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Ryujin pov

"Did I look cool out there?" I see that my question took her by surprise.

"Yes, you did" she smiles at me and gives me two thumbs up.

I hug her aggressively then let go to stand up. I put my two fists in front of me and pretend like I'm doing boxing.

I take a jab in the air, "I felt pretty cool" I say while keeping my stance.

"Ryujin, do you want to have dinner with me tonight?" She asks randomly.

I lower my hands and stand up straight, staring at her, "What?"

She stands up now, "Dinner, with me."

"L–like a d–date?" I stutter.

"If that's what you want it to be" she says.

I smack her and she glares at me. "What was that for?" She asks.

"You were supposed to say yes. I even stuttered to seem nervous" I pout.

"Ryujin, we're not in a movie. I don't have a script to follow your dramatic acting" She argues.

I sigh, "Fine, I'll have dinner with you. In your room?" I wink.

"No. In the kitchen" she answers seriously. Does she not realize I'm flirting with her? How can my mate be so oblivious to such things.

"Okay, kitchen it is" I give her an okay sign.

"Are you okay though? I know youre not happy with the whole planned attack thing" she asks and I almost said 'awe she cares' out loud but I didn't want to annoy her yet.

"I'm okay. I get what you were trying to do but I was just so mad earlier and I took it out on you" I explain.

"I just felt betrayed after finding out it was your doing, you know? I expected stuff like that to happen but I always knew that you would come and help me so when you said they're with you, I lost it so I'm sorry" I apologize to her because I really don't like fighting with her. She's still my mate despite our differences.

I see her take a deep breath and approach me, "I'll try to be a better mate for you okay? I forgot that we're supposed to be a team so from now on, we will be a team. We will start getting you adjusted to become this pack's Luna and move on from there. We will start living our lives and not focus on the creatures that want you dead."

I smile at her and I jump in her arms while wrapping my legs around her waist. Thankfully, she caught me because that would have been embarrassing if I fall on my butt.

I nuzzle my nose on her neck and she releases a low growl indicating she's enjoying it.

I pull back to look at her face, "That's all I ask. I'm sorry I come with all these baggage that you didn't sign up for but I'm still trying my best to live my life. I can't be focus on who's after me because that will drive me crazy. My whole life I felt like something was missing and I felt so constraint. Now I feel free. For once, I know what I am and who I am. I am a badass werewolf with a badass mate."

She chuckles, "It's gonna take some time to get used to your quirkiness but I don't want you to think that I don't want you as my mate" she now pulls me closer and start nuzzling her nose on the mark she made on my neck. I felt shivers run down my spine as I enjoy the feeling.

She stops nuzzling my neck so I pull away and pout. "Why did you stop?" I ask.

"Because I have to get back to work" she chuckles.

"Can I join you?" I asks acting cute.

"If you want" she shrugs her shoulders.

"What do you have to do?" I squint my eyes.

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