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Yeji pov

Today is a big day. My father is stepping down and I will be the new Alpha of The Light Fury pack. I have a brother and he should be the one taking on the role but he doesn't want to. He wants to stay as a Beta and not have the stress of leading the pack.

Honestly, I'm not sure if I want to become an Alpha either but since there's only two of us, I have no choice. My dad is getting old and he wants to retire.

At first, I was worried of becoming Alpha since female Alphas are very uncommon. It's not impossible, just rare. There is one female Alpha that I know of. I plan on meeting with her at some point to help better understand on how to lead a pack.

Since I'm gonna be an Alpha, it has been our goal to find my Luna. We have visited every pack around us and no luck on finding her. I'm really sad about it because I don't really want to go on this journey on my own.

My brother Hyunjin actually already found his mate. Surprisingly, it's my best friend Minju. She's actually one of the omegas in the pack. I have another best friend, Jisu, shes a Beta. Once I become Alpha, she's gonna be my right hand woman.

"Yeji, are you ready?" Jisu asks me.

"Yea I'm ready. I can't believe I'm taking over as Alpha. I'm not sure if I can lead the pack well" I say doubting myself.

"You will be a great leader. Don't doubt yourself. You care about this pack more than anyone I know. You actually care about our well being, not just your status" Jisu say.

"Hyunjin can probably do better than me" I sigh.

"But Hyunjin is not going to be the next Alpha. You are. He rejected it because he can't handle the responsibility. When it passed on to you, you accepted it. You could have rejected it too" Jisu explains.

"What am I going to do without you?" I ask my bestfriend.

"Live a very lonely, sad life" she teases me.

"It would be the other way around. Without me, who would you take care of? Yourself? Crazy" I joke.

"Yeji, they're ready for you" I hear Minju say outside the door. I take a deep breath and shake the nervousness out of my body. "I got this" I tell myself.

Jisu opens the door for me and I walk out. We make our way to the balcony where my father waits for me. Everyone's eyes are on me which makes me feel extra nervous. I just tell myself 'do not fall. do not trip'..

My dad does a long speech about my duties and his farewell speech as an Alpha. Typical speeches.

"Everyone, I want you to welcome your new Alpha!" My dad announced.

The pack members cheers which I was happy about. It would have been embarrassing if they all stayed quiet.

My dad dismisses everyone and now we have a party to celebrate me becoming Alpha.

"Sis, how does it feel to be top dog?" My brother approaches me with a drink.

"It feels the same. It hasn't hit me yet. I think the thing I'm gonna struggle with the most is people older than me calling me Alpha" I say.

"I probably won't call you Alpha. To me you'll always be my annoying sister" He teases.

"Did you just come here to tease me? If so, go bug your mate" I roll my eyes.

"Don't be jelly, just because you haven't found your mate. What would you do if your mate is a guy?" He asks.

"Don't say shit like that. It might come true but I have faith in the moon goddess that she wouldn't do that to me" I say.

"You know your Luna doesn't have to be your mate given by the moon goddess. You can choose any Luna you want. Why not make Jisu your Luna?" He asks me. At first I thought he was joking but his face showed he's serious.

"Say I do choose someone to be my Luna, not Jisu, then my actual mate shows up what happens then? I'll end up hurting someone and I don't want that" I explain to him.

"I'd rather not have a Luna for a long time than pick one" I add.

"You didn't care about mates before. You literally dated so many women and normal humans, may I add" he raises one brow.

"That was before I found out I was going to be the next Alpha. I want to make dad proud."

"Where are you going to look for your mate next?"

"What's with all the questions? Shouldn't we be having fun? Worry about the mate thing later" I say ending the conversation. I don't want to worry about my mate right now. Especially since he mentioned that it might be a guy, no thank you.

I look around and I smile seeing everyone enjoying themselves. Minju and Hyunjin flirting with each other. Jisu trying to keep things in order so the party doesn't get out of hand.

Someone pats my shoulder and see my dad standing next to me. "You look like a proud parent watching your kids" he smiles at me.

"I love this pack, dad. Everyone is so kind and caring. I don't want that to change. I don't want to ruin everything you worked on" I exhale loudly.

"Yeji, when this pack learned that you would be taking over as Alpha, no one went against it. This pack respects you so much. They have faith in you. So have faith in yourself."

He gives me a side hug, "I can't wait to see you lead this pack, Alpha."

Alpha, my dad just called me Alpha. That's so surreal. I can't believe this is really happening. Tomorrow, I have a meeting with the other female Alpha. She's younger than me but her parents wanted to retire early and they didn't have a male child so their daughter had to take over.


Someone suggested of doing a werewolf story with Yeji being Alpha. This won't get updated as much until Alpha and Her Mate is completed but I thought I'd publish one chapter to see if anyone is interested so far. Thank you!

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