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Yeji pov

I go to visit that coven to see Ryujin but I know I can't go near it. Witches and werewolves hate each other. They're not even allowed to fall in love together. If a witch and wolf mate, they both get killed. I think that's just insane.

Why am I thinking that anyways?

'Maybe you still think that Ryujin is a witch and you want to mate with her' Lucy tells me.

'Why would I do that? I have my own mate. I just need to find her' I say.

'And here we are, waiting for Ryujin instead of looking for our mate' Lucy argues.

Why am I waiting for Ryujin? I just need to see for myself that she's okay.

"I see you're here too" I punch the person for startling me.

"Ouch!" He grabs his nose.

"I'm so sorry Mr. Shin. I didn't expect you here" I say.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"One of your pack member mentioned she's here so I wanted to see for myself. Also, my wolf senses the person I'm looking for. It's always brief. It's like their wolf awakens then is forced back to go to sleep so I want to see how Ryujin is doing" he says.

"You still think that she's the last Kludde descendant?" I ask.

He doesn't answer but just continues to watch the coven house. This is crazy, what I'm doing, hiding checking on someone?

We see the small person and the taller person working from my café show up. The three of them must be really close.

We watch them talk and laugh when Ryujin suddenly collapses on the ground. I get ready to run to her but Mr. Shin holds me back. I look at him confuse but he's still watching her.

I hear her suddenly shout the word 'no' and a man runs to her. Her friends leave and he carries her back inside the house.

"It is her" Mr. Shin whispers.

"What?" I asks but he ignores me and leaves.

'Did he just leave without answering my question?' I ask Lucy.


My wolf suddenly howls and whimper. I can feel her hurting.

'Lucy? What's going on' I ask.

She doesn't answer but continues to cry. What is going on with my wolf? I suddenly pick up a scent. Mocha bread and tangerines? Why would I smell that all the way here? It's not very strong, just a faint scent.

I didn't even notice but my tears are flowing out. I quickly wipe them off but it keeps coming out. My heart feels sad for some reason. Why am I hurting?

I drive home still crying and it's frustrating that I don't know why. Lucy is not talking and I feel like I'm going crazy again.

I get back to the pack house and went straight to the training ground. I want to let out all this emotions. I think that's the problem. I haven't been training so I haven't had a release.

I call my brother to spar with me. He's really the one worth fighting. The rest of them I can easily beat with my eyes closed.

I shift to my wolf and so does he. He runs towards me first at full speed, I move to the side and immediately position myself into my fighting stance.

He abruptly stops when he realizes I moved out of the way. He runs again and leaps up to attack me. I stand on my hind legs and swats his face with my front paw. He yelps as I scratch his face.

I go back on all fours failing to notice he's underneath me. He bites my leg and I release a growl. I stomp on his head and he kicks me with his back legs.

We continue at it until we were both feeling tired. After our session, we shift back into our human forms and get dresses.

"You seem really bothered" he says as he puts on his shirt.

"I am. I want to protect someone but I can't seem to reach them and it's driving me crazy" I say.

"Human?" He asks.

"Honestly, not sure what she is" I sigh.

"Ahh, lady problems. You've come to the right person" he smiles.

"I don't think so. The only reason you have a lady is because of the mate thing. If we weren't assigned mates, you'd probably still be single" I tease.

"At least the moon goddess gave me a mate from the same pack so I didn't have to go look for her" he defends.

"She probably knew you won't be able to find her if she didn't then it's unfair for your mate" I laugh.

"In all seriousness, what's going on with you? I heard about the incident at the café, you've always thought humans are stupid but you've never actually tried to harm one. The pack doesn't know about it, dad made sure to keep it hidden. If they find out, they might worry that you're trying to hurt humans and call the protectors" he says.

I give him a curious look, "You know about the protectors?"

"I don't think I'm supposed to since dad never mentioned it to us but I overheard a conversation about it when I was young" he shrugs.

"What do you know about the protectors?" I immediately asks.

"Dad started the group but I overheard him say he wanted to end it. It lost its purpose and that they weren't protecting anyone anymore" he says.

I stand here silently. Dad started the protectors?

"How do you know about the protectors?" He asks.

"Mr. Shin told me about it. He doesn't like them either. They killed his first mate because they thought she was a bad werewolf. I mean I don't know what really happened. She did kill a human child but he says there must have a been a good reason for it" I share with him.

"You still didn't answer why you're so bothered?" He asks.

"I really don't know. I saw the protectors raid someone's house and I just keep wondering what if that human was there, would they have killed her without proof if she's who they think she is? What if she really is just a human then they would have killed an innocent person" I frustratedly sigh.

"Why don't you ask the dad about the protectors? He did start the group" he says and I can't believe I didn't think of it.

"Where's dad?" I ask.

"Probably in his room" he says.

"I gotta go. Thanks Hyun" I run off to my dad's room.

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