The trouble

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Rex kept running while looking around if they can see who's following them. That weird scent is back again. Ryujin is getting frustrated that she can't figure out what the smell is.

They kept running until someone tackled them to the ground. Rex quickly jumped back up on all fours to see Heejin standing there. She throws a big jacket in front of the big wolf so they can switch back to their human form.

Rex picked up the clothes with his mouth and went behind a tree to transform. Once in their human form, Ryujin took the jacket and covered herself up.

She walked from behind the tree to Heejin, "We're you the one following me this whole time?" Ryujin asked.

"No. I saw Wooyoung following you then he suddenly left but you still kept running so I decided to stop you. Long time no see" Heejin went in for a hug but Ryujin stopped her right away.

"Better not do that. Your scent will stick to me and if Yeji smells that, I might not see tomorrow" Ryujin laughed.

"You're a settled woman now huh? Never thought I'd see the day. I mean I know we have mates but I figured you would still see other people and you'd just make that clear with your mate."

"Honestly I thought so too but I met Yeji and I don't want anyone else. She makes me feel complete. I love her more than anything else in this world" Ryujin looked up thinking about her mate.

"But you said Wooyoung was following me?" Ryujin asked.

"Yea. It was odd but then he looked startled then left you alone. Did you two fight?" Heejin asked.

"He wants my mate which is dumb because he has his own mate—"

"His mate his dead" Heejin cut off Ryujin.

"What? How?" Ryujin asked surprised.

"His mate is a human. Died in a car accident. He was too late to get to her so he couldn't turn her into one of us" Heejin explained.

"I mean I feel bad for the guy but that doesn't give him the right to steal someone else's mate" Ryujin frowned.

"Yea. I never said he was a nice guy" Heejin laughed.

"Have you listened to him talk? My gosh, he's like an asshole. Everything that comes out of him is pure shit" Ryujin said.

Heejin laughed, "You haven't changed one bit Ryu. I missed you."

"Yo. Don't say shit like that. Rex will tell on me and I'll be back sleeping alone" Ryujin whispered.

"So Wooyoung was following me then you followed me?" Ryujin going back to the topic of being trailed.

Heejin nodded.

'That's not right. Heejin and Wooyoung doesn't smell like that weird scent we've been smelling, Rex' Ryujin said to her wolf.

'I know. But it's gone now. Heejin must have scare them off' Rex answered.

"You still make that cute face when you talk to your wolf" Heejin smiled.

"I told you. Don't say shit like that" Ryujin seriously said.

"You better get going then. Your mate might be waiting for you" Heejin winked at her.

Ryujin creased her brows, "No winking either. I'm a loyal wolf."

'Weren't you flirting with head witch earlier' Rex interrupted.

'Shut up. You're always trying to set me up' Ryujin said.

"Well I better go. Thanks Heejin. And please let me know if Wooyoung is planning something?"

Ryujin was about to go when she caught Yeji's scent indicating she's near. She started to panic because she's alone in the woods with her ex. She tried to come up with a plan but it was too late, two wolves and Yeji showed before she could do anything.

The anger in Yeji's eyes made Ryujin hide behind Heejin. Rex is laughing at Ryujin this whole time.

'I'm so glad I told them where we are. I wanted to see crash and burn' Ryujin said laughing.

'You do realize we are one right? So if Yeji kicks me out of our bed, you go with me?' Ryujin said.

'I know but it's what I'm willing to sacrifice to see you like this.'

Ryujin finally stepped out from behind Heejin and tried to approach her mate, "Hi Yeddeong. What are you doing here?"

Yuna and Chaeryeong now back to their human form stood next to Heejin watching the lovers interact.

"Don't Yeddeong me. Who is she?" Yeji asked in a low growl.

Before Ryujin could answer, Heejin introduced herself.

"I'm Heejin. Ryujin's old friend" she said.

Yeji faked a smile then turned to her mate again, "I thought something happened to you but I find you mingling with your ex girlfriend? Are you trying to make me look stupid? While I'm at home carrying your pups, you're out here doing this?"

"I didn't plan on seeing Heejin. Wooyoung was following me then she showed up. Yeddong, believe me" Ryujin pleaded.

Yuna, Chaeryeong and Heejin just watched the whole thing amused. They enjoy seeing Ryujin cowering to her mate like that.

'You're dead to me' Ryujin told Rex but he just kept laughing.

"You know how jealous I get and how insecure I am and you do this to me?" Yeji still angry.

"I'm sorry to interrupt. As much as I like seeing Ryujin like this. She didn't come here to meet. She really was being followed by Wooyoung. I followed them because I was curious why Wooyoung was chasing someone" Heejin explained.

"Ryujin here is very loyal to you. She didn't even accept my hug earlier" she added.

"You tried to hug my mate!?" Yeji now projecting her anger towards Heejin.

"Okay I think that's enough" Chaeryeong said. She went in between Yeji and Heejin to make sure her Suprema doesn't attack the vampire. "You're forgetting our common target which is Ryujin" She went on.

Ryujin looked at her with betrayal written all over her face.

Yeji went to Ryujin, grabbed her face and kissed her with so much aggression, letting out her anger through the kiss.

Heejin leaned to Yuna, "What happened to the tough and possessive Alpha?"

Yuna chuckled, "She's still there but it disappears when the Suprema is around."

Heejin nodded and smiled at the two. Chaeryeong had to stop them before they get an unwanted show.

Yeji's anger has now subsided. She looked at her mate, "Will you stop being so charming? I know deep down you won't leave me but I hate that other people find you attractive."

"It's getting dark, you two. Enough of the moment and let's go" Chaeryeong said.

"I'll ride with Ryuin" Yeji announced.

"In more ways than one" Ryujin mumbled but Yeji understood which earned the Ultima a smack on the head.

'This is honestly better than I ever imagined. You're a hoot, Ryujin. Sometimes you set yourself up better than I can' Rex said amused.

'I'm not talking to you' Ryujin said annoyed.

The wolves and vampire left with Ryujin still trying figure out the scent. Yeji senses Ryujin's frustration so she rubbed her neck feeling her mate's fur in her hands.

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