The love

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*This whole chapter is just naughtiness so skip this if you're not comfortable hehe*

Ryujin and Yeji are now in the bedroom. Yeji is changing into her pajamas. They decided to sleep in one room tonight since they missed each other a lot.

"Are you sure you're doing okay? You're not hurt anywhere on your body?" Ryujin asked Yeji.

"Ryujin I'm fine I swear" Yeji answered.

Yeji was walking towards the bed when Ryujin suddenly pushed her against the wall. She pinned Yeji's hands above her head with one hand and the short girl leaned in to kiss the taller girl.

Yeji turned her head so Ryujin kissed Yeji's cheek instead. "What are you doing?" She asked the short Ultima.

Ryujin didn't answer and just groaned. She grabbed Yeji's chin and pulled her head back to its original position. "I missed you so much" Ryujin lowly growled before kissing her mate.

Yeji couldn't help but melt under her mate's touch. She sighed into Ryujin's lips while the latter let's go of her chin and runs her hand up Yeji's shirt.

Ryujin reached Yeji's breast and squeezed. Yeji arched into her hands. Yeji gasped into her partner's mouth as Ryujin pinched her nipple. Ryujin took this opportunity to push her tongue in and fight for dominance.

Ryujin broke the kiss. With their foreheads touching, Yeji saw the hunger in Ryujin's eyes. She was scared because she remembers their first time with Ryujin being gentle but now her dominant side is showing. She's scared but excited. Lucy is definitely jumping off the walls.

Yeji nodded giving Ryujin permission to continue. Ryujin picked up Yeji by the legs and Yeji wrapped her arms around the short girl's neck. Ryujin carried her to their and gently threw her down.

Ryujin climbed on top of Yeji, sliding between the latter's legs. She can feel the heat coming off Yeji's pussy.

The once Alpha took advantage of being on top. She quickly pulled her mate's shirt and attached her lips to her while running her fingers under Yeji's waistband.

Yeji's body shuddered as she felt Ryujin flicked her tongue to her earlobe. She felt Ryujin press her thigh against her center and she couldn't help but grind against it.

Ryujin changed their position so Yeji is sitting on her lap now. Yeji kept rocking her center against Ryujin's thigh as she threw her head in the air moaning Ryujin's name.

Ryujin took full advantage of this by kissing and biting Yeji's throat. Yeji grinded her pussy faster as Ryujin made her way to her collarbone. She sucked hard leaving a red mark knowing it will leave a bruise.

Yeji pulled Ryujin away by the hair and the latter groaned at the loss of physical contact.

"You're so naughty" Yeji said with her face flushed.

"You don't even know" Ryujin said before taking Yeji's left nipple into her mouth. Yeji moaned while Ryujin moved the right nipple as she sucked, licked and bit it.

Ryujin turned Yeji around again pushing her down on the bed. She grabbed a tie from the drawer next to the bed and wrapped it around Yeji's wrist and tied to the bed. Yeji began to squirm once she realized she couldn't touch Ryujin.

Ryujin on top of Yeji leaned down to her head and whispered, "If you behave, maybe I'll let you cum."

Yeji nodded right away so Ryujin gave her a kiss on the cheek. She moved her way down to Yeji's body and pulls down her pajamas over her hip as Yeji raised her hips to make it easier. She placed kisses on the tall girl's legs and moved up to her thigh and nibbled the skin inside her thigh.

Yeji tried to move her hips to make contact with Ryujin's mouth but groaned instead when the shorter girl pulled away.

Ryujin ran her fingers lightly over Yeji's underwear starting from her entrance to her clit. She can feel how wet Yeji is. She moved her underwear to the side and Yeji gasped as she felt a finger brush over her clit.

Ryujin leaned down and place a kiss to her clit and her mate's hips moved up trying to find more pressure.

Ryujin teased Yeji's clit lightly with her tongue, just barely touching it. Ryujin looked up to see Yeji's head thrashing from side to side, her wrist starting to form a bruise from the tie. She proceeded to pull her underwear down while still licking her clit.

Ryujin lightly pushed a finger inside Yeji and the latter arched her back from the bed and released a moan. Ryujin slides the finger all the way in now and left it there. Yeji adjusted herself until she felt relief. Ryujin could tell that it wasn't enough for Yeji so she inserted another one.

Starting at a slow pace, Ryujin moved her fingers in and out. She applied a bit more pressure to Yeji's clit with her tongue. Yeji moaned louder and louder as Ryujin moved her fingers faster and harder. She sucked at her clit and flicked her tongue over the sensitive area.

Ryujin felt Yeji's wall tightened and she gave one final kiss to Yeji's clit before pulling away and made her way back up to Yeji's body, keeping her fingers inside.

When she reached Yeji's face, she pressed a kiss to her lips. Yeji moaned at the taste of herself.

Ryujin used her free hand to untie Yeji from the bed but keep the wrist tied together. Yeji hooked her hands around Ryujin's neck to deepened the kiss as Ryujin took her thumb to rub the tall girl's clit.

Ryujin curled her fingers inside Yeji and she gasped into Ryujin's mouth. She thrust harder and deeper. She can feel Yeji was about to cum.

The Alpha used her spare hand to pinch and twist Yeji nipple. That's all Yeji needed before she came all over Ryujin's fingers. Her walls clenched around the Alpha's fingers.

Ryujin stopped playing at Yeji's clit when she felt Yeji shake from overstimulation. Ryujin let Yeji ride her fingers until she's come down from her high.

The short girl undid the tie and placed a kissed on the bruises the formed on Yeji's wrist.

They laid down together with Yeji's head on Ryujin chest. Ryujin placed a kiss on Yeji's forehead and the tall girl looked to see the short girl's eyes.

They stared at each other with full of love for a couple of minutes.

"I love you so much my Suprema" Ryujin smiled.

Yeji blushed, "I love you too my Ultima."

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