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Ryujin pov


"Find her! How could you lose her!"

"Forgive us please. She was here then we turn around and she's gone."

"Those useless wizards. They couldn't even kill a pup."

"I will find her. I will kill her. She deserve to die."


I wake up sweating and my heart racing. Another nightmare but this time it's different. I don't remember anything happening. It's just pure darkness but I hear voices.

"Lia!" She barges in my room and I cover myself with my blanket.

"Sorry, I didn't think you sleep with only a bra on. I hear some noises so I thought maybe you were hurt" she says.

"I'm fine. Just a nightmare. Were you just standing outside my door this whole time?" I ask.

"It was an order from Alpha Yeji's dad" she explains.

"They don't trust me huh?"

"You're an outsider, we have to be cautious" I nod at her response.

"And you still call Yeji as Alpha even if you're friends?"

"Yes. She usually let us just call her Yeji when we're alone but official business or around other werewolves, I have to call her Alpha" she says.

"You want to sleep next to me?" I ask.

"What?" She looks flustered.

"I feel bad just leaving you out there and I had a nightmare so it would be nice to have someone next to me" I say not breaking eye contact with her.

"I don't think that's a good idea" she was about to leave.

"Please" I use my cute voice.

"Fine but put on a shirt" she sighs.

"Got it" I get off my bed and grab a shirt from the drawer.

I lay back and Lia lays down next to me. She seems tense for some reason.

'I don't think this is a good idea' Jo says.

'Why? We're friends and I really need someone next to me. Mom and dad are not with us' I say sadly.

'Still. If Yeji finds out, you might get in trouble. She may not know you're her mate but you know she's your mate' Jo brings up a good point

'I can't turn back now. I practically begged her to sleep with me. It would be rude to kick her out' I reason with my bad wolf.

'Don't say I didn't warn you when Yeji starts breaking your bones' she says.

'I'll just go on ghost mode and she won't be able to touch me' I say my bright idea.

'Please stop calling it ghost mode. You're not some sort of device that has different modes' she sounds disappointed.

'Let me live my life as a transamarudde.'

'What the hell is that?'

'Translupine, Amarok, kludde. I'm all three and together I'm a transamarudde' I answer.

'You sound like a disease.'

"Are you going to sleep or are you going to keep talking to your wolf?" Lia says to me.

"Sorry. It's still weird for me that I have a wolf in me that has its own thoughts and feelings. How bizarre is that?" I quip.

"By the way, why does Yeji, I mean Alpha Yeji call you Jisu but you introduce yourself to me as Lia" I ask being curious.

"Julia is the name of my wolf. I don't know why I introduce myself to you as Lia, honestly" she answers.

"How are you handling the fact that you're a werewolf" she asks.

"I think I'm adjusting okay. I wish I wasn't being targeted by the protectors. I also wished before that I didn't know I was a werewolf and live my life as a human. Live my life, make mistakes but then I met someone that makes me glad that I am one. I don't think we could be together if I stay human" I smile thinking about her.

"Ryujin, we can't be toge—" I cut her off.

"We should sleep Lia" I say to her.

"I'm not who you're talking about" she whispers.

I ignore it and pretend to be asleep already. My feelings for Lia turns out to be just an infatuation. She's pretty and looks sophisticated, definitely my type.

After meeting Yeji, my type changed to her. Or maybe I thought it did because she's my mate. I don't really understand the whole mate thing. I don't know much about her but I feel like I have feelings for her already.

But I have an uneasy feeling. What if she betrays me? What if she ends up being the reason I get hurt? There's something about her that doesn't sit right with me, even if she is my mate.

Now that I got my wolf and I have keen senses. Mr. Hwang and Yeji makes me feel uneasy. I want to trust them, especially Yeji but it seems impossible.

I have to be careful and keep an eye on them.

My thoughts then go to my dad. How is he like? What does he look like? I wonder why my parents didn't tell them that I'm his daughter. Then again, my parents didn't really trust all the werewolves.

I'm sure he knew who I was the second time I saw him but how come he never approached me after that? This whole thing is gonna make me crazy. Why did the moon goddess have to make me special?

'Will you please shut up! Your thoughts are annoying me' Jo says.

'Don't you wonder those things? Especially about Yeji, I'm not the only who feels weird. You do too' I say.

'I know but we have no choice but to trust them right now. We need to learn how to fight. Get strong. We have train ourselves with our other abilities but we can't do that when it comes to fighting. We're too weak' she says.

'Can a wolf betray their own human?' I ask.

'I guess it can but how would that benefit the wolf? If something happens to you, it happens to us too' she explains.

'You won't betray me right?' I ask Jo.

'I wouldn't want any other human for me except you, Ryujin' she says making me smile.

I feel myself get sleepy so I finally decide to sleep. I hope I won't have my nightmares this time. I have to prepare myself to meet my father so I need as much rest as I could get.

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