The unknown power

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Yeji was so happy to know that her mate is alive. She called Chaeryeong, Jisu and Yuna right away to let them know. She then followed Ryujin's orders to get the guards ready for the possible attack.

"Is her wolf back?" Yuna asked.

"Yes. Lucy can sense him again."

"Luna, I know you're stronger now but it's still our job to protect you. We have to take you to the safe house. We can't let Yeonjun get near you" Chaeryeong said.

"I can't just let everyone fight while I'm safe somewhere Chaeryeong" Yeji said in a stern voice.

"I know but your safety is always our top priority. Please Luna, go to the safe house" Chaeryeong begged.

'Were under attack!' One of the guards said.

"I'm sorry Chaeryeong but this is my battle as well. I'm a Luna now. I have to set an example as a leader" Yeji said before leaving the office.

"Jisu take all other Omegas and take the pups to the safe house please" Chaeryeong ordered.

Jisu nodded and Yuna gave her a kiss before leaving.

"What's the plan?" Yuna asked.

"I guess we just fight and make sure our Luna doesn't get hurt" Chaeryeong answered.

The two ran outside and already saw the chaos happening. They shifted to their wolf form and began fighting with the enemies.

'Luna, where are you?' Chaeryeong asked.

'I'm still in the house helping Jisu first' Yeji replied.

"Yeji, you should at least stay in the house. Don't go out there" Jisu suggested.

"Well well well, if it isn't the Suprema" Yeji heard when she was about to say something.

Yeji went to see who it was and her face froze. Yeonjun was in front of her smiling.

"Did you miss me Yeji? I can't believe it took me this long to find you" he said.

"Don't go near her" Jisu tried to sound intimidating but Yeji just found her cute.

"Don't worry. I wouldn't want to hurt my future mate" Yeonjun winked.

"Ewww. That's disgusting" Jisu accidentally said out loud.

Yeonjun approached Jisu, "Do you think it's okay to disrespect an Alpha? Your Alpha might allow you to do that but I won't." He slapped Jisu on the face then punched her on the stomach.

Yeji hasn't moved or said anything. She was in the middle of her panic attack and she can't seem to control it. Her breathing quickened and she started to feel light headed.

Yeonjun looked at her, "I see you're still that weak little Yeji huh? Not much has changed. I'm glad."

'Yeji, I'm almost there. Don't panic. Breathe. I'll be there. I won't let him hurt you okay?' Ryujin said through mindlink.

Yeji was still unable to move. Yeonjun is now in front of her caressing her face down to her neck where Ryujin has marked her.

"This mark doesn't look good on you. I think my mark would look better on you" He said with a smirk.

"Please stop" Yeji was able to say.

"Why? You're the Suprema. Your mate should be someone strong. Ryujin can't even protect you right now."

"S–she will be here. She'll come" Yeji's voice cracked.

Yeonjun laughed, "I pity you. Still believing in her. She can't come. I left her tied up. Don't worry, I didn't kill her. I want her to see me mark you."

"Alpha, were not mates" Yeji said.

"I don't care. We will mate and we will lead the wolves together. You don't really have a choice. Since I can't kill you, I'll kill Ryujin if you don't agree with me."

"Get your own mate!" Jisu yelled still in pain, "Leave our Luna alone. She will never be with you!"

Yeonjun went back to Jisu and grabbed her hair, "Are you always this annoying? You're like your Alpha. Won't shut up. Almost killed her because of that. Do you want me to kill you?" He spat on her face.

"Let go of her!" Someone just entered.

"Yuna, help me" Jisu whimpered seeing her mate.

Yuna ran to Yeonjun and pulled him off Jisu. She then tried to punch him but Yeonjun caught her arm before it could hit him.

"You think a Beta can defeat an Alpha?" Yeonjun commented.

Yuna was able to kick him on the stomach causing the guy to fall on the ground and groaned in pain.

"This Beta is stronger than you think" Yuna now pulled his hair and head butted him.

Yeonjun growled and wiped the blood coming out of his nose and punched Yuna as hard as he can.

"Stop! Please! Don't hurt them!" Yeji begged.

Yeonjun walked away from Yuna back to Yeji. Yuna went to make sure Jisu is okay.

"I love it when you beg" he said.

Yeji's body won't stop shaking. All her flashbacks from her old pack, especially from Yeonjun, is all coming back.

"W–why are you doing this?" Yeji stuttered.

"You're a powerful wolf now Yeji. You're the Suprema. You can't do it all alone. You need an Ultima to work with you" Yeonjun explained.

"Ultima?" Yeji asked confused.

"Yes. Me. We will lead all the wolves together."

"Ryujin can be my Ultima" Yeji said not making eye contact with Yeonjun.

Yeonjun scoffed, "A female wolf can't be an Ultima. That's ludicrous! Yeji! You and I will be great together. I won't hurt you anymore."

"I don't want you. Please just stop this" Yeji said still trying to breathe properly.

Yeonjun rubbed his face clearly frustrated. He's trying to be nice to Yeji but his patience is running thin.

"Yeji, either way you and I are gonna happen. So either accept it and things will be easy or I'll make things hard and I'll kill Ryujin right away" he gritted his teeth.

"No! I don't want to! Ryujin will come for me! So stop this nonsense" Yeji snapped.

Yeonjun has had enough of Yeji so he got ready to slap her. Yeji used her arms to protect herself and closed her eyes. She waited for the impact but nothing happened.

"What the fuck!?" She heard Yeonjun say.

She opened her eyes and saw that Yeonjun is punching the air.

"What is this? How are you doing this?" Yeonjun said angrily still punching the air but nothing landing on Yeji.

"How are you protecting yourself?!" Yeonjun screamed. Yeji just watched confused to see the punches coming right at her but stopping in midair before it touches her.


Last update for the night

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