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Yeji pov

I get to the coven and I see Ryujin and her friends sitting outside. How the hell did Ryujin ended up here? What are the odds of her seeing her old friends?

I get out of the car and Ryujin runs to me. "Hello, my big strong Alpha, coming to save me, a damsel in distress" she pretends to faint and I just let her fall to the ground. I have to admit when she's being dramatic, she's committed.

Chaeyoung and Mina follows. They bow to me, "Hello, Alpha Yeji."

How much did Ryujin tell them about our world?

I ignore them for now and Ryujin is standing up now. "Are you okay?" I ask.

"Better now that you're here" She smiles at me.

"Why do you keep disappearing? You have to stop that. We can't protect you when you're always gone" I say, feeling frustrated.

She gives a scowling face, "Yes let me just call my next abductor and I'll let you know when that's gonna happen. Should we give you a 24 hour notice too? And a reminder card?" She sarcastically say.

I sigh, "I know it's not your fault but you're not helping either. When you realized you were lost, why didn't you mindlink me?"

She snaps her finger, "I have a good reason for that" she pauses and I wait for her answer.

"I didn't think about it" she finally says and I see her two friends behind her literally facepalm themselves.

"Ryujin" I hold her hands and I stare deeply into her eyes, "You're a pain in the ass" I say.

She pulls away her hands and crosses them in front of her chest, "I thought for once you're gonna be romantic and say something sweet, that's gonna make me go 'awe' but instead you say that. Just because of that, I'm not telling you the next time I get abducted" she scoffs before entering the car.

I honestly don't know if she's upset for real or not. The first part of what she said seemed genuine then the last part turned into a joke.

'Why doesn't it seem like you're trying with her?' Lucy asks me.

'She just seems to childish to me' I sigh.

'Yeji, she's going through a lot right now. You had time to adapt to being a werewolf. You grew up with werewolves. That poor girl probably doesn't know where she belongs. She found out she's a werewolf overnight then find out that there are creatures after her. Why are you being so insensitive? I'd rather you reject her than make her think you accept her as your mate but deep down you don't' Lucy nags me again.

'Also, she grew up with humans. She's more human right now than anything. Her emotions and demeanor are all human. She meant the first part of what she said, she's looking for that sweet moment with you' she adds.

'I don't know how to be sweet. That's not taught in werewolf school' I argue.

'Don't use that as an excuse. Your dad is sweet to your mom' she says.

She's right. My dad is sweet to my mom. Hyunjin is sweet to his mate. Why am I struggling with Ryujin? Is it because we didn't have that moment of first meeting each other and knowing we're mates. I knew her before knowing she was my mate.

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