The threat

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After their breakfast, Ryujin went to her office like usual while Yeji helped with Jisu and Chaeryeong.

'Ultima, a vampire named Wooyoung would like to enter the territory to speak to you' one the guards said.

'Don't let him. Where are you? I'll go there instead. I don't want him in the territory' I said.

'West side, Ultima.'

'I'll be right there.'

I quickly made way to the west side of the territory to see what Wooyoung wanted.

When I arrived, I see his smugged face and I wanted to kill him right there.

"Why did you want to see me?" I asked.

"Isn't this kind of rude? Leaving your guest out here?" He asked ignoring my question.

"You're not a guest that's welcome here. Now what do you want?" I asked once again.

"I heard you got shot? I came by to check if you're okay. I hope your mate is taking good care of you" he said smiling.

"How did you hear I got shot?" I asked trying to control myself.

"Things travel fast you know? But I heard it from Yuri. I believe her mate is of your kind" he said with a hint of disgust.

Ryujin was confused. The attitude Wooyoung was showing implied he doesn't like the wolves but she remembered clearly how he was pretty much was undressing her mate during the meeting.

"Do you know who shot you? So many enemies. Will you be able to protect your mate all the time?" He questioned.

"Why are you really here Wooyoung?" I asked annoyed.

"I'm sure you know I have a thing for your mate. I want to do this as civil as possible. I want you to give me your mate" He said acting like he wasn't crazy.

"Are you out of your mind? Did you really just ask me for my mate?" I asked shocked.

"I never thought I'd find one of your kind to be beautiful. In my eyes, you're all just mutts but when I saw her I wanted to taste her" he smiled.

Ryujin released a loud growl warning the vampire to stop talking. His hands are forming a fist, doing everything he can to not kill the man in front of him.

"Ooohh anger. Such an angry dog you are but sadly you can't touch me because of our treaty. I will never understand why the Elders agreed to be peaceful towards your kind. Pathetic."

Ryujin gritted her teeth, veins popping out of her neck, "You should leave and not come back. Don't ever mention my mate again. We might have a treaty but I won't hesitate to kill you if you try anything to my mate. I don't care if it will cost me my life because I know even if I'm gone, I have others who will make sure my mate is taken care of."

"What a knight in shining armor move" he fake applauds, "I will have your mate one way or another."

Ryujin grabbed his collar and pushed him against a tree. Her eyes are red and she's breathing hard. Her face is inches away from his.

"You don't know who you're messing with dumb boy. This isn't child's play. I can and will destroy you. Don't waste your immortality by getting yourself killed by 'my kind' understand? You don't know what I'm capable of."

'Ryujin? Are you okay? I can sense you're angry. Did something happen?' Yeji interrupted.

'Yes Yeddeong. Just an annoying visitor making me angry and they'll be leaving soon' Ryujin said.

She let's go of Wooyoung, "You're lucky my mate interrupted me. Leave now while you're still alive."

Ryujin started walking away.

"You don't scare me Ryujin! I'm not a wolf. Your eyes don't work on me. You're nothing but a dirty dog!" He yells laughing before fleeting.

Ryujin went back to her office right away and contacted the Elders informing them what happened. She told them that if he does try to take Yeji, she would kill him right away. She doesn't think she can do what they asked originally of just holding him off until they can arrive and get him.

Things have changed now. He actually came here and threatened to take away Yeji. Fortunately, the Elders understands. They can't really punish Wooyoung now since he hasn't committed any crime.

'Chaeryeong, come to the office please' Ryujin ordered.

Chaeryeong came right away.

"Ryeong, I need you to have guards watching Yeji at all times and can you ask Yuri to keep an eye on Wooyoung?" Ryujin asked her friend.

"Why? Did something happen?" The Beta asked.

"I might as well call everyone here so I only have to explain it once" Ryujin sighed.

Ryujin sent a mindlink to her mate, Jisu and Yuna that they have urgent matters to discuss. Once all of them were in the office, the four girls were anticipating for Ryujin to speak.

"Wooyoung was here earlier but I didn't allow him to enter the territory since I didn't trust him after the whole thing with him lusting over Yeji" Ryujin started.

"Was that why you were mad earlier?" Yeji asked.

Ryujin nodded, "He came here for you. He asked me if I would give you to him."

Ryujin continued to tell the four girls everything that happened. Everything he said and she said. The threats. Informing the  Elders. Everything.

Yeji stood up clearly frustrated, "Why is everyone always after me? First Yeonjun and now that vampire dude? I just want peace!"

"I know Yeddeong. But I won't let him get near you okay? He has to kill me first to get to you" Ryujin hugged her mate.

"I just want us to live peacefully and I thought we would after the Yeonjun fiasco. I was looking forward to raising our pups" Yeji said.

"We will" Ryujin said now rubbing Yeji's back.

"You will have guards around you at all times okay? Jisu and Yuna will be by your side at all times when I'm not around" Ryujin said letting go of Yeji now.

"I can protect myself Ryu" Yeji said.

"I know but a little help doesn't hurt. I know you can kick his butt but I'd prefer you not go anywhere near his butt. Who knows where his butt has been" Ryujin smiled.

"You always ruin serious moments" Yeji laughed.

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