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Ryujin pov

I'm finally out of the hospital. Yeji didn't even bother to see me. What a great Alpha, I roll my eyes while walking back to my room. I can't believe how slow Yeji is with this whole mate thing. It's like she's distracted by other things like figuring out a way to keep me alive. Who does that?

'I'm so glad you have your priority straight' Jo says sarcastically.

'I sense that. I just want to go on a nice date. Have a dinner, maybe watch a movie? I don't know. Take a stroll somewhere' I say.

'You've been around humans too long. Werewolves don't do that. They find their mate, they mark, they mate and move on with their life. There's no romance'  Jo explains.

'That is so sad. Werewolves are sad creatures. Maybe that's why they're so angry? Honestly, ever since I found out I'm a werewolf, I'm not angry as much. It explains so much. Sometimes, you gotta pamper the puppies' I say in a cheerful voice.

'You know you were just abducted not that long ago right? How are you so chipper?' Jo asks.

'I don't know. Maybe I'm used to it? Not my first time being taken. I should get a punch card or something. Get abducted ten times and your 11th one won't be as painful' I say seriously.

'I wouldn't mind that but I also suffer when you get taken, Ryujin' Jo scoffs.

'Because you and I? Are one. Were like twins but with one body that alternates from hairy to not hairy' I explain.

'Is that why I like belly rubs as a kid? My inner wolf, you, is really the enjoying it?' I ask.

'I hate belly rubs. Touch my belly and I'll bite your hand off' Jo says.

'Why are you so angry?' I ask seriously now.

'Because I don't know if you're taking your life seriously, Ryujin. You're in real danger with real bad creatures after you but you're acting like it's not bothering you' Jo says frustratingly.

'You wanna know why? Why stress over something I can't control. It's not like telling them to stop and they'll actually stop. I'm trying to enjoy life just in case they do succeed with what they're trying to do' I explain.

'Then you should be planning something to help' Jo sighs.

'I'm not worried' I say honestly.

'Why?' She asks sounding surprise.

'Because I have you. I know you and I will figure it out. We argue and pick on each other but we always have each other's back. One, because we don't have a choice. Two, because I genuinely like you. I'm grateful you're my wolf. And I also have Yeji. I know she will find a way to save me, to save us' I answer.

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