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Yeji pov

I can't believe that I finally marked Ryujin. I wish I didn't have to replace someone else's mark and that I was the first one to mark her but that's not her fault.

Her whole life has been crazy, even from the moment she was born. Mr. Shin being a bad guy surprises me because Yuna is so kind.

I'm in my office with Chaeyoung and my dad. Chaeyoung updated us with what she's been up to while she was hiding. She mainly just focused on watching Ryujin.

"So do you know all of Ryujin's powers?" I ask Chaeyoung.

"Not really. I have some idea but I'm not sure. It's crazy that the moon goddess gave her powers that our ancestors possessed. Overtime, those powers became obsolete so Ryujin having them makes no sense. Those powers brought nothing but chaos" Chaeyoung sighs.

"Werewolves haven't had the need for those powers. We were able to get by our speed and strength" my dad chimes in.

"Ryujin doesn't know much either so asking her won't help" I say.

"You're not gonna like this idea but we need to scare her. She might get hurt in the process but we need to make her feel like her life is in danger to see what powers she uses to protect herself" my dad brings up his idea.

"There's no other way?" I lean back on my chair not liking the idea.

"I don't know what else there is. She's a wild card right now" my dad says. I know he doesn't like the idea either. We both look at Chaeyoung to see how she feels about it.

"If you two think it's the only thing we can do then I don't really have a choice" She says looking sad. I really hope Ryujin won't hate for this.

'Do not tell Jo this, Lucy. We need this so we know how to better protect Ryujin' I tell my wolf.

'Understood. Just don't hurt them too much' Lucy requests.

'We will try our best' I say.

"Maybe the moon goddess made a mistake and accidentally unleashed these powers and Ryujin is just the unfortunate one to get it" Chaeyoung is still trying to figure out why her pup ended up having this kind of life.

"The moon goddess doesn't make mistakes. There has to be a reason. We just don't know what. There might be a war with another kind but I feel like our skills are enough for it so it has to be something big. There's also got to be a meaning why she's your mate, Yeji" my dad turns to me.

"Why would us being mates have a deeper meaning?" I ask.

"I don't think the moon goddess would assign her a mate randomly. Our pack are known as guardians. You must protect her at all cost" he says to me.

"She's more powerful than I am. I'm just a more experienced werewolf" I argue.

It became silent in the room. No one knows what to say. "Is it a war against the wizards?" I ask breaking the silence.

"I don't see us going to war with the witches and they've showed no interest even after knowing she possesses these powers. On the other hand, half of the wizard kind wants to kill Ryujin" I continue.

"That's a possibility but half of them also doesn't mind Ryujin being alive like Chaeyoung said" my dad counters.

"Maybe some werewolves would turn on us because they support the protectors?" Chaeyoung shares her thoughts.

"Enough of this for now. We need to plan the attack on Ryujin" I say.

"What if we lure some of the protectors and actually have them attack her?" My dad suggests.

"Are you crazy? What if she ends up not fighting with them and she actually dies.
We need werewolves that won't kill her if she decides to give up" I say.

"I agree with Alpha Yeji" Chaeyoung quickly say.

"I don't want to risk the lives of our pack members in case she does fight back" my dad sighs.

"If that happens then we will stop the whole thing. It doesn't matter if we see all her powers or not. We're not gonna let anyone be killed" I assure my father.

"Wouldn't she recognize your members?" Chaeyoung asks.

"No because there's a lot she hasn't met or encountered with. It's been kind of hectic ever since she came" I explain.

We all go to the training ground to find volunteers for this little project. I inform everyone our goal and the risks for taking this job on. Surprisingly, a lot of them are willing to do it.

"Just a reminder though, do not get carried away. Ryujin is your Luna" I sternly say.

We select of the werewolves that's gonna participate in the planned attack against Ryujin. My dad leaves after that but Chaeyoung stay because she wants to do some training.

I decide to stay as well and train. I see my brother so I decide to spar with him.

"What's up sister?" He asks.

"You have time for a couple of rounds?" I ask.

"Of course. It's always fun to kick your ass" he chuckles.

"For what I could remember, it's your ass that always has my shoe print on it" I smirk at him.

"Oh its on" he says before shifting. I shift as well. We're both staring at each other, both our wolves growling a little.

He makes the first attack and I easily dodge it. He turns around and try to attack again but he misses. He continues to do that and I keep dodging him. He's always been quicker than me so I'm surprised I've dodged all his attacks. Usually by now, I'll have a few bite marks already.

I get bored and I decide to attack now. I quickly adjust my stance and run after him now. He tries to dodge me but I'm too fast. I jump on him and I bite his back. He let's out a yelp.

He escapes from me but I chase him again. I tackle him to the ground and he tries to stop my bite by putting his paw up against my chest. In the end, he loses when I lightly bite his neck meaning he's been defeated.

We separate from each other and shift to our human forms. We get dressed in our designated area.

"What the hell, Yeji? When did you become that strong? You haven't been training then you're suddenly fast and stronger than me?" Hyunjin says kind of annoyed.

"Or you just got slower" I argue with him.

"No. Your strength was insane. I couldn't even catch up to you at all" he sighs.

"Probably all my pent up frustration with this Ryujin thing" I say feeling stressed out.

"You should have just rejected her" Hyunjin jokes.

"Not a funny joke" I glare at him.

"Calm your titties. You two are such polar opposites. Ryujin would have had a great comeback but you're all serious" he chuckles.

"Do you think the pack will respect her as Luna?" I ask worried.

"I think so. Yes, she's not a typical Luna but I think our pack will like her" Hyunjin smiles at me.

"You're worrying about small things. Focus on how to keep our Luna safe for now. Where she can leave this place without anyone trying to kill her" he pats me on the back before walking away.

"Wait!" I catch up to him, "Can you go to the coven and bring the witches that took care of Ryujin back here?" I ask.

"Yes Alpha" he smiles and bows.

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