together to make it bearable so it doesn't hurt you anymore."

Yeji cried even harder not knowing what to say.

"If you're up for it, we can try that therapy. Jisu can be with you like you want. I'll have guards with you at all times but I'll make sure they keep their distance so they're not scaring. But I do have one question, don't panic. You can say no to it."

Yeji looked at Ryujin anticipating the question.

"I'd like us to start our mating process."

Yeji's eyes widened and pushed herself away from Ryujin.

Ryujin sat up and waved her hands in front of her, "I just want us to do the first part of it. We don't have to have sex yet. I just want to mark you so you can officially be part of this pack again and you can use mindlink to communicate with me."

Yeji relaxed after hearing her intentions.

"How did they make me become a part of their pack then? Since I can communicate with them through mindlink" Yeji asked.

Ryujin grabbed Yeji's right hand, "See this scar?" Pointing at her palm and Yeji nodded, "they probably did a ritual with your blood when you were young."

"Then why can't you do that?" Yeji raised her eyebrows.

"Because I prefer the marking you part" the Alpha chuckled.

Yeji rolled her eyes and went back into Ryujin's arms.



"I'd like to meet my biological parents."

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