The second heat

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*slight naughtiness ahead* read at your own risk.

Things have been calmed since the Elder vampire visited. Yeonjun has been quiet which makes Ryujin nervous because she doesn't know what he's planning. Yeji is doing well with handling her panic attacks. She still goes to therapy though.

Yeji also started training to fight. She would only spar with Chaeryeong, Ryujin or Yuna since they're the only ones she's comfortable with.

Chaeryeong and Yeji are currently sparring right now while Ryujin and Yuna just watches.

Yeji is doing well with training. She's strong. She's beaten Chaeryeong and Yuna but not Ryujin.

"How was she able to throw you across the room but she can't beat you?" Yuna asked.

"I'm not sure. Maybe because my guard was down. My goal was to calm her down. Not defend myself at the moment."

"I still don't get why Yeonjun wants her?" Yuna questioned.

"It's Alpha Yeonjun" Ryujin corrected.

"I'm sorry but I'm not calling someone like him who wants to harm our kind an Alpha!" Yuna growled.

Yuna has always been against violence. Especially anyone who kills their own kind. She believes they should be helping each other.

Ryujin just listened to Yuna rant about how stupid that werewolves kill werewolves. When all of a sudden, she caught a scent that drove her and Rex crazy. Her mate is in heat.

"Shit" Yeji said.

"You're in heat" Chaeryeong said.

They looked around and can see all the non mated wolves sniff the air and growl. They looked at Yeji forgetting the fact that she's their Alpha's mate.

Majority of the wolves started to make their way to Yeji but Ryujin flashed her red eyes, "Don't!" She roared.

The whole pack submit immediately. Her voice was deeper, full of authority and anger. The booming sound shook their surroundings. Everyone stopped and Ryujin carried Yeji back to her room.

Ryujin laid Yeji on the bed while holding her breath.

"Why are you holding your breath?" Yeji asked.

"If I smell you, I might not be able to hold back. So I need to go for a run. I'll have Jisu bring you meds before the pain hits you okay?"

Ryujin was about to leave but Yeji stopped her.

"Ryu?" She whispered.

"I can't stay" Ryujin said then ran off.

Yeji laid there thinking maybe she's ready to give herself to Ryujin but she contemplates because they're not even sleeping on the same bed. Would it be too fast to mate now? But she's been marked. Mating is the last step of the mating process.

She groaned in frustration when she heard a knock on the door and Jisu entered right after.

"Jisu, would Ryujin be mad if I don't take the medicine then she would have no choice but to help me?" Yeji asked.

"You're ready to mate?" Jisu asked.

"I think so. I think I've been ready a while but she's so respectful and I'm too shy to initiate anything."

"You better decide quick, your scent is getting stronger. You're about to heat up and start hurting" Jisu said.

"Okay. I think I won't take the medicine. Thank you Jisu."

Jisu left the room and Yeji just laid there waiting for her body to fully go on heat.

After a few minutes, her body started feeling hot. She's starting to feel an ache in her privates. She whimpered with tears starting to come out of her eyes.

'Ryu, I need you. Please come back' Yeji whimpered to her mate.

'Yeji, are you okay? Why are you in pain? The medicine didn't work?' Ryujin asked worried.

'Come back. Please' was the only thing Yeji could say.

Ryujin had no choice but to go back to her mate. She sprinted through the woods feeling the wind in her fur. She arrived at the pack house, changed to her human form and grabbed the clothes she hid in the bushes.

The closer she got to Yeji's room, the crazier her wolf gets. She's trying her best to control herself. She opened the door and saw her mate curled up into ball whimpering on top of the bed.

"Yeji, didn't the medicine work?" Ryujin cautiously asked.

Yeji shook her head, "I didn't take it."

"Why?" Ryujin forming a fist trying to hold herself back but Yeji's scent is just too much.

"I want you to ease the pain" Yeji said crying.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes please. It hurts so much" Yeji begged.

Ryujin's eyes darkened. She wanted Yeji and Yejis finally letting her.

Yeji licked her lips and began go caress her breasts. She moaned and the sound of it made the Alpha feel something in her pussy.

Ryujin hasn't moved from her spot yet.

"Ryujin please! It hurts!" Yeji cried.

Ryujin quickly took off Yeji's clothes. She slid her fingers upon her mate's inner thigh, moving up and down.

"I've been waiting for this moment" Ryujin whispered.

She gave Yeji a kiss on her forehead, down to her nose before capturing her lips.

She pulled away and looked at her mate.

"Are you ready?" Ryujin asked.

Yeji took her left hand and reached out to caress Ryujin's right cheek. It was a touch full of love, gentle and slow. She nodded to give the Alpha permission.

Ryujin pressed her nose to her mate's mound. She smelled her scent and it was intoxicating. She wants more of her. She quickly slid down her tongue to the center of her slit. She licked her slowly with care. She wanted to know every part of Yeji's pussy.

Yeji's hands found Ryujin's head, running through her hair. Her hips moving up and down as she began to whimper.

"Y-yes R-ryujin thats it."

Ryujin took a single finger and began to push it inside her. Yeji felt really tight.

"Ryu, it hurts" she softly cried.

Ryujin took out her finger afraid to hurt her mate.

"No. Put back in please. I want it. I need it. I need you. I need you to ease my pain. Please" Yeji begged.

Yeji moaned loudly as Ryujin pushed her finger back inside and continue tasting her again. Yeji's body kept bucking while she held Ryujin's head tight to her pussy. She held on as Ryujin felt Yeji's inside contracting to the point of breaking. Yeji's legs shook uncontrollably for the last time and she let out a final moan as she reaches her first orgasm.

Ryujin licked her clean then went back up to lay down next to Yeji.

Yeji laid her head down on Ryujin's bare chest.

"You okay?" Ryujin asked.

"Mhm. More than okay. Thank you."

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