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Ryujin pov

A black wolf is caught drowning a child in the river. A witch and warlock tried to stop her but it was too late. Other wolves showed up and attacked the black wolf. The black wolf suddenly turns human. After the other wolves has left, the two magical creatures shows up crying. The woman holds the dying werewolf in her arms.

"Why would you do that?!" The woman cries.

"I had to. The child tried to kill my pup" the werewolf choke out.

"You just proved to them that what they say about you is right! That you have no control and that in the end, you'll drown children too! Now they're gonna think the same about your pup. They're probably gonna kill her!" The witch cries.

"Protect my daughter, please. Take her and protect her. Don't let them find her" the werewolf say before her body became lifeless.

The warlock picks up the pup, "We have to go. I hear them coming back already."

The witch kisses her friend one last goodbye on her forehead before leaving.


I wake up feeling worse than before. I clumsily make my way to the bathroom to wash my face. I feel so awful. I see my reflection in the mirror and I see my eyes are golden like. I shake my head to try to clear my head and my eyes are still golden like.

I stumble my way out of the bathroom and everything is a blur right now. I close my eyes while trying to find the door using my hands but I couldn't feel anything. I open my eyes and I'm standing outside my bedroom. How did that happen? I didn't feel any walls or my door. I don't remember opening anything.

I quietly head downstairs since I hear my parents talking.

"Jinyoung, what are we gonna do? Ryujin's powers are getting stronger. The medicine is not working very well" I hear my mom say.

"We have to visit the High Priestess. She can create something that will be strong enough to contain Ryujin's powers" my dad says.

Powers? What powers are they talking about? High Priestess? Who's that? I accidentally make a noise and my parents look at my direction right away.

"Ryujin?" My dad says.

"Yes?" I say closing my eyes.

"What are you doing?" He asks.

"Not listening to your conversation?" I say.

"Come down. We need to talk" my mom says.

I slowly make my way to them since my head still hurts.

"What's a High Priestess and what powers do I have?" I ask.

"We can't tell you for your own good but you need to trust us okay? We're doing this for you. We're trying to keep our promise to protect you" my mom says.

"We're gonna contact the High Priestess. I'm a witch and your dad is a warlock. High Priestess is our leader and we're gonna ask her for help to suppress your powers. You're special Ryujin and some other creatures are after you and wants to hurt you" my dad says.

I'm trying to process everything they're saying. Creatures? They're a witch and warlock? I didn't think those were real.

"Trust us okay?" My mom says looking deep in my eyes, I nod and she hugs me.

"They make a call and I sit there still trying to process everything. What am I? Why are creatures after me?

After some time, the High Priestess shows up.

"Hi Ryujin" the High Priestess spoke. I thought she would sound more intimidating.

"Hi?" I say.

"What are you going to do to me?" I ask kind of nervous.

"Don't worry. I already I anticipated this day when Sana and Jinyoung informed me about you. It's gonna be just like taking vitamins twice a day. It's very important that you don't miss a day or even a dosage okay?" I nod understanding what she's saying.

"What happens if I don't take it?" I ask.

"The voice in your head will get louder and take over you. You might become more aggressive and hurt innocent people" the High Priestess say kind of in a threatening way.

"Is this going to be a forever thing?" I ask.

"Unfortunately, yes. You have to keep this up. This medicine also prevents other creatures to find you. It's for your safety so think about that" she says.

I nod in agreement. It's not like I have any choice.

"Also be careful of your boss. She might be one of the creatures that's after you along with her dad" my mom says.

"They're not humans!? Who else around me are not human!?" I ask clearly shock.

"The girl you like is not human either" my dad says.

What the fuck!?

"How about Chaeyoung and Mina?" I ask.

"They're humans so it's important you take your medicine as instructed or you might end up hurting them" my dad says to me.

"What kind of creatures are my boss and Lia? Since they might be after me" I'm really curious so I at least know what I'm up against.

"Werewolves" I dramatically fall off my chair for effect of how shock I am.

"Are you kidding me!? Werewolves are after me? What did I do!? Steal their bone!?" I ask having a hard time comprehending witches and werewolves exist. What's next? They're gonna say vampires are real too?

I sit back down on my chair "Are vampires real?"

"Yes" my mom answers while I throw myself on the floor again.

"Will you stop doing that?" My mom gives me her mom stare.

"Sorry, its just I didn't think all of those were real. I'm just scared now that if they find me. I can't fight against werewolves. They have sharp teeth and they're big and hairy" I say.

"High Priestess, thank you for coming and helping us. I think it's best you leave before Ryujin embarrasses us even more" my dad says.

The High Priestess nods then leaves.

"But in all seriousness, thank you for protecting me. Who did you make a promise to by the way?"

"Your mom" they both say.

I don't know what to say. They knew my mom? If they're keeping a promise for her, does that mean she's dead.

"Where is she?" I ask not sure if I'm ready to know the answer.

"She died. She was killed" they say.

I'm frozen in my seat this time. I didn't do anything for effects this time. My mom is dead. Sana and Jinyoung took care of and raised me because they made a promise to my mom. Now I feel like, I really do owe them everything.

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