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Ryujin pov

I can't believe I'm living with witches right now. I mean I've been living with one my whole life but a house full of them? It's insane. Not everyone is very welcoming of me though.

I'm walking back to the room I'm staying at after getting some snacks from the kitchen when I hear a couple of people talking. Being a nosy person that I am, decide to listen.

"I can't believe they're allowing someone like her stay here" one voice say.

"What's wrong with it? They're helping a human" the other voice say.

"She's not just a human. My mom told me that she's —"

"Ryujin what are you doing?" I turn around to see the High Priestess.

The door opens behind me and now I feel embarrass. I got caught eavesdropping.

"We're you listening to our conversation?" The mean one says.

"No? Why would I do that?" I scratch my nape.

"Whatever" she rolls her eyes and slams the door.

I face the High Priestess, "I should probably go back to my room." I run off fearing for my life.

I'm so bored so I text my friends. I want to at least see them. Talk to them. I didn't ask for permission. I figure I'll sneak out again if I need to. They've visited me a couple times already.

After some time, they send me a text saying they're outside. I sneak out as quietly as I can but I forgot I'm in a house full of witches.

"Where do you think you're going?" I hear my mom say.

"I'm bored. My friends are outside. Can I at least see them?" I ask using my puppy eyes.

"Fine but make it quick" she says.

"Thanks mom!" I quickly run out.

Once I was outside, I see my friends waving at me.

"Aren't you supposed to be wearing a sling for your arm?" Chaeyoung asks.

"I was but it feels a lot better now. It doesn't even feel broken. See?"I move my arm around to prove it's not broken.

"Okay, we get it. Your voice sounds a lot better too" Mina says.

"By the way, our boss never showed up to check if you're okay. Lia did, she was pretty shocked when we told her you're quitting" Chaeyoung laughs.

"Why are you staying in this big house instead of your house?" Mina asks.

"I honestly don't know. I didn't even know until the day of that we're staying here" I shrug.

"By the way, there's a lot of pretty ladies in here but sadly I can't go after them" I say.

"I thought you're into Lia?" Chaeyoung asks.

"She's clearly not into me. She probably has a thing for your boss. Why else are they always together?" I squint my eyes pretending to think.

"They could be best friends?" Chaeyoung says.

"I doubt that but let's not talk about them" I say.

We continue to hang talk and just joke around outside of the coven. Thankfully, they never ask if they can come in.

I suddenly feel pain in my head and I hear ringing in my ears. I hear Chaeyoung and Mina asks if I'm okay but I can't answer. I curl up on the ground while holding my ears.

'You don't belong here' I hear the voice say.

'We need to leave. You need to know the truth.'

'You need to release me.'

'Release me!'

"No!" I yell out loud. I feel Mina holding me and I feel scared. I'm scared I'm going to hurt them. I'm afraid I'll kill my friends. I feel like losing control. They need to go away but I can't tell them to go away. Everything hurts.

"Ryujin!" I hear my dad's voice.

"Mina and Chaeyoung, you need to leave please. We will take care of her" my dad begs.

"Is she going to be okay?" I hear Chaeyoung asks.

"Yes, you just need to leave" he says while picking me up.

He runs and I'm assuming he's taking back in the house.

"Sana! High Priestess! It's Ryujin! Help!" My dad yells.

I hear footsteps and I stab in my neck. The pain slowly goes away and so does the ringing in my ears.

"Did you forget to take your medicine?" They asks.

"I'm sorry" I look down because I did forget.

"Are you not taking this seriously?" My mom yells at me, "You were with your friends! You could have done something or they could have seen something! You were outside! Someone could have been watching you!"

"I'm sorry" is all I can say.

"Sana, it's okay. She's okay. That's all that matters" my dad tries to calm down my mom.

"I don't understand why you're trying this hard to save her" the High Priestess suddenly say surprising my parents.

"We made a promise" my mom says.

"A promise to another kind. You're risking your lives for her. Is it worth it? Even if it means you could die?" She asks my parents.

"They can die for helping me?" I asks her instead.

"If you're not careful then yes. You stop that medication, they can easily find you and they will kill your parents for helping you!" She yells at me.

She walks closer to me and stares at me, "I'm not about to lose my sister because of someone like you."

I look at my mom. Sisters? She's my mom's sister.

"Momo, stop" my mom says.

"Why? You should have been High Priestess, not me. But you chose to protect her" Momo points at me.

"It's my choice and stop talking about her like that. She's my daughter" my mom defends me.

For some reason, I really feel that. She calls me her daughter and actually claims me.

"I should leave. You've done enough for me" I say.

"No. You're not leaving. I promised your mother I will protect you" She cries.

"Your sister is right. You shouldn't risk your life for me" I say now crying too.

"Just take your medication. We can take care of ourselves" my mom hugs me, "Just take it and we will be fine. We will protect you. We love you Ryujin."

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