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Yeji pov

Ryujin fell asleep so I carry her to our room. I lay her down on our bed. I go to the bathroom to grab a towel and water so I can clean up Ryujin a bit.

Honestly, I didn't think she was able to hurt anyone but she was like a completely different person earlier. I was able to sense that she was struggling whether she wanted to kill that wizard or not. I didn't want her to have regrets so I made sure I was the one that killed Wendy.

Now I don't know if Mr. Shin really is dead of if he used his daughter to get Ryujin.

'Hyunjin, guard my room. I'm going to the pack hospital to check on someone' I order.

'Yes, Alpha' he answers.

'Jisu, meet me at the pack hospital' I say to right hand woman.

'Yes, Alpha' she answers.

I quickly make my way to the pack hospital to see how Chaeryeong is doing.

"Stop. Calm down. Being like this is not gonna help anyone" I hear Jisu say from inside Chaeryeong's room.

I walk in and I see some members trying to hold Chaeryeong down. "What happened?" I ask.

"She's trying to leave and try to attack the wizards by herself to get Yuna back" Jisu explains.

"I have to find Yuna!" Chaeryeong yells.

"You have to calm down first. Acting like this is only going to get you killed!" I growl and she bows her head.

"Yuna could be in danger" Chaeryeong says with full of worries.

"Yuna is strong. We will help you. Trust her and trust us" I tell her calmly.

Chaeryeong breathes heavily, trying to calm herself. "But we don't know where they're hiding" she says.

"They're bound to reveal themselves sooner or later. You can't communicate with Yuna? She has to be alive because you'll know if she's not. You'll feel it even if youre not close to each other" I say.

"She's not answering. She probably blocked me so I don't feel what she's feeling" she replies back. They finally let her go and she sits on the bed.

"Go with Jisu. Bring your pack members here. We will train them and you don't have an Alpha right now so I'll help until we get Yuna back" I offer.

"Thank you Alpha" she says standing up.

"Jisu, go with her. Bring some fighters with you in case something happens. Keep me updated" I order.

"Yes, Alpha. But how is Ryujin?" She asks and I try to hold my grown but it failed. I don't know why I'm so jealous when it comes to her.

"She's fine. She's asleep at the moment" I answer before walking out of the room.

On my way back to Ryujin, I see the short cub with Mina and Ryujin's mom.

I stop in front of them, looking angry because i am. They're supposed to protect Ryujin and they were nowhere to be found. They have magical powers. They could have easily entered my office and help.

"Where were you two!? You're not doing a very good job at helping Ryujin" I say angrily.

"She's fine so I say we're doing fine" Little Chaeyoung answers.

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