The pups

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A couple of months later, Yeji finds herself in labor. 5 months of being pregnant really took a toll on her. She can't even imagine how normal humans can carry their child for 9 months.

Yeji is in pain while Ryujin is nervous. She doesn't know why, it's not like she's the one giving birth to the pups. But Yeji being in labor, made everything feel real for her. After today, she's going to be a parent. She's thankful Yeji is around because if not, she believes the pups won't survive.

Yeji screams while digging her nails in Ryujin's forearm. The shorter girl bites her lower lip to endure the pain in her arm. She  constantly reminded herself that Yeji is going through a much worse pain than what she's feeling.

After the first pup was out, Yeji releases Ryujin's arm temporarily. She's breathing heavily wanting this process to end. Before another thought could enter her head, she feels the second pup coming. She grabbed Ryujin's arm again that's already bleeding.

"Good thing we heal quick or people might think you abuse me" Ryujin tried to joke but Yeji only sent her daggers through her eyes.

Ryujin quickly shut her mouth, not wanting to anger the woman giving birth.

Yeji continued pushing until the second pup is out. Thinking she was done, she took a deep breath and was about to say something to Ryujin until she felt the third pup coming barely having enough time to rest.

Yeji gritted her teeth and through her scream, "This is the last time you're impregnating me Shin Ryujin!"

They both scream in unison as the third baby comes out.

"Please tell me there's no more. I don't know how much more my arm can take" Ryujin whined.

"Did you really just complain about your arm?! My fucking vagina just popped out 3 pups! Try doing that with your vagina!" Yeji yelled at her mate.

"Just because yours hurt more doesn't mean my arm didn't hurt any less" Ryujin mumbled forgetting that they're werewolves so their hearing is better than normal humans.

"Come here. I'll show you what pain is!" Yeji summoned.

"I'd love to Yeddeong but it looks like the doctors are busy with you so I'm gonna check on our pups. I love you! You did great!" Ryujin quickly ran out of the room.

She grabbed her chest and took a deep breath, "Why am I so scared of Yeji?" She asked herself.

Ryujin entered the room where the pups were taken to. "Wow, two boys and one girl."

She smiled at her pups feeling extremely proud. Soon after, her mom and the Hwangs joined.

"They're beautiful" Mrs. Shin said.

"I can't believe we're grandparents" Mr. Hwang choked out.

"Thank you, Ultima. For taking care of our daughter" Mrs. Hwang said crying.

"Please stop calling me Ultima. It's weird" Ryujin laughed, "Also its more Yeji taking care of me."

"How is she doing?" The parents asked.

"She's good. Was still able to scare me so she's in tip top shape" Ryujin joked.

"Please don't tell me you tried to joke around while she was giving birth?" Mrs. Shin asked.

"Of course not. I was completely professional in that delivery room. You would have been like 'Shin Ryujin who?' only Shin Professional Ryujin is here" Ryujin puffed up her chest.

'And that folks is the leader of the werewolves. We should be extinct within a year' Rex let out making Ryujin roll her eyes.

"Ultima, the pups can go to the Suprema's room now. Everything looks great and all three pups are healthy" The doctor said.

"Thank you" She turned to the parents, "Well I should probably take the pups to see Yeji or she might kill me" Ryujin half joked.

Ryujin took the pups and entered Yeji's room.

Yeji saw the pups and her eyes quickly lit up.

"Are they good? There's nothing wrong with them right?" Yeji asked in a panic.

"Relax Yeddeong. They're healthy as a horse or a wolf? Either way they're good. Two boys and one girl. I can already tell the girl is gonna be sassy like you" Ryujin said with a smile.

"Watch it Ryujin" Yeji seriously said.

"I'm sorry, did you also push out your humor?" Ryujin joked again.

"I'm kidding Yeddeong. I'm so proud of you. Thank you for giving me our pups. I love you" She gave her mate a kiss on the forehead.

"What do you want to name them?" Yeji asked.

But Ryujin just pouted.

"What?" Yeji asked.

"You didn't say you love me back."

"Of course I love you, dingus. I wouldn't have pups with you if I didn't" Yeji rolled her eyes.

Ryujin smiled right away and brought the pups closer. They're in a little baby glass carrier placed on a cart.

"What should we name them?" Yeji asked again.

"I'd want the first boy named to be Jungsu and the second boy Junhan" Ryujin said.

"Why those names?" Yeji asked curious.

Ryujin shrugged, "I like this new band called Xdinary Heroes and I like those two."

Yeji just nodded since she didn't see the point of arguing, "What about the girl?"

"I'll leave that up to you, my queen" Ryujin smiled.

"Yejin?" Yeji asked.

"Sounds good to me."

Yeji suddenly started crying and Ryujin panicked thinking she did something wrong again.

"What's wrong Yeji?" Ryujin asked.

"I'm just happy. I never thought my life would be like this. I thought I was gonna be stuck getting beaten up and abused. I thought my mate would reject me. I never thought of having a family. I never thought my life would end up being good. I thought I was doomed to live a miserable life and die early. You've given me more than I've ever wanted in life. You never fail to make me feel loved or wanted. I know we're mates and we're destined together but you could have easily turn your back against me but instead you stayed and was patient with me. Through all the therapy sessions, the breakdowns and tears. You didn't give up on me. I love you Ryujin. I love you so much."

Ryujin went to hug Yeji, "Sshh don't cry Yeddeong. You might become ugly" Ryujin joked so Yeji smacked her, "I'm kidding. I love you too. I will always love you. Forever and always. You and I. I should be thanking you for coming into my life. I was so focused on trying to prove myself to everyone that I forgot who I was but you brought me back. I'm able to enjoy life again because of you. Now we have a new adventure together and thats making sure our pups stay alive" Ryujin paused, "I know we don't necessarily do this in the pack but for some reason I have the urge to do it with you."

Yeji pulled back, "Do what?"

"Do you want to get married? Like you know what normal humans do when they're in love?" Ryujin shyly asked.

Yeji nodded her head vigorously. Ryujin pulled her in for a kiss forgetting about their pups that was born not that long ago.

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