The abduction

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The pups are growing fast. They are about the 5 or 6 years old if you look at it from human age but they're just barely a year old. Yejin still won't let Ryujin touch Yeji. Junhan is already kind of started training and Jungsu is still causing problems from time to time.

The pups know that their parents are the strongest werewolves in the world and they rule their whole kind. When the pups found out they were werewolves, the excitement on their faces was evident.

Yejin wanted to go to a normal human school though but Ryujin didn't allow it especially since there's still that woman that is after Yeji.

Yejin is with Yeji while Junhan is in the training field with Chaeryeong. Ryujin is looking for Jungsu.

Jungsu likes tricks and he likes to scare everyone. Having pups in the pack house can be hectic at times. They're not only raised by their parents but also by all the pack members. They all get a say on how the pups are raised.

Although everyone respects the three pups, Jungsu still made it difficult at times.

Ryujin is with Soobin looking for Jungsu. They've searched every inch of the pack house and nothing. They can't use mindlink since their wolves hasn't awaken yet.

"Where was the last time you saw him?" Ryujin asked Soobin.

"This morning. He was playing with Junhan" Soobin answered.

"Do you think he went outside?"

Soobin shrugged, "I can check."

"I'll go with you. It would be faster if we both look" Ryujin said.

They looked around the property but still no luck on finding Jungsu. Ryujin decided to check the perimeter outside of the territory when she caught Jungsu's scent.

She quickly made her way to where the scent was and ordered Soobin to follow.

"Is that blood?" Soobin asked staring at the blood that was on the ground.

Ryujin knelt down and give it a closer look, feeling anxious. She scraped her finger on the ground so the blood is now on her finger and sniffed it.

"It is but I don't know if it belongs to Jungsu but I know he was here. His scent his still strong" Ryujin said making a fist, not caring that blood is now on her palm.

"That weird scent is here too. That woman probably hurt my son!" Ryujin growled.

She punched a tree, knocking it down. She ran back to the pack house to tell Yeji that Jungsu is missing.

Yeji already sensed something was wrong so she gave Yejin to Jisu and they went to their bedroom to talk privately.

"I couldn't find Jungsu. I think that witch took him. Soobin and I also found blood. I don't know if it's his or not" Ryujin said as soon as they were alone.

Yeji stood frozen. She couldn't believe her pup is missing. What kind of sick monster would involve a child? She thought. She can feel her anger building inside of her.

Her and Ryujin both have their red eyes showing. Ryujin is trying to figure out how they will fight a witch. Yeji doesn't care if it's a witch or not, she wants to kill whoever did this. Her pup's life is on the line.

They decided not to share this news with Yejin and Junhan. They didn't want them to worry about their brother.

Once the two pups were asleep, Ryujin announced that there will be a mandatory pack meeting.

When everyone was gathered, she went up to the front.

"I wanna know why no one was watching Jungsu? How was that witch able to take him so easily? I thought I made it clear that someone needs to be watching the pups at all times!" Ryujin growled causing everyone to bow their heads.

"Someone answer me now!" She roared.

One pack member stepped up, "It's hard to watch him, Ultima. He's always hiding and pulling pranks on us."

"So you gave up on watching him?" Ryujin asked as she approached him.

The guy still with his head down didn't say anything.

"Look at me" Ryujin said standing in front of him. Even though the guy is taller, Ryujin's presence was unmatched.

"I said look at me" Ryujin said again.

The guy looked down to see Ryujin's red eyes making his body tremble and he let out whimpering noises.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right now" she growled with so much anger.

"I'm sorry, Ultima. Please don't kill me" the guy got down on his knee to beg.

'Ryujin, please don't. I'm sure he didn't mean it. You know I don't like violence or killing. Please' Yeji linked Ryujin.

Ryujin calmed down a bit to control her anger, "Stand up" she ordered the guy.

"Please" He continued to beg.

"I said stand up now!" The guy stood up right away.

"You're lucky your Suprema spared your life. If something like this happens again, I won't hesitate to kill you" She said before walking away from.

Ryujin went back to the front.

"We're conducting a search for Jungsu. We will ask the vampire's help along with the witches. Jungsu is tough pup, he wouldn't go down without a fight. Dismiss" Ryujin said before everyone leaves.


Hours earlier with Jungsu...

Jungsu was feeling bored. He wants to play but he feels like everyone is getting annoyed with him.

He decided to go outside and play. Even though he knows he's not allowed without someone else with him.

While he was playing, he heard someone say his name. He looked around and didn't see anyone.

He continued playing and running until he heard his name being called again then he saw a woman in the woods. He looked around and he couldn't see the pack house anymore. He didn't know that he's gone this far. He knew for sure he was gonna get in trouble.

The woman kept calling his name but his feet suddenly started walking toward her. He tried to stop but its like he couldn't control them.

He was now in front of the woman.

"Hi Jungsu" she said with a smile.

"I don't know you" Jungsu replied trying to run away but it's like his feet are glued to that spot.

"I'm friends with your moms. What a handsome boy you are. I wanted a kid of my own someday but sadly, the man I love is dead" she said still smiling.

Jungsu didn't say anything, he's still trying to get away from the creepy woman.

The woman suddenly grabbed him. Jungsu punched her in the nose and bit her cheek. The woman dropped him and he tried to run away.

Unfortunately, the witch was able to recollect herself quick enough to stop Jungsu.

Jungsu bit her again but this time on the arm. It was deep and she started bleeding. She's now covered in blood from her, her cheek and now her arm.

She's had enough of Jungsu and knocked him out using one of her spells. She picked him up not caring that her blood is now on him.

"How are you so strong for a pup?" She asked herself.

She looked at her arm and saw that it looked like a wolf bite. She stared at it confused for a moment thinking how is that possible. The kid shouldn't have his wolf yet.

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