The morning

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Thank you for the 10k reads! So *naughtiness ahead*

After yesterday's event with Wooyoung, Ryujin was pretty aggressive with Yeji in bed last night.

Yeji woke up feeling someone's hand on her naked breast. She smiled knowing it's Ryujin's. She looked to make sure it really was Ryujin and not someone else.

Ryujin was still sleeping. Yeji tried to remove the sleeping girl's hand off her but Ryujin just snuggled up against the taller girl even more.

Yeji felt a squeeze on her boob and she started to feel hot. Her mind wandered to what happened last night. She can feel herself getting wet.

She failed to notice the hand that was once on her boob is gone and was replaced by someone giving kisses on her boob. She felt her mate's tongue exploring her boob. Yeji released a moan.

Ryujin pulled Yeji's nipple into her mouth that drove the Suprema crazy. She continued to use her tongue to pleasure Yeji until she felt someone pushing down on her. Understanding what Yeji wanted, she trailed kisses down to her stomach and spread her legs.

Ryujin kissed past her stomach to her inner thigh, completely getting lost in Yeji's scent. Ryujin stopped kissing to admire her mate's pussy. Staring at the girl's pronounced pussy lips made her even more eager to explore. She could never get enough of going down on Yeji. Every time is like a first and she loved it.

"Are you just gonna stare or are you actually gonna do something?" Yeji impatiently said.

"Sorry" Ryujin laughed, "I didn't know such perfect pussy existed and here I am looking at one. I must have died and went to heaven."

"Shut up and get to work or I'll do it myself!"

Ryujin chuckled and placed a light kiss on Yeji's already wet center. Then gave another kiss after another as Yeji got more and more aroused. Not long, Ryujin's tongue was already exploring every inch it of Yeji's wet center. Yeji moaned like crazy gripping on the sheets then pulling her hair, unable to know what to do with her hands.

Ryujin focused on Yeji's clit for a bit sending different sensations through the latter's body. She licked around Yeji's pussy lips before working her tongue inside her. Yeji's moan got even louder.

Ryujin goes back up to Yeji's face and kissed her passionately. She placed her thigh in between Yeji's legs. The wolfcat moved her hips up and down enjoying the friction on her clit.

Ryujin pulled back and placed her leg under one of Yeji's, getting into scissor position. She slides up and pressed their centers together.

Ryujin started humping the girl wildly and Yeji pressed up to give them more contact. Both girls moaned, as Ryujin pushed harder and faster. After a few minutes, they both scream while they cum.

Ryujin kept fucking her crazily until Yeji came again. Ryujin collapsed on top of Yeji breathing heavily. Suddenly the short girl stood up and went to their drawer.

Yeji watched confused. She saw Ryujin pulled out a harness with green dildo. Yeji's eyes widened, "Ryu what's that?"

Ryujin started putting on the strap on,"Don't worry you're gonna enjoy it." She walked back to the bed while stroking the dildo with a smile on her face.

Yeji suddenly felt her center get wet again.

"Spread your legs" Ryujin commanded. Yeji obeyed right away not breaking eye contact with Ryujin.

Ryujin placed herself between Yeji's legs, positioning the tip of the dildo by Yeji's entrance. The shorter girl licked her fingers and rubbed Yeji's clit. Yeji arched her back and moaned.

Ryujin then grabbed the base of the dildo and moved it up and down Yeji's folds, sometimes letting the tip slip in.

"Ryu, stop teasing!" Yeji exclaimed.

Ryujin laid on top of Yeji as she slid the cock inside her mate.

Yeji pulled her closer and kissed her while the other girl started to gently rock on top of her. The dominant mate fucked Yeji deep and hard. Yeji moaned louder as Ryujin squeeze her tits. Yeji felt another orgasm take over her making her body shake uncontrollably.

Ryujin pulled away taking off the strap on and throwing who knows where in the room. Her hand then cupped Yeji's pussy and slid two fingers in. She moved back on top of Yeji kissing the girl as she fingered her pussy nonstop.

Yeji whimpered into Ryujin's mouth turning her on even more.

Ryujin pressed her thumb on Yeji's clit as she continued to passionately finger her. She curled up her two fingers making Yeji feel out of this world. The tall girl bit her lip to stop herself from screaming.

After a few more thrust, Yeji's body began to shake again. She let out one final moan with her eyes closed shut.

Ryujin fel Yeji's wall tightened as juices coated her fingers. She smiled looking at the girl trying to watch her breath. She licked her fingers tasting her mate.

Yeji opened her eyes to see Ryujin sitting up by her legs with the biggest smile on her face.

"You look proud of yourself" Yeji chuckled.

Ryujin nodded, "Did you have fun?"

"Did my moans not give away the answer for that question?" Yeji laughed.

"You're really hot when you moan and you're so fucking sexy!" Ryujin placed her hand on Yeji's thigh.

Yeji sat up, "Nope. No more. I don't think i can handle it."

Yeji saw the strap on, "Please don't tell me you used that thing with other girls then used it on me."

"No. That's brand new. I may be dumb but not that dumb" Ryujin laughed.

"We should probably shower and get ready. Everyone is probably looking for us" Yeji stood up not bothering to cover herself up.

"Don't worry. They won't be looking for us. I sent everyone a mindlink that were in our room and not to bother us" Ryujin said causing Yeji to stop her tracks.


Ryujin now scared, "What do you mean what?"

"You practically announced to the pack that we were having sex!" Yeji started smacking her mate.

"Yeddeong, they know we already do that anyways" Ryujin said trying to defend herself.

"But they don't need to know exactly when we do it! What is wrong with you!?" Yeji frustratingly asked.

'Everything' Rex answered in Ryujin's head.

"Shut up!" Ryujin accidentally said out loud instead of saying it to Rex.

Yeji's face is now red from anger, "You're sleeping in the guest room tonight!" She left to go to the bathroom leaving Ryujin speechless.

"What the hell just happened?" She asked herself confused.

'Oh man. That was hilarious. You told her to shut up. I will never forget this day. You should write a book and call it 'how to be a bad mate' it would be a hit' Rex laughed.

Ryujin ignored him and plopped back down on the bed and threw a mini tantrum.

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