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Yeji pov

"Dad? Can I come in?" I say as I knock on the door.

"Hold on!" I hear him grunt.

I wait for a bit and I hear some weird noises in the room.

"Come in" he finally says.

I open the door and I see my mom reading a book while breathing hard? My dad is sitting on the bed also breathing hard? I stare at them when it finally click in my head.

"Ewwwww! I didn't know old people still do that!" I scrunch up my face and cover my mouth trying not to puke.

"We still have needs, Yeji" my dad crosses his arms

"In the middle of the day!?" I exclaim.

"You'll understand once you find your mate" my mom says to me.

"Mom!" I gasps.

"Why are you here, Yeji?" My dad says.

"I need you to tell me about the protectors" I say.

My mom and my dad both became silent looking at each other. They're probably communicing through their link.

"Why do you need to know?" My dad asks.

"Mr. Shin told me about them when we saw them raid Ryujin's house" I say.

"How did they find Ryujin's house? Does Mr. Shin know who Ryujin is? Why was he at her house? Where's Ryujin now?" My starts frantically asking questions.

"What do you mean by does Mr. Shin know who Ryujin is? Who is she? You said she's just some human you're watching because she was taken by the witches?" I glare at him.

"Honey, I think it's time we tell her. She is Alpha now" my mom softly says to my dad.

"Tell me what? What's going?" I say confuse.

My dad sighs, "A long time ago, my brother and I started a group. We called ourselves the protectors. Our goal was to protect our kind. During that time, humans were hunting us because of our bad reputation. Even if we didn't cause any problems, humans would still hunt us. And rogues attacking humans were bad at that time too. So our job was to stop those from happening. Stop werewolves from attacking humans and vice versa but my brother became power hungry. He wanted to control everyone. He wanted to use fear to make us listen."

"So you kill our kind to stop our kind from killing?" I asks.

"I never wanted to kill anyone. I wanted to take the werewolves attacking humans and lock them up and help them. Most werewolves that hurt humans are hurting themselves. I wanted to set up some sort rehabilitation center for them but my brother had other ideas and everyone agreed with his method instead of mine."

"Why haven't you done anything to try to stop him?" I asks.

"Because other packs think what he's doing is right. It's the only way to put us in our place, is to know that we will die if we go against what they say."

"So they killed humans and our kind?" I ask for confirmation.

"Yes but I don't think they've killed anyone for a while now. The last time was over twenty years ago" he says.

"When they killed all of Kludde's descendants" I whisper.

"How did you know?" He asks surprise.

"Mr. Shin. He told me about his first mate, being killed by the protectors" I reply.

I sit down on the bed next to him then I remembered what they were doing earlier so I stand up right away and sit on the chair that's in their room.

"We're you there? When they killed his mate?" I asks.

He nods his head looking down and I can tell he feels guilty about it. "I tried to stop them but I was outnumbered."

"Why did she kill a human?" I asks.

"We later found out, that the kid wasn't actually a kid. He was a wizard shape-shifter. He was sent to kill her pup so she killed him, to protect her pup but my brother didn't want to listen about anything so he ordered the protectors to kill her and every Kludde descendants."

"They killed a pup?" I asks.

"Everyone thought they did but the pup is still alive. I'm not sure how Mr. Shin found out but Ryujin is that pup. She's the last descendant of Kludde" my dad says leaving me speechless.

"How do you know Ryujin is the pup?" I asks.

"You don't forget the face of a traumatized pup. Her face didn't change much. Also, sometimes her wolf would wake up and you can sense it. The witch must be suppressing her power to protect her from the protectors. If they find out Ryujin is that pup, they will go after her. They probably already found out since they raided her house."

"Why did you lie to me about her? You told me she's human?"

"The less who knows about her, the safer she is" he answers.

"How did the witches get her?"

"That I'm not sure. I don't even know why that wizard tried to kill her. Ever since I found her, I've been keeping tabs on her. I feel guilty that her mom was killed by a group that I created. I'm not sure what those witches intend to do with Ryujin but Ryujin loves them so they must care about her a whole lot. Witches protecting a werewolf is unheard of" he chuckles.

"So Ryujin is Mr. Shin's daughter. That's why they put a curse on him so he can't tell people that. Ryujin is a werewolf. She's a werewolf" I say the last part in a whisper like.

"Would she have been Alpha instead of Yuna?" I asks.

"What an odd brain you got" he laugh, "You learn about all of this and you think about whether Ryujin would have been Alpha or not?"

"Why does my wolf feel sad when she gets hurt? Why do I feel so out of control when I'm around her? Why do I want to protect her so much? Why am I all crazy when it comes to her?" I blurt out.

"She might be your mate" my mom says.

I look at her with my creased eyebrows, "What?"

"She might be your mate. You can't tell if her wolf has been forced into hiding but your wolf must he sensing it but just not sure exactly what's causing it. Being around Ryujin, your wolf can probably feel her wolf. Her wolf must be fighting hard to get out so whatever they're doing to suppress her is not strong enough. She's a Kludde and Amarok descendant. They need a lot to tame her" my mom explains.

"Her wolf is able to come out for a short bit because I know Ryujin is awful maintaining whatever they're giving her because that's how I was able to sense her before. You must have sensed something while around her" he asks.

"I don't know. I don't remember feeling anything different with her so I don't think she's my mate. Maybe Lucy is just uncomfortable with her" I say.

"Are we not gonna help her though?" I asks.

"She might be safer with the witches" my dad says.

I did not like that answer at all. My mom just tells me that she's possibly my mate and my dad just expects me to not help her?

"Yeji, you can't fight the protectors. You don't have enough support" my dad says to me.

"I don't care! If there's a chance she's my mate then I need to help her!" I growl.

My dad stands up, "We need to confirm she's your mate first because I'm not having you risk your life if she's not."

"Fine" I agree with him.

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