The parents

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Yeji is currently sitting in Ryujin's office waiting for her biological parents. Her hands are fidgeting, her legs are shaking up and down. Her nerves are through the roof.

Ryujin entered with a glass of water and handed it to you Yeji.

"What if my parents doesn't like me? Disappointed on how I turned out?" Yeji sighed.

"How can they not like you? You're warm and soft and beautiful and nice and sexy" Ryujin smirked.

"You know since you noticed I've gotten comfortable with you, you've become flirtatious. I bet you flirt with a lot of women" Yeji rolled her eyes.

Ryujin shrugged, "I did before I was Alpha but now I only flirt with you."

"That doesn't sound as romantic as you think it is. It makes you sound like a womanizer" Yeji scoffed.

"Is my mate jealous?" The Alpha wiggled her eyebrows.

There was a knock on the door before Yeji could answer so Ryujin told them to come in.

They saw a couple walking in holding each with tears already falling.

"Yeji?" The woman said.

Yeji nodded then the woman fell on her knees as she wailed while clutching her chest. The man followed suit with his hands on his knees with his head hung low. His back moving up and down from his crying.

"C-can w-we hug y-you?" The woman asked.

"I don't think that's a good idea" Ryujin said.

"She's been through a lot while she was gone and not a fan of physical touch. It took some time for her to even let me hold her hand" She continued.

"Maybe some day when I'm better" Yeji said now crying as well.

"I'm sorry we couldn't find you" the man now spoke.

Yeji and her parents shared stories about each other while Ryujin stayed by her mate's side making sure she was okay the whole time.

Yeji talked about her life to her parents. Causing the couple to cry even more knowing their daughter suffered alone. Yeji not knowing how to feel to see her parents in front of her. She feels happy knowing the people in front of her are happy to see her. She also feels guilty because she sees them as strangers but her heart feels a longing.

"Yeji, we just want you to know that we love you so much. We missed you. We hoped and prayed to the moon goddess that you'll come back and here you are now" Mrs. Hwang cried.

"We're also so happy that Alpha Ryujin is your mate. It helps us feel at ease that you are bound to come back here again no matter what and we would be able to see you again" Mr. Hwang added.

"You knew we would be mates? I know Mrs. Shin said you guys hoped we would be. Besides I don't think being Ryujin's mate would have helped since she had no plans on looking for me" Yeji sadly said.

Ryujin's face showed guilt. Remembering how she was towards her mate when they first met.

"I don't believe that for one second" Mrs. Hwang laughed lightly, "Sooner or later loneliness would creep in. Also I've known her since she was a pup. She doesn't look like it now but she's a hopeless romantic. She might not have looked foe you soon but she would have looked for you."

Ryujin just sat there quietly letting them have their moments.

'I can't believe Yeji, a childhood friend, is your mate' Rex laughed.

'I know but I really can't wait to find to destroy her old pack.'

'I'm on the same boat. I want to rip the Alpha's head off' Rex growled.

"Ryujin? Ryujin!" Yeji said trying to get the mate's attention.

"Yes? Sorry I was talking to Rex" Ryujin chuckled.

"I just wanted to let you know that my parents left."

"Oh. What do you wanna do now?" Ryujin asked.

"I want to try the therapy suggestion but with Jisu next to me. I want to be better for you. The mate you deserve."

Ryujin hugged her mate, "I don't want you to be better for me Yeji. I want you to be better for you. No one else. You're the perfect mate for me. From what we found out from my mother, we were meant to be since we were pups."

Yeji hugged Ryujin back, "Thank you for being patient and understanding with me. I know you and Rex are ready to seal our relationship by mating. Lucy as well. I'm sorry I'm the one stopping all of that."

"I will wait however long I need to. I just want to make sure you're happy and comfortable. But shall we go to my room or yours?"

"Mine. I'm more comfortable there" Yeji said.

"Sounds good to me. Can I carry you?" Ryujin asked.

"Why?" Yeji looked confused.

"Because I want to?" Ryujin answered confused.

"Just pick me up off the ground slowly please."


So Ryujin carried Yeji bridal style and walked to the latter's room.

"I was gonna surprise carry you but I thought maybe that won't be such a good idea" Ryujin chuckled making their way down the hall.

"Thank you for not doing that. I didn't feel like having a panic attack today."

Ryujin made it to Yeji's room and kicked the door open, "We have arrived my dear mate."

Ryujin carefully put Yeji down on the bed.

She then sat next to her, "How was it? How are you feeling after seeing your parents?"

"I don't know. I see them as strangers but I also feel something seeing them."

"Would you interested in getting to know them and maybe buil a relationship?"

Yeji took some time to think, "I think so. They seem like good people."

"Ryujin?" Yeji hesitantly said.

"Yes? Are you okay? Are you having a panic attack?" Ryujin panicked.

"No. I'm okay. I want to ask a request?"

"Oh then yea what is it?"

"Can you nuzzle me?" Yeji covered her face embarrassed.

Ryujin didn't hesitate and was already nuzzling Yeji's neck. Yeji groaned enjoying the feeling of her mate's physical affection even if it's just nuzzling.

Ryujin felt like she's won the lottery being so close to her mate and smelling her scent that sends shivers down her spine. She can never get enough of her scent of strawberry milk and cake.


I just saw that I published the first chapter of this story only 6 days ago and were currently on part 18 lol holiday break and being sick bores me

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