The weight

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"Ryujin am I fat?" Yeji asked feeling insecure about her body.

"A little but I love it. You're carrying our pups so it's only natural for you to gain weight" Ryujin said not reading the room.

The two are cuddling in bed after a long day. It only took a few days for Ryujin's gunshot wound to heal.

"Get out!" Yeji pulled away from Ryujin and sat up.

Ryujin also sits up looking confused, "What? What happened?"

"You called me fat!"

"I said only a little! But there's nothing wrong with it. You are pregnant" Ryujin tried to reason out.

"Get out Ryujin. I don't want to see you right now" Yeji said as she starts to tear up.

"Yeddeong" Ryujin softly said while trying to pull Yeji in for a hug but the latter resisted, "What's wrong?"

"Just leave me alone tonight please" Yeji said now crying. Ryujin stood up feeling she had no choice but to respect her mate's wish.

The Ultima leaves the room and decided to sleep on Yeji's old room. She's really confused on what just happened.

'Rex, do you understand what happened?' Ryujin asked her wolf.

'Sometimes I really wish I could leave you. Because of you we won't be able to hold our mate' Rex ignored Ryujin's question.

'I didn't do anything wrong!' Ryujin claimed.

'Right now, your whole being is wrong!' Rex said.

'Why would you agree she looked fat? Did you not sense she was feeling insecure? Her body is changing. Her pregnancy is not the same like a normal human. Typically humans don't show a baby bump or gain significant weight until like 3 to 4 months into their pregnancy. And Yeji already looked like she's 6 to 7 months pregnant. She gained weight so fast and she's struggling to cope with it' Rex explained.

'Wow. I really am a dumbass' Ryujin finally understanding.

'I'm glad you know but I'm still mad at you because now we have to sleep away from them' Rex whined.

'I'm sorry buddy. I'll try to fix it' Ryujin sighed.


The next day, Ryujin got up early to make breakfast in bed for Yeji. She ordered someone to pick flowers from the garden and arrange it so it would look pretty.

After cooking breakfast and getting the flowers, she tried to make the tray as presentable as she could.

She went upstairs and stood in front of the door for a little bit afraid to face Yeji. She knocked then opened the door to find her mate still sleeping.

She placed the tray down on the table next to the bed. She looked at her mate and smiled then frowned remembering how insensitive she was last night.

She crouched down and with her right hand, she caressed the sleeping girl's cheek.

Yeji was startled by the sudden touch then calmed down once she saw it was just Ryujin.

"What are you doing here?" Yeji said still angry.

Ryujin stood back up, "I wanted to apologize for last night. I was being insensitive towards you."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't change the fact that you think I'm fat. What? You're gonna start looking for another mate?" Yeji sarcastically said.

"That's not how mates work. We don't get a choice" Ryujin blurted out.

She immediately tried to cover her mouth but the damage has been done.

'Ryujin! I want to cry. You make me wanna cry. How can you be this ugh! You said you're gonna fix this, not make it worse!' Rex roared extremely annoyed.

"What did you say?" Yeji glared at Ryujin.

"It's not what I meant. I was saying that you just can't find another mate because we only get one mate. Unless the moon goddess is kind enough to give you a second chance mate" Ryujin rambled in a panic.

"So you would find another mate if you could?" Yeji asked in a scary tone.

Ryujin felt goosebumps on her skin and she wants to run away but she thought that would make things worst.

"Of course not. I love you. I don't want another mate. If you weren't my mate I'd still go for you" Ryujin saying anything to save her butt.

"Ryujin, do you not find me attractive anymore?" Yeji whispered while looking down at her hands resting on her lap.

Ryujin sat on the bed, "Of course I do. I know I'm saying the wrong things to you right now but I would never replace you Yeji. There's no one else like you. I got very lucky to have you as my mate and I know that. You're the unlucky one to get me. I'm sorry for calling you fat last night. I don't think you look fat at all. You have baby weight and I love it. I love how you looked then, how you look now and I'll love how you'll look in the future. I'm really sorry. You look amazing Yeddeong and I couldn't thank you enough for carrying our pups."

Yeji broke down crying and hugged the apologetic girl, "That's all I wanted to hear."

"Sshh don't cry love. Eat some breakfast. We gotta put some weight on you. You're as skinny as a toothpick" Ryujin joked.

"Too soon Ryujin" Yeji seriously said.

Ryujin gave a sheepish smile, "Sorry. But seriously eat breakfast. I made it myself."

Ryujin paused to think, "On second thought, don't eat that and let's go to the kitchen to see what everyone else is eating. I don't want to be the reason the pups die."

Yeji rolled her eyes but got dressed anyways to eat breakfast downstairs with everyone.

Ryujin suddenly picked up Yeji bridal style. "Ryujin, put me down. Im heavy" Yeji gasped.

"Not heavy at all. You weigh like a bag of air, are you even real? Or are you just in my imagination?" Ryujin tried to lighten up the mood.

This time Yeji actually laughed, "You're so stupid but I love how stupid you are at times."

"That is why we're mates" Ryujin laughed before putting down Yeji.

"Let's eat, my beautiful mate" Ryujin said.

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